Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 605 Extra Chapter 25

Xue Qinghe's strength was beyond Tang Yuehua's expectation, and it also made her understand that Xue Qinghe must have some kind of support in his heart.

Yuexuan, the door.

Watching Xue Qinghe Shi Shiran's leaving figure, Tang Yuehua's eyes flickered. After thinking for a moment, he tilted his head slightly and called softly: "Manager Aude~"


A middle-aged man wearing a purple gown quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Help me find out if anything special has happened recently in the Prince's Mansion...and in and around Tiandou City~" Tang Yuehua said calmly as he looked at the figure that was getting away on the street.

Odd: "Yes!"

On the other side, when Xue Qinghe returned to the Prince's Mansion, he learned from the new guard commander Xu Yixiu that 'Poison Douluo' Dugu Bo was visiting with several people, and his face immediately became happy: "Hurry up and lead the way, don't neglect our distinguished guests! "

In the eyes of outsiders, His Highness the Crown Prince is eager for talents and hopes to make friends with Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo, in order to increase his weight in the eyes of Emperor Xue Ye.

Only Xu Yixiu, who was leading the way, and several attendants guarding Xue Qinghe knew that His Highness the Crown Prince was not happy about Dugu Bo's visit, but those who came with Dugu Bo.

Living room.

Xue Qinghe dismissed the maids from the Prince's Mansion in advance, leaving only Xu Yixiu and seven or eight guards waiting outside the door, and walked into the living room alone.

As soon as he entered the door, Dugubo dressed in green and black robes and four women with veils came into view of Xue Qinghe.

Except for one of the four girls who was wearing a blue gauze skirt, the other three were all dressed up in smart and smart attires, but the colors of their clothes were different, they were black, cyan, and red.

"Aunt Yang! Aunt Yin! Aunt Liu! Aunt Rou——!"

Xue Qinghe, no, it should be Xue Qianxun, shouted happily, and at the same time, the bones all over his body made a slight abnormal sound, and the skin and flesh on his face changed, and he had returned to his original appearance.

"Little Chihiro~"

Yang Xueli pulled Xue Qianxun who was saluting in front of her, patted the little girl's arm with her jade hand, and said with a smile: "I heard from Senior Chenxin and Senior Gu Rong that your progress here is very good~"

"It's okay~" A smile appeared on Xue Qianxun's face, and she said modestly: "Based on the mental calculation and the unintentional calculation, plus the resources I can mobilize far exceed this, with the current results, it is not a difficult thing~ "

"You girl~" Yang Shirley smiled when she heard this, and gently tapped Xue Qianxun's snow-white forehead with her jade fingers: "How confident was I when I let go of my bold words with your uncle Ling Yi before?"

"Isn't this in front of Aunt Yang~" Xue Qianxun arched her eyebrows, stepped behind Yang Xueli, pinched her shoulders, and put on a somewhat flattering smile on Ruyu's pretty face.


Seeing the interaction between the two, Ah Yin next to him shook his head and interrupted: "Qianxun, tell us about the news that I asked you to help find out before~"

Hearing this, Xue Qianxun kneaded her hands for a moment, and her bright eyes suddenly became a little erratic.


Obviously, Xue Qianxun's changes attracted the attention of the four girls, including Yang Xueli.

Even Dugu Bo, who had consciously retreated to the edge of the living room from the beginning, noticed something strange at this time. However, adhering to the principle of hearing no evil and seeing no evil, he immediately lowered his head and drank tea, trying his best to reduce his sense of presence.

"Little Qianxun~" Shirley Yang frowned slightly, turned to look at Xue Qianxun behind her, and said, "Looking at you like this, the situation doesn't seem to be ideal~"

"Aunt Yang..." Xue Qianxun opened her mouth and was about to say something, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at Dugubo not far away.

The four girls, Yang Shirley, followed Xue Qianxun's gaze. The five glances made Dugubo feel a lot of pressure. Just when he was a little restless and wanted to speak out to avoid it, he heard Yang Shirley calmly said: "It doesn't matter, since some things have happened. , there will always be a time when someone finds out, aren’t you just trying to find someone to find out~"

"Since no one knows about it, there is no need to cover it up."

"What's more, Mr. Dugu has now joined the [Da Qian]. He is one of our own and will not spread rumors at will, right? Mr. Dugu?"

After hearing Yang Xueli's last question, Dugubo stood up reflexively, bowed and said, "Please, Concubine Xi, Emperor Qianxun, don't worry, no matter what you hear, Dugubo will definitely keep it secret, otherwise he will call me..."

"Okay~" Yang Xueli stopped what Dugu Bo was saying, waved her hand and said, "Mr. Dugu's promises have always been convincing, and I and Your Majesty both know this."

"Thank you, Concubine Xi! Thank you, Your Majesty—!" Dugubo bowed and thanked with some excitement.

Although he has only been in contact with [Da Qian] for a month, what he has seen and heard in this month is enough to overturn Dugubo's previous understanding, and also let him know that the strength of Titled Douluo is still at the top in Lingyun Realm. , but can't join the ranks of the truly strong.

