Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 75 Parting Gift

"Senior brother, the hardness and toughness of this armor are perfectly coordinated!"

"And the design is also ingenious. It not only protects the wearer's vital parts to the maximum extent, but also does not restrict the wearer's movements at all. It is also light in weight, only half of the same volume of fine iron...!!"

"Being able to create such a perfect work, senior brother, I'm afraid you are only one step away from being a divine craftsman... No! Senior brother, you must have reached the level of a divine craftsman now, right -?!"

In the forging area of ​​the military industrial camp of the Hanfeng Camp, Ling Yi held a piece of golden armor that looked like a close-fitting undergarment and loudly admired Lou Gao beside him.

Ling Yi has never been stingy with his words of praise. After all, words are cheap bargaining chips. You only need to open your mouth to make them. With Ling Yi's own excellence, as well as his admiring expression and adoring eyes, he is praised. Readers often quickly get lost in the admiration.

At this time, Lou Gao was a little lost. The sweet words in his ears made him feel comfortable from the top of his head to his toes, and his whole body felt dizzy, as if he was floating in the clouds.

Fortunately, he has received quite a lot of praises in the past. That is to say, Ling Yi has a special status and is a super genius recognized by Lou Gao, which is why the effect is so obvious. At the corner of his mouth, he waved his hands and said calmly:

"It's a joke, you've learned the formula for this "Golden Black Gold" before, but there are too few relevant materials in the Cold Wind Camp, so you don't have the chance to get started with it.

Otherwise, with your talent, you will be able to smelt this alloy soon..."

The most important precious materials of this metal alloy called "Brilliant Black Gold" were all taken out by Lou Gao from his storage soul guide. Before, he had only smelted a little bit of it as a gift to Ling. Easy to learn.

"Otherwise~" Ling Yi shook his head modestly, and said calmly and with full self-awareness: "With my current strength, even if I smelt the "Golden Gold", it would only be a waste of good materials. There is no way I can Temper it into place and demonstrate its performance to the maximum extent——"

“Senior brother, if such a set of treasured armor were placed at the auction house in the nearby Cold Wind City, the starting price would be at least 50,000 gold soul coins!

If it were in the capital of the principality, "Muzhi City", or even in the imperial capitals like "Tian Dou City" and "Xing Luo City", it could definitely be sold for a sky-high price——! "

After listening to Ling Yi's words, Lou Gao was lying when he said he was unhappy, but he still showed an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and said inexplicably:

"So what? Most of those who know how to buy them take them back as decorations. Those rich guys are very precious about their lives, but they won't go out to fight soul masters with other soul masters or fight soul beasts in the wild..."

"The soul masters who really need to wear it to fight are often poor ghosts——

Hey! Ayi, do you think it’s ironic or not——? "

Ling Yi was silent after hearing this.

Indeed, the division of wealth in Douluo Continent is quite abnormal. Although it is still the same as Ling Yi's previous life, 99% of the wealth is in the hands of the one percent of people and forces, but it is obviously a world with extraordinary power. Those powers Those who are strong enough to dominate a party often find themselves in poverty and embarrassment.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, the cultural penetration rate in Douluo Continent is too low, and there are only a few people who can use their brains to get rich. Most of the soul masters do similar employment-type tasks to earn wages; on the other hand, It is the top forces, first-class forces, etc. that control the vast majority of resource wealth on Douluo Continent, but they only simply convert resources into original wealth.

However, soul masters who are not from a big power will find themselves at a loss when their pockets are empty and they do not know how to obtain wealth.

Some are determined to rob, plunder, and extract wealth from weak civilians and small family forces, but in the end they will be suppressed by [Martial Soul Palace], the two major empires, and the major forces in the corresponding area. Go down.

Therefore, those soul masters who work alone on Douluo Continent usually earn commissions by taking on tasks of hunting souls for others outside the soul beast forest, or sell soul beast-related materials, whether it is fur , flesh, blood, bones, etc., are all good things that are easy to sell.

In addition to the related ways of making money based on the soul beast forest, the current place on Douluo Continent that allows soul masters to earn gold soul coins reasonably and legally is the large soul fighting arena in every large city. By participating in soul fighting competitions, you can earn Get bonuses, place bets, participate in betting, buy the outcome, etc.

Of course, there are also a small number of soul masters who neither want to enter the soul beast forest and fight to the death with soul beasts, nor do they like to go to the soul fighting stage to perform battles with other soul masters. They will choose to travel around the continent in search of some souls buried in history. Excavate some ancient relics from the ruins in the river and sell them. If you can find one or two soul tools and send them to the auction, the income will definitely be considerable!

Shaking his head and putting aside the information that was currently too far away from him, Ling Yi handed the golden inner armor in his hand to Lou Gao and said: "Anyway, with your current skills, senior brother, no matter in Douluo Continent, Wherever you are, you will be valued and respected... huh?"

As Ling Yi said this, he saw Lou Gao raise his big hand, but instead of taking the inner armor, he pushed the hand that Ling Yi handed over back to Ling Yi along with the inner armor.

A guess flashed in his mind, and Ling Yi didn't do any false politeness and asked directly: "Senior brother, are you...?"

"Give it to you~" Lou Gao waved his hand nonchalantly and said lightly.

Looking at that expression, it was as relaxed and freehand as giving a piece of coarse linen clothes.

"This..." Ling Yi thought, 'Sure enough', with a look of surprise in his eyes, and he looked at Lou Gao hesitantly.

"Whatever this is, here it is, just keep it~" Lou Gao glared and said to Ling Yi: "Since you call me senior brother, senior brother must take care of you. It stands to reason that I should give you a storage soul guide. As a gift or something, it’s a pity that I didn’t expect this when I went out this time. I’ll make it up to you next time we meet—!”

"This piece of "Golden Black Gold Inner Armor" can withstand the attack of the fourth soul skill of the offensive soul master. The most important thing is that it is light in weight and easy to wear. It is very suitable for a soul master like you who takes the healing route..."

"Senior brother, are you ready to leave?"

Just as Lou Gao was chattering, Ling Yi suddenly asked.


Lou Gao opened his mouth and finally nodded: "Well, I've stayed here for too long, and it's time to continue on the road -

Ayi, over the past seven months, although I have been teaching you, I have also learned a lot of novel and unconstrained ideas from you. Originally it was like seeing flowers in the mist, but I feel It won’t take long before we can successfully arrive…”

"Okay~" Ling Yi didn't say anything to persuade her to stay, but there was a look of reluctance on her face that came from the bottom of her heart. This was his mentor who had taught him carefully for more than half a year, and his character was beyond description. Ling Yi recognized this kindness.

Ling Yi nodded and said: "Senior brother, I have indeed wasted a lot of time here. Our senior brothers are not very old now, and we will see each other again in the future.

When junior brother I leave [Shuimu Principality], I will definitely go to [Xingluo Empire], go to [Gengxin City], and visit senior brother you and Uncle Tie——"

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