Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 83 Frost Forest

One year later, three hundred miles north of "Cold Wind City", there is "Frost Forest".

This is one of the five primary soul-hunting forests in the [Shuimu Principality], which corresponds to the Cold Wind Camp of the Five Military Headquarters.

In other words, the Cold Wind Camp is stationed next to the "Bold Wind City" to support the forest guards outside the "Frost Forest" at any time.

After saying hello to Xiong Er