Although Dugubo is arrogant, he is not a fool. If he is an enemy of life and death, or if his dignity is insulted, he can rather die than surrender, or he can fight hard and die. But since [Dagan] throws an olive branch to him, there is someone with the same position. Ti Dugubo's family is connected, his granddaughter Duguyan is the tie, and Emperor Qian Lingyi personally takes action to resolve the poison of martial arts for him and his granddaughter. Bloodline plus kindness, coupled with the bright progress of Lingyun Realm Road, what reason does he have for not letting go of the pride of the 'Poison Douluo' on the Douluo Continent?

Not to mention the turbulent emotions on Dugu Bo's side, after comforting Dugu Bo, the 'Poison Douluo', with a few words, Yang Xueli turned her eyes to Xue Qianxun: "Little Qianxun, tell me, my peer What’s the situation now?”

As soon as these words came out, the three girls A Yin, Liu Erlong, and A Rou looked at Xue Qianxun one after another, waiting for her answer.

Xue Qianxun pursed her lips, and under the gaze of Yang Shirley and the four girls, she whispered: "Thirteen years ago, [Martial Spirit Hall] Pope Qianxun Ji failed to encircle and suppress [Haotian Sect] Tang Hao, and was seriously injured and died. He returned and later died of his injuries."

"Afterwards, Saint Bibi Dong succeeded to the position of Pope of [Martial Soul Palace] and launched a crazy offensive against [Haotian Sect]."

"In this battle, [Haotian Sect] suffered heavy losses, and in the end the entire sect became invisible."

Having said this, Xue Qianxun paused and secretly observed Yang Shirley's facial expression. Seeing that she looked indifferent, she gritted her teeth and continued: "Most of the soul master families affiliated with [Haotian Sect] were killed or injured, including the strongest single The four attribute clans are included.”

"According to the report from the spies sent to "Longxing City", thirteen years ago, Yang Yuanzhao, a member of the [Po Zhi Clan] collateral clan, and his wife and daughter were on the way to escort a caravan when they were attacked by a team of spirit masters from the [Martial Soul Palace]. People~survive!”


The huge living room became extremely quiet!

Ah Yin looked at Yang Xueli, whose eyes were unwavering, and reached out to hold her fair and slender palm.

"What's wrong?" Shirley Yang looked sideways at Ah Yin, her lips curved slightly, and she said with a faint smile: "You don't think that I will feel sad because of this news, do you?"

Saying that, Yang Xueli looked around Xue Qianxun, Liu Erlong, and Arou, shook her head, and said in a calm tone: "Don't forget, my father and mother are currently in charge of the [Qingmu Chamber of Commerce] in Liangzhou. The people here are just my peers."

"Although it is indeed a pity for me that they died, I will not have any negative emotions for people I have never met."


When Xue Qianxun heard Yang Xueli's words, she was startled for a moment, then realized what she said, and immediately shook her head with a wry smile.

Yes, how could she forget, who is this person in front of her?

This is Concubine Xi, who has followed Uncle Ling Yi all the way from Wei Mo and witnessed the legendary birth of Martial Ancestor, Emperor Qian, and Lord Lingyun!

Apart from the one from Poseidon Island, she is the first female martial saint to cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo as a human being!

With the spiritual cultivation of the Martial Saint, how could his state of mind be easily affected by a piece of news?

"Oh~" Ah Rou tried to smooth things over on the side, holding Xue Qianxun's hand, and said with a smile like a flower: "Let's talk about my peers~"

"Xiao Qianxun, Da Ming and Er Ming took Tang Xiao and Yu Yuanzhen to the "Star Forest". Have they found Da Ming and Er Ming's peers? Also, where are Xiao Wu and I's peers? They should go back to find the two brothers of Ming Dynasty. After all, according to time calculation, my peers should have entered the mature stage long ago. They will definitely need the help of those two brothers to obtain the soul rings later..."


Faced with Arou's inference, Xue Qianxun did not respond, but showed a somewhat complicated expression.

"What...what's wrong?" Ah Rou asked with a frown as she noticed the expression on Xue Qianxun's face.

Hearing this, Xue Qianxun's eyes became more complicated: "Aunt Rou, Tang Xiao sent back the news a few days ago that the peers of General Ao and General Yuan were indeed found, but they got unexpected news~"

Arou looked at Xue Qianxun, waiting for the next step.

"According to "Azure Bull Python" Da Ming, about seven years ago, a group of strong human soul masters broke into the core area of ​​"Star Dou Forest". At that time, "Azure Bull Python" and "Titan Giant Ape" were out of town. Track and expel the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger". When they return to the "Lake of Life", Aunt Rou, your peer has been..."

Xue Qianxun didn't finish what she said, but the meaning was already obvious, and Ah Rou gritted her teeth unconsciously.

Unlike Yang Shirley, who was indifferent to the death of her fellow body, Ah Rou heard that her fellow body was hunted and killed by a human soul master. When she thought of her fellow body's soul ring and soul bone being obtained by the unknown human soul master, it was hard not to feel sad. Feeling of resentment.

After a few breaths, Ah Rou stabilized her mind and asked in a deep voice: "Where is Xiao Wu's peer? Is it also...?"

