Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 568 Preaching in a Dream

"Li Lingyu...Li Lingyu...Li Lingyu..."

In the illusory world of white mist, waves of ethereal calls came, making Li Lingyu, who had appeared here without knowing when, subconsciously walk in the direction of the sound.

One step, two steps, three steps...

After walking more than twenty steps, the call was no longer ethereal, but became clearer and louder. Li Lingyu suddenly became excited, and his eyes that were originally confused and lifeless suddenly became clear.


Li Lingyu suddenly stopped, hunched his back, bent his knees slightly, put his left hand at his waist, and protected his chest and abdomen with his right hand. His originally ordinary eyes became bright and sharp, scanning quickly and carefully. Pay attention to the surrounding environment, not missing the slightest bit of strangeness.

However, what made Li Lingyu secretly shocked was that the place he was in at this time was not any scene in his memory. It was not a wilderness, a cave, or an artificial building. There was a vast expanse of white in all directions. The ground is gray-brown, with no sign of grass life!

After staying there and pondering for a moment, Li Lingyu finally found nothing. After weighing it in his mind, he chose to walk towards the place where the sound originally came from.

I don't know if he noticed that he was awake. Since he reacted, the calls one after another have stopped, causing the world of white mist to fall into deathly silence. The only sound in the whole world is Li Lingyu's own breathing and heartbeat. .

One step, one step, one step...

Different from the previous steps forward, this time Li Lingyu, who was alert, moved slowly. Each time, he would step forward with his right leg first, then his left leg forward, and so on.

After about seven or eight minutes, Li Lingyu found that the white fog around him began to fade, and he seemed to be walking out of the psychedelic zone!

After another three or four minutes, the white fog completely dissipated, and a small world with clear black and white came into Li Lingyu's eyes.

"Li Lingyu, you are finally here~"

A familiar voice sounded beside him. Li Lingyu turned around suddenly, making a defensive posture with his hands, but a thunderous strike was brewing under his feet.

However, all these preparations turned into nothing the moment he saw the owner of the voice.

" lord?!"

Li Lingyu's foot that was about to be kicked out froze in place, just like the expression on his face, he was shocked and at a loss.

After thinking about many possibilities, he just didn't expect that he would actually see the Lord of the City at this moment!


However, in the next second, Li Lingyu seemed to remember something, and anger emerged in his eyes. He stared at the 'Lord City Lord' in front of him and shouted angrily: "Who are you? How dare you pretend to be the Lord City Lord?!"

As he said that, Li Lingyu was alert and quickly scanned the surrounding environment with his eyes. Except for the dark ground, everything including the sky in all directions was white, nihilistic white!

"This...should be an illusion, right?" Li Lingyu asked in a deep voice: "If I remember correctly, I was sleeping in my own home in Lingyun City before, and you were able to stand under the eyes of the City Lord and Qi Sha Mian. Sneak into "Lingyun City" under the hood!"

"Who are you? What is your purpose?!"

Seeing Li Lingyu start to think more and more, Ling Yi (spiritual projection) gradually showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Not bad~" Ling Yi praised loudly.

"What?" Li Lingyu almost thought that he heard wrongly and asked subconsciously, but the look of caution on his face did not disappear.

"What if I say that I am really Ling Yi?" Ling Yi looked at Li Lingyu with interest and asked.

Seeing that Ling Yi continued to pretend to be the 'Lord of the City', the anger on Li Lingyu's face became thicker, and he immediately took action to defend the reputation of the Lord of the City.

"Don't worry~" "Pa!"

Ling Yi snapped his fingers, and Li Lingyu realized with horror that he was like a mosquito trapped in amber. His whole body, let alone his fingers, could not even move his eyelashes.


With the snap of his fingers, Li Lingyu regained his mobility and swept his eyes across the distance between himself and Ling Yi, which was about seven feet. With his ability, he could kill the opponent in one step. Considering the opponent's mysterious ability, he prepared Start talking to distract the other person: "You..."


Ling Yi shook his head and snapped his fingers again, causing Li Lingyu's words to be aborted.

"Look, he's in a hurry."

After nodding Li Lingyu with a chuckle, Ling Yi raised his hand and pushed, pushing him to the edge of the black ground about ten feet away, and then said lightly: "I will only demonstrate it once, it's up to you how much you can learn." of understanding.”

After saying this, Ling Yi made fist seals with his hands and began to practice the "Liang Yi Fist" that had been engraved deep in his soul.

As Ling Yi performed one boxing style after another, the day and night seemed to be attracted by it, forming a strange scene of black and white Pisces chasing each other.

Li Lingyu's mind was immediately filled with black and white Pisces, and he could no longer tolerate any other distracting thoughts.

He only knew that when everything was over and he opened his eyes, what he saw was the roof of his bedroom.

"I just...had a dream?" Li Lingyu sat up suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

At this moment, another familiar voice suddenly sounded in his heart: "Tonight's night watch will be as usual. After work tomorrow, come to the 'Martial Soul Research Institute', fourth floor, room 404."

Li Lingyu's eyes widened: "Really...really...really the Lord of the City——?!"

'If that voice is really the Lord of the City, then...'

With this thought in mind, Li Lingyu hurriedly got off the bed and stood barefoot in the open space of the bedroom.

‘Calm your mind and relax your body, start the posture…’

Recalling the scenes in the dream, Li Lingyu began to imitate and learn.

The first time, thanks to his own Ming Jin cultivation, the movement was directly 80% similar.

The second time, the movement was still 80% similar, but there was a sense of coordination between every move!

The third time, the movement was 70% similar, and there was a sense of harmony between every move.

The fourth time… the fifth time…

“Not bad~”

On the top of Qingyun Mountain, Ling Yi stood on the edge of the cliff and overlooked the “Lingyun City” with thousands of lights shining below, with a smile that made Xingyue fall in love with him.

Suddenly, Ling Yi’s ears moved slightly, and then he cast his eyes to a restaurant in the city, with a playful look on his face.

"... I tell you guys, this time I, Brother Xiong, will definitely be the first to realize the meaning of 'Ice and Fire'!"

Mo Yuxiong stepped on the bench with a wine bowl in his hand, and announced loudly: "At the latest, three days will be the time for me, Mo Yuxiong, to complete the whole body tempering and hold the elixir and sit on the crotch!"

"Fuck!" Li Yang took a sip of wine fiercely, and said indignantly: "You old boy really hugged it!"

"I heard from Chen Ningqi that Nixing is still stuck in the final brain tempering, and is ready to wait for the end of the year. The merit exchange, at that time, will assist the breakthrough with the "Eight-petal Fairy Orchid Extract"! "

"Nixing is indeed a genius~" Mo Yuxiong raised his head and drank a sip of wine, casually wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "But who told me that Brother Xiong is lucky, the city lord replaced my stomach with a vice-god-level stomach?"

"Let me ask, among the millions of warriors in "Lingyun City", who else can have such an opportunity to make people ascend to heaven in one step? ! ”

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