Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 590 Extra Chapter 10

In fact, there was no need for Huo Wushuang to remind them. Out of female instinct, the six girls on both sides had already looked at each other as soon as the two teams met.

Dugu Yan, dancing fire, cool leaves.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong.

Looking away from Zhu Zhuqing, who was the hottest, Huo Wu looked at Xiao Wu's delicate little face, her pupils narrowed, her first reaction was similar to that of her elder brother, and she subconsciously looked away.

But then he realized that this was not Lingyun Continent, but a brand new world, a world named ‘Douluo Continent No. 1’ by His Majesty!

Therefore, even if the person opposite is indeed Princess Fengwu's counterpart in this world, she does not need to be so afraid of him.

Especially the other party's demeanor at this time, it seems that he is not very smart no matter how you look at it. This is quite different from the image of the little witch Princess Fengwu.

Besides, even if Princess Fengwu wants to cause trouble in the future because she and others have a bad attitude towards her peers, won’t she have Duguyan’s long legs to support her?

Looking at the second-generation prodigies of [Da Qian], the first one is Emperor Xue Qianxun, followed by Princess Feng Wu and Dugu Yan, the chief of the Imperial Academy, who are basically equal.

Unlike Huo Wu, who had rapid thoughts and quickly weighed the pros and cons, Dugu Yan immediately showed a bright smile.

Ignoring the confrontation and exchange between Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan stepped forward, followed subconsciously by Huo Wu and Ye Lingling beside him, and came to the three girls Xiao Wu. He also ignored Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong beside him. Her beautiful eyes scanned Xiao Wu up and down, and finally she looked into those red crystal eyes, her red lips parted slightly: "I never expected that you also have such a side. I'm really looking forward to your meeting with her. That day~"

'When the time comes, I will laugh at her properly~' Dugu Yan added in his heart.

It seems that because Dugu Yan's aura is too strong, Xiao Wu, who has always been fearless, is a little weak at the moment. The same is true for the arrogant Ning Rongrong next to him. Although his eyebrows are slightly raised, his lips pursed a few times, but in the end he still didn't. Speak up.

The women's team here faced each other, which attracted the attention of the men's team. After discovering that Xiao Wu and the three girls were at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, Dai Mubai immediately frowned and said to Yu Tianheng who was a few steps away: "Yu Tian Heng, I know you are unhappy about losing at our hands, but a win is a win and a defeat is a defeat. If you are not convinced, you can make an appointment again and let’s fight again!”

As he said that, his eyes swept over Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wushuang, Xie Yue and Yan beside Yu Tianheng, and then said: "I also want to take a look at the strength of your new teammates compared to the previous ones. How about~"

"That's right!" Ma Hongjun took the words and looked at Dugu Yan and Huo Wu with narrowed eyes: "Dugu Yan, your man Yu Tianheng hasn't said anything yet, why are you in a hurry~~What? Re-dye? I changed my hair color, from the shadow of being beaten by our third brother..."


A blue-purple electric light flashed, and before Ma Hongjun could finish speaking, he was hit on the left side of the face by a fist as big as a sandbag. His whole body was instantly sent flying more than ten meters away before he even landed.

Seeing this scene, Dai Mubai's eyes widened. He was confused at first and then angry. He yelled: "Yu Tianheng——!!!"

If it weren't for Senior Qin Ming's relationship here, Dai Mubai asked himself, he would never have let down his guard against Yu Tianheng, his former rival, so easily.

Who knew that their trust would be rewarded by Yu Tianheng’s sneak attack!

However, compared to Dai Mubai's rage, Yu Tianheng's anger was three points stronger, and this anger was also mixed with a lot of fear.

His whole body was filled with blue-purple electric light, and after he punched away the fat red-haired man who was speaking freely, Yu Tianheng almost immediately looked at Dugu Yan not far away.

What you can see is Dugu Yan's expressionless and beautiful face.

"Sister Yan, I..."

Yu Tianheng's vest felt cold, and he was about to explain. Although he didn't know how to explain it at all, but no matter what, he must not take the blame for the shady red-haired fat guy just now!

"Jade! Tian! Heng——!"

Another roar and explosion interrupted Yu Tianheng's words.

I saw a pale light blooming around Dai Mubai as he roared. Two yellow and one purple soul rings and the shadow of a giant white tiger enveloped him. The passionate and burning breath spurted out from his body. Accompanied by the crackling sound of bones like exploding beans, the muscles all over the body swelled instantly, the sharp claws popped out from the tiger's palm, and the tiger's eyes shot out with sharp eyes like knives, staring at Yu Tianheng in front of him.

"Go away-!"

