Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 79 Industry Gathering

"Old Liu, you're here too—"

"Of course, it's rare for us to have an outstanding figure among our blacksmiths, and with the support of the three veteran blacksmiths, he convened a meeting of blacksmiths from all over the principality. How could I be absent from such a grand occasion-?"

In the south of "Muzhi City", in front of the gate of Jin Mansion, two muscular men, one tall and one short, were talking, each carrying a young man, and walked towards the open gate.

Du Jun, who was standing outside the door, immediately stepped forward and greeted with a smile: "Master Balu, Master Liu Kuang, thank you both for coming all the way..."

As the acting shopkeeper of [Jin Geng Blacksmith Shop], although Du Jun is not as good as other brothers in terms of forging skills, in this scene, he is definitely an alternative among the blacksmiths and is particularly good at it.

"Alai, quickly bring the two masters in and make a pot of good tea!"

The three of them exchanged a few words, and Du Jun called the young man waiting aside and led the two senior blacksmiths from "Azure City", another big city in the "Shuimu Principality", into the house.

After entering the gate, a few people saw nearly a hundred figures sitting or standing in groups in a courtyard covering an area of ​​more than two acres.

"Master Chai——"

A tall and strong man named Balu saw a familiar face from a distance and immediately shouted from afar.


In the corner of the courtyard, a muscular man who looked a little thin stood with a few muscular bullies. Hearing the sound, he looked over. When he saw who was coming, he immediately smiled and waved, and at the same time shouted: "Ha——!

Who did I think it was, it turned out to be Balu and you are here——!

Come on, let me introduce you to some new brothers——! "

Seeing this, Balu nodded to Alai next to him, thanked him, and strode over with Liu Kuang and their apprentices.

Several people met and introduced each other.

Here, Master Chai Yichai, like Balu and Liu Kuang, are all senior blacksmiths from the "Blue City".

The other few muscular and muscular men came from "Cold Wind City" and were also high-level blacksmiths.

In other words, there are nearly a hundred people in the courtyard of Jin Mansion. Except for half of the young people, the others in their fifties and sixties are all senior blacksmiths who can support a blacksmith shop on the bustling streets of the big city.

Time passed slowly, and the number of people in the courtyard gradually increased. The tea and snacks around everyone also changed several times, but no one showed any impatience.

[Shuimu Principality] The three veteran blacksmiths, King Kong, Fu Shan, Li Qiang, and the new blacksmith Ling Yi, who is only fourteen years old, jointly summoned these senior blacksmiths to come here, it must not be to entertain them.

What's more, in this courtyard, there are disciples of the three old blacksmiths. Through the mutual introduction of acquaintances, they get to know each senior blacksmith.

For a time, hearty laughter and chatter filled the air, dispelling the chill of early spring together with the scorching sun in the sky.

The main hall of Jin's Mansion is spacious, bright and simply decorated, which is in line with Mr. Jin's straight-forward nature.

At this time, there were only six figures in this huge hall.

Six people sat down at a specially ordered round table.

As the head of the household and the oldest, Mr. Jin sat sideways with his back to the hall, facing the door. On the left and right sides of the old man were Fu Shan and Li Qiang, two blacksmiths who were backed by the military and the palace.

To the left of Fu Shan, Ling Yi sat quietly with a warm smile on his lips.

There are two figures sitting opposite the four people. One is a handsome middle-aged man wearing a green cloth robe. Like Ling Yi, he has a smile on his face, which makes people subconsciously like him. The other one was a middle-aged man wearing a cardigan and short-sleeved fur on a day when the temperature was still below zero. His face was as tough as the short hair on his head, and his whole person exuded a wildness like the wind and snow.

These two, handsome middle-aged men named Qingqiu Li, are the masters and senior blacksmiths of the [Coast Blacksmith Shop] in the Blue City. At the same time, he is also the most influential person among all the blacksmiths in the "Azure City" area.

This is not because he has the best forging skills, but just because the handsome middle-aged man is a level 45 agility-attack fighting soul sect.

This kind of strength ranks second in the entire Jin Mansion today, and is stronger than Fu Shan and Li Qiang, who are also soul sects.

As for the first person, it was the short-haired man who was still wearing a thin fur in the cold weather.

Long Ang, from "Cold Wind City", the owner of [Blue Flame Blacksmith Shop], a level 48 attack-type war soul sect.

At the same time, he was also the senior blacksmith closest to the blacksmith master in the entire [Shuimu Principality].

Well, he is still the senior blacksmith closest to the blacksmith master.

A pair of tiger eyes scanned Ling Yi's body up and down, and finally settled on that handsome, fair, childish face, and said in a loud voice: "You boy is a real man. That "Thousand Scales Armor" "I read it and did some research. I have to say, I strongly approve of your becoming a blacksmith——! "


As Long Ang's words fell, except for Ling Yi, everyone including Mr. Jin, Fu Shan, Li Qiang, and Qingqiu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere that was originally a bit dull because Long Ang didn't say a word after entering the door relaxed at this moment.

Ling Yi had a humble face, leaning forward slightly with his upper body, and said unhurriedly: "Ling Yi is deeply honored to be recognized by Senior Long Ang——"

Although he is a master blacksmith and the other party is a high-level blacksmith, with the other party's strength being only two steps away from the Soul King, and the fact that there is a family of powerful soul masters behind him, there are only a dozen or so people in the entire [Shuimu Principality]. I can't afford to give this person face.

Didn't you look at the other four people at the table? They all respect this one at this moment~


Long nodded noncommittally, looked around, and finally looked at Mr. Jin and the three of them, and asked: "You should have heard about my temper. Let's not waste time. Let's talk about it. This time we will be treated like this." Many senior blacksmiths have summoned them here. What is there to discuss?

What you said in your previous letter was unclear—"

After saying that, Long Ang's tiger eyes met Mr. Jin's eyes.

Next to him, Fu Shan and others also turned their eyes and looked at Mr. Jin.


Being watched by these people, Mr. Jin suddenly felt an invisible pressure coming towards him. He opened his mouth, coughed softly at the end, turned his gaze to Ling Yi next to Fu Shan, and said, "Well, that... A Yi Ah, tell Master Long Ang and Master Qingqiu Li what you discussed with Xiao Fu and Xiao Li before—"

Following Mr. Jin's words, the eyes of the people at the table shifted to Ling Yi.

Ling Yi first glanced at Mr. Jin, Fu Shan, and Li Qiang, especially the latter two. If he didn't know better, seeing the expressions of these two people at this moment, he might think that they were the same as Long Ang and Qingqiu Li opposite them. It seems like I don’t know anything.

Regarding the performance of these three teammates, Ling Yi shook his head helplessly in his heart, but his face remained calm. He nodded and stood up, reaching into his arms and taking out a stack of papers that had been folded in half many times.

Spreading the paper on the table, Ling Yi looked around and asked: "Master, how much do the seniors know about the current iron market in [Shuimu Principality]?"

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