Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 597 Extra Chapter 17

"I have to say that the specifications of [Tiandou Academy] are still worthy of recognition~"

On the white marble steps of the mountain, Feng Xiaotian walked and pointed at the directions distributed on the mountain, the foot of the mountain, and even the distant lakes, and introduced to Zhao Wuji and the other three people beside him:

"The attributes of the mimicry training ground here are complete. Not only that, the concentration of heaven and earth energy can almost reach the average level of our higher education institutions~"

"After all, it is the Royal Academy opened by [Tiandou Empire]~" Hao Te's eyes swept across the exquisitely crafted soul beast patterns on the stone steps under his feet, and finally looked at the grass and trees swaying in the wind on the distant hillside, and said with a look of nostalgia: "When the world was not yet unified, I followed Minister Xin of Qingqiu to here. At that time, it was still called [Tiandou Royal Academy], 'Royal ' is still there. "

"In terms of specifications, at that time, only the Royal Academy of the [Xingluo Empire] and the Advanced Soul Master Academy opened by the [Wuhun Hall] could compete with this place. Even the [Lingyun Academy] and [Tiangong Academy] were inferior in terms of environment and facilities at that time..."

"In my impression, the number of students here is basically maintained at more than 500 and the number of teachers is more than 50. Is there any change here?"

"No~" Facing Hao Te's inquiry, Feng Xiaotian shook his head and gave an accurate answer: "There are 517 students, basically all of them are noble children from the [Tiandou Empire] and its affiliated kingdoms. In terms of martial soul talent, they are actually okay, but whether it is the enthusiasm for cultivation or the willpower, even the elementary school students of our junior college are not as good as them. Such as. "

"As for the teachers, there are currently 56 of them. According to Dugu Yan and the others, there are 22 Tianwei-level teachers between levels 40 and 50, who are mainly responsible for the students who have just entered school. Although they are not strong, most of them have rich teaching experience. Unfortunately, there is a lack of talent here. After all, those noble children are unwilling to learn, and they can't do anything about them..."

As if he felt sorry for those teachers, Feng Xiaotian shook his head and continued: "Tianzhi-level teachers between levels 50 and 60 are more prestigious. After all, the strength of a five-ring soul king can get a good title even in the [Heaven Dou Empire], which is enough to control those noble children. But these teachers, except for the direct students they specially accept, are not very good for other students. Students will not put in much effort..."

"By the way, the teacher Sun just now is called Sun Buyu, a level 53 Tianzhi teacher."

"As for the Tiandou teachers above level 60, there are only eight in the entire [Tiandou Royal Academy], one of whom was promoted not long ago, and is your red-haired counterpart, Senior Qin Ming~"

Feng Xiaotian said to Qin Ming, who was listening intently, and continued: "Currently, the [Tiandou Royal Academy] is managed by the Education Committee composed of the three most senior and strongest Tiandou teachers, all of whom are eight-ring Soul Douluo-level powerhouses, and they are..."

Time passed quietly during Feng Xiaotian's introduction. Unconsciously, when the four people stopped, they had already arrived at the main campus of the academy located halfway up the mountain.

It was nothing when they looked up at the foot of the mountain before, but now standing in front of them, looking at the magnificent buildings surrounded by more than five-meter-high walls, like a fortress, if the four people were not well-informed, they would probably feel impressed.

After passing through spacious squares and empty classrooms, the four finally arrived at a courtyard on the west side of the main campus of [Tiandou Royal College].

As soon as they entered the courtyard, the four saw two agile figures colliding rapidly.

To be precise, one person was defending on the spot, and the other was like a cheetah, retreating after one strike, and then looking for an opportunity to attack, over and over again.

The defender had black hair, delicate features, graceful figure, and a cold temperament with charm, which made people unable to help but cast their eyes frequently.

The attacker had shoulder-length black hair, with a glittering purple at the ends of his hair. After the martial spirit possessed him, a few scales appeared on his cheeks. His emerald green vertical pupils were impressive, and there were three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, coiled under his feet.

The most eye-catching thing was that the faces and figures of the two were actually nine points similar!


With a crisp sound, Dugu Yan clenched her jade fist and knocked Dugu Yan, who was attacking again, backhandedly, and knocked him back repeatedly until he was more than ten steps away. He felt a sore and itchy sensation in the sole of his right foot, and had to use his left foot to keep standing.