Being locked by Dai Mubai's Qi machine, Yu Tianheng didn't care at all. Not to mention that his martial arts realm was now at the peak of dark power and he could break through the energy transformation and zang refining at any time. His soul master realm was already three years old. He had broken through to the realm of the fourth-ring soul sect a few months ago. The third-ring soul sect in front of him was inferior to him in terms of soul power and martial soul quality. Both sides were not on the same level, and there was no comparison.

The most important thing right now is to explain clearly to the eldest sister, Duguyan.


Dai Mubai's anger almost burst into flames at Yu Tianheng's disregard, and a ferocious look flashed in his eyes. He is not a good-tempered person.

The only purple soul ring shone brightly, and the air around Dai Mubai suddenly twisted. His double pupils instantly dyed blood red. His body, which had become strong due to the possession of the martial soul, swelled again, his muscles bulged exaggeratedly, and his shirt was completely blown up, revealing his skin with black horizontal stripes and terrifying muscles.

Raising the tiger paw that had grown bigger again, the ten claws were coated with a layer of bright silver. Dai Mubai kicked his feet, and the whole person was like a human tiger, with the domineering aura of the king of beasts, and rushed towards Yu Tianheng.

At this time, Dai Mubai's blood-red eyes revealed a bloodthirsty light, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of strong golden light, as if gilded.


Facing Dai Mubai who was rushing towards him, Yu Tianheng stood still, frowned and cursed, and the dazzling blue-purple electric light lingered around him. His right hand was combined into a knife, and he raised it high like a phantom and chopped down. At a speed that Dai Mubai could not react to, he avoided the tiger claws and chopped the opponent's chest.


Amid the crisp sound of broken bones, Dai Mubai flew backwards in a parabola just like Ma Hongjun before.

The third soul skill of the millennium, White Tiger Vajra Transformation, collapsed at the touch!

"Tianheng's "Thunder Breath" has improved again~" Feng Xiaotian looked at the famous blue-purple electric current around Yu Tianheng and whispered with some envy.

"Tsk~" Yan smacked his lips and nodded in agreement: "This "Thunder Flash" is not inferior to Teacher Lin Huang~"

Xie Yue shook his head and analyzed seriously: "Teacher Lin Huang's martial soul is "Sisal", although the quality is not low, it is a plant system after all. In the practice of "Thunder Breath", Tianheng's "Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex" martial soul is still superior. This is an innate advantage in attributes, but it is a bit too much to say that Tianheng's "Thunder Flash" has caught up with Teacher Lin Huang,"

"Don't forget, Teacher Lin Huang has comprehended the sword meaning. Do you understand the value of the 97th place on the Kendo List? "

While the three of them were talking excitedly, Oscar, the only remaining male member of [Shrek Academy], was at a loss at the moment.

As a food-type soul master, Oscar had no fighting power at all. He could only watch Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai being easily beaten by Yu Tianheng, his former defeated opponent, but he could not do anything.

On the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing from the female group, as Dai Mubai was defeated in one move, no longer paid attention to Dugu Yan, who had just come close. A purple-black light burst out from her body, and she disappeared in a flash.

When she appeared again, she was three feet to the left of Yu Tianheng, with her right hand forming claws, grabbing the opponent's waist and ribs.

Using the 'first soul skill · Netherworld Thrust' to increase her own speed to the limit, and then launching an attack with the 'second soul skill · Netherworld Hundred Claws', Zhu Zhuqing's reaction and fighting awareness were remarkable. Unfortunately, the gap in hard power was not so easy to erase.

The countless claw shadows woven into a sharp As soon as the blade net was formed, the blue-purple electric light burst out again, and a dragon claw tore it apart, fully interpreting the meaning of the word "overwhelming".

The dragon claw grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's wrist, and the power was circulated and shook. Zhu Zhuqing, a second-ring great soul master, felt that all the muscles and bones in his body were shaken apart, and he couldn't lift a single bit of strength.

Without waiting for Zhu Zhuqing to collapse, Yu Tianheng casually threw the girl in front of the "Fengwu Princess" who kicked with a spring leg.

When Xiao Wu forcibly retracted her legs, her hands After catching Zhu Zhuqing's delicate body that looked like a puddle of mud, Dugu Yan, who had been looking cold all the time, finally spoke.

"That's enough——"

After the voice fell, Dugu Yan's eyes swept across the red-haired little fat man and the golden-haired big stupid cat who were struggling to get up in the distance, and finally stopped at Xiao Wu.