"That's not true~" Xue Qianxun shook her head and gave an answer that surprised Arou.

Immediately, Xue Qianxun continued with a strange expression: "Feng Wu's peer is now in Tiandou City. According to the information obtained by spies, she left the Star Dou Forest more than six years ago and appeared in Tiandou City. Empire] Fasno Province, a small town called "Notting City", where I studied at the Junior Soul Master Academy."

"About half a year ago, after graduating from that junior soul master academy, I went to [Soto City] in [Barak Kingdom] with a classmate named Tang San, and enrolled in a private soul master school called [Shrek Academy]. Teachers College.”

"This informal soul master academy has the dean named Flanders, the deputy dean Zhao Wuji, and the teachers include Shao Xin, Lu Qibin, and Li Yusong. One of the first graduates had a student named Qin Ming. "

Arou: "..."

Shirley Yang: "..."

Ah Yin: "..."

Liu Erlong: "..."

The amount of information was a bit overwhelming, and the four women were a bit confused.

"In addition~" Xue Qianxun glanced at A Yin beside him, and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "Based on the comprehensive inference from all the information I have, Feng Wu's classmate named Tang San is most likely Aunt Yin. That peer and Tang Hao’s son~"

Ah Yin_?

If it weren't for the steady state of mind that he had cultivated for many years, Ah Yin might have been able to stand up at this moment and shout like Prime Minister Cao, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Fortunately, Ah Yin's martial arts cultivation has also reached the level of a martial saint who can see the gods and be indestructible. The tenacity of her mind and will is not inferior to that of Yang Xueli. She gently inhaled and exhaled slowly, then frowned and said in a deep voice: "Tell me the basis for your inference."

"Hmm~" Xue Qianxun nodded and said softly: "According to the investigation of Zhao Wuji, Haote, and Qin Ming, the little guy named Tang San has a martial spirit of "Blue Silver Grass", but his innate soul power is Level ten, this is one of them. "

"Secondly, Tang San grew up in the Holy Soul Village outside Notting City. His martial soul awakening ceremony was also held in the Holy Soul Village. This is not the key. The key point is that his father is the blacksmith of the Holy Soul Village. , named Tang Hao, both father and son appeared in Holy Soul Village thirteen years ago."

"Thirdly, thirteen years ago, the former Pope Qianxunji of [Martial Soul Palace] encircled and suppressed [Haotian Sect] Tang Hao. According to the peripheral survivors at that time, and we scattered into [Martial Soul Palace] and [Haotian Sect] According to the news sent back by the personnel, the reason why Qianxun Ji used the siege at that time was that Tang Hao colluded with the soul beast..."

At this point, Xue Qianxun stopped speaking, but she couldn't help but complain in her heart.

As for Tang Hao using his real name so blatantly, although it is difficult for outsiders to connect an alcoholic and decadent blacksmith with 'Haotian Douluo', as long as Tang San's talent is revealed, as long as someone who is willing to check it out, as long as [Martial Soul Palace] How could the father and son live comfortably for so many years without giving up revenge for former Pope Chihiroji?

Forget the previous six years, but what about the years after Tang San's martial spirit awakened?

The "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit with innate soul power didn't attract the slightest attention. Are the people in [Martial Spirit Hall] blind?

Ah Yin was silent for a moment, then turned to look to the south: "Since I came here, I have been wondering, the aura of the "Blue Silver Emperor" here is looming. I thought it was hiding, hiding from the powerful human soul masters for cultivation. , so I can't communicate with her, I didn't expect that there is such a secret~"

"Now it seems that if your inference is correct, when Tang Hao was able to counterattack Qian Xunji, it was probably my peers who made sacrifices... But with the characteristics of "Blue Silver Emperor", even if it was a sacrifice , can also leave the last trace of life, with hope of resurrection! "

Speaking of this, A Yin's eyes flashed with a strange light: "Since that Tang Hao took his son to live in seclusion in the Holy Soul Village of "Notting City", I guess the last chance of my fellow body will be hidden by him. Nearby, as long as it is no more than five hundred miles away, I will definitely be able to find her!"

"Are you going to resurrect her?" Shirley Yang asked from the side.

"Yes!" Ah Yin nodded and said: "After her resurrection, she is a brand new individual, no longer related to the past. I will teach her how to be a real "Blue Silver Emperor"! "

Regarding A Yin's choice, Yang Shirley and the other girls were noncommittal and understood the other party's true intentions, so they said no more.

"It's my turn~" Liu Erlong waited for a long time, put his arms around Xue Qianxun's slender waist, and said with a smile: "Xiao Qianxun, tell me about my peer~"

"My peers will not be unlucky enough to die when they encounter hostile forces or hunt for souls, right?"

Look at the peers of Yang Xueli, Ah Rou, and Ah Yin in front of them. Tsk, tsk, tsk, not a single good ending, they are all gone. She, Liu Erlong, shouldn't be so unlucky, right?

After all, although she is the illegitimate daughter of Yu Luo Mian, the second head of the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family], the two parties will not have any intersection. It should not be involved in power disputes, or hunting of hundred thousand year soul beasts. It is in the midst of major events and crises.

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