"That's enough~" Dugu Yan calmly withdrew his hand and said lightly: "Let's stop here today. As for the mystery of strength, you still have to rely on your own understanding~"


Dugu Yan looked at Dugu Yan, who had not summoned his martial soul, but whose aura was still the same, as if he had just taken a sip of water and had not moved a step from beginning to end. His emerald snake eyes revealed a strong unwillingness.

Even though they all looked similar, he was three or four years older than the other party, but the other party's soul power was not only ten levels higher than his, but the gap in strength was so great that it made people despair!

Not only was he not as strong as the other person, what made Dugu Yan feel even more humiliated was that he and his grandfather had to give up their original names and change them to Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan.

Of course, as compensation, the other party also asked His Majesty to help him and his grandfather get rid of the martial spirit poison, which made Dugu Yan feel very complicated when facing the other party.

There was resentment, gratitude, envy, and even jealousy.

She really envied this Dugu Yan, who had talents and strengths that she did not have, but what she was even more jealous of was that he had such a perfect family, parents who loved her, and a grandfather who doted on her... Although she also had a doting grandpa... Grandpa, but her parents passed away many years ago.

Oh, by the way, this Duguyan has not just one grandfather, but three!

This made Duguyan jealous and even more speechless.

Who can tell her why it should be Dugu Yan who is supposed to be the "Sword Douluo" under the Chen Xin crown and the "Bone Douluo" under the ancient banyan crown of the [Seven Treasures Glazed Sect] holding up the white jade pillars holding up the sky and holding up the sea purple beam? Grandpa?

They often argue with each other's biological grandfather, Dugu Bo, about who is the eldest grandfather, the second grandfather, or the third grandfather?

While Dugu Yan's thoughts were still racing, Dugu Yan's eyes had already met the four Zhao Wuji who had just entered the door: "Captain Zhao, why are you here?"

"Miss Yan," Zhao Wuji greeted him very politely and replied: "Respecting your majesty's order, observe the teachers and students of [Shrek Academy]. The other party has now come to this [Tiandou Royal Academy], and we will follow him. Come here."

"That's it~" Dugu Yan nodded thoughtfully and said, "In that case, if there is anything we need to do, Captain Zhao just speaks and serves His Majesty. We are duty-bound!"

At this moment, Duguyan on the side suddenly spoke up and asked: "[Shrek Academy] is already here?"

Dugu Yan turned his head when he heard the sound and looked at Dugu Yan. All kinds of information he had learned in the past few days flashed through his mind, and he instantly locked on one of them. With a move in his heart, he said: "That's right~ Your team was searching for something more than a month ago. I have communicated with them at the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Tuocheng. So, do you know the reason why they came here this time?”

Hearing the word 'communication' from Dugu Yan's mouth, Dugu Yan looked confused, as if he remembered some bad memory, then quickly adjusted his mentality and replied in a calm tone:

"Well, it is said that Teacher Qin Ming took the initiative to invite them over. One year later, in the 'All Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition', we [Tian Dou Royal Academy] have two places to participate. The team I am in is the first team. As for the seven brats from [Shrek Academy], although their soul power level is not high, their talents are indeed not bad. If they are carefully cultivated here in our academy this year, they will definitely become a strong team, and there is even hope of winning. As a team, we will advance to the finals..."

"I see~" Dugu Yan nodded slightly noncommittally, then changed the topic and asked: "I wanted to ask you before. I have been busy with other things during this time, and you and the old man need to cultivate and adapt after detoxifying. It’s been delayed…”

"I met that [Shrek Academy] student before. According to what they said, your team lost to them more than a month ago?"

Duguyan: "..."

Although Dugu Yan did not answer, her expression told Dugu Yan the answer.

Dugu Yan took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it, shook his head, and said: "Forget it, I shouldn't have any expectations for you."

After a pause, Dugu Yan continued: "I don't care what your relationship is with the guys from the [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family], but I hope you remember that from now on you will be called Dugu Yan, the Yanque's Yan, not the Hong Yan's Yan. otherwise……"

"Whether it's you or that guy from the Yu family, you will definitely regret it, I promise!"

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