His sight moved from the two yellow and one purple soul rings to Xiao Wu's red crystal eyes: "Looking at your face, you are probably about eleven or twelve years old, but looking at your aura, you are only level thirty-one, you are far behind her. "

Dugu Yan showed a disinterested expression on his face, and shook his head and said: "Forget it, with someone like you, I guess she won't admit that she has anything to do with you~"

With that, Dugu Yan said "Let's go~" and walked towards the direction of "Soto City" without looking back.

Seeing this, Huo Wu and Ye Lingling followed immediately, and Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wushuang, Xie Yue, and Yan passed by Yu Tianheng one by one, raised their hands and patted each other on the shoulder, and cast a sympathetic (joking) look at him.

Looking at the backs of the four people leaving, Yu Tianheng stood in place, gritted his teeth and cursed silently: "Fuck——!!! "

It's not like Dugu Yan would do anything to him. After all, Yu Tianheng is not without background. Not to mention that his grandfather Yu Yuanzhen is a veteran Title Douluo who is not afraid of Dugu Yan's grandfather Dugu Bo. Just the identity of his cousin is enough to prevent 'Sword Douluo' Chen Xin and 'Bone Douluo' Gu Rong from bullying the weak.

But the key point is that Yu Tianheng can't beat Dugu Yan!

This is very annoying.

Dugu Yan's title of the head of the Imperial Academy is hers. She fought with her own strength, and there was no one in her class who had not been beaten up. Even many of the seniors from the previous two classes had been beaten up by Dugu Yan.

Thinking that he might be beaten up by Dugu Yan at any time, Yu Tianheng looked fiercely at the red-haired fat boy who had just stood up, with a round face full of anger and fear.

Ma Hongjun was startled by Yu Tianheng's eyes, and said in a low voice: "You...what do you want?"

"How is it?" Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Don't worry, I will just beat you up, that's all!"

After the sound fell, a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from the center of Yu Tianheng's eyebrows, and then the blue light instantly spread from his eyebrows to his whole body. Blue and purple electric light burst out like a small snake, and finally gathered together and turned into a blue dragon, swimming around his body.

At the same time, a circle of halos emerged, surrounding Yu Tianheng's body, moving up and down.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black--! ! !

"Black... black soul ring--?!"

Dai Mubai tried his best to stand up straight, with his right hand on his chest, looking at the black light ring in front of Yu Tianheng, with a look of disbelief. So much so that Yu Tianheng's arms turned into a pair of dragon claws covered with blue and purple scales, but it did not attract his attention.

"How is it possible?!"

Ning Rongrong also stared at Yu Tianheng's black soul ring, her mouth slightly opened, her face full of shock.

Although Yu Tianheng was at level 39 when he fought with them seven or eight days ago, it was not too exaggerated to break through to the fourth-ring soul master now, but the appearance of this ten thousand year fourth ring still overturned her cognition.

In addition, is the increase of the ten thousand year soul ring so powerful?

Just now, Yu Tianheng seemed to have not summoned the martial soul, but directly defeated Dai Mubai who was possessed by the martial soul and performed the 'third soul skill·White Tiger Vajra Transformation' in one move?

"Rongrong, increase——!"

Just when Ning Rongrong was still doubting her life, Xiao Wu shouted, put down Zhu Zhuqing in her arms, and the pink soul power on her body flashed. The whole person jumped into the air and kicked the powerful Yu Tianheng.

At about the same time, Oscar had come to Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai.

"I have a big sausage~I have a big sausage..."

He quickly chanted the soul spell, and seven or eight "recovery sausages" were stuffed into Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai's hands.

While the two were eating sausages quickly, Oscar chanted three times in a row: "I have a mushroom sausage~I have a mushroom sausage..."

A flash of light passed, and Oscar had three more "fast flying mushroom sausages" in his hand. He ate one in two bites, and handed the other two to Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai, who had recovered a little, just like the previous "recovery sausages".

While the three of them were interacting, the women's group on the other side also launched a violent offensive against Yu Tianheng.

To be precise, it was Xiao Wu's unilateral attack.

Zhu Zhuqing still leaned softly in Ning Rongrong's arms, while Ning Rongrong held her martial soul "Seven Treasures Glazed Tower" in her right hand, and her left hand around Zhu Zhuqing's slender waist, urging her soul power, chanting "The seven treasures are famous, one is: power, the other is: speed.", increasing Xiao Wu's strength and speed.

Facing Xiao Wu's flying kicks, Yu Tianheng just stood there, blocking with a pair of dragon claws, defending impenetrably, but never fighting back.

Until Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai recovered from their injuries, ate "Rapid Flying Mushroom Sausage", and six illusory wings grew on their backs, flying towards this side rapidly, Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth and showed a grim smile.

Princess Fengwu's homonymous body can't move, you two culprits, have you thought about how many pieces of bones will be broken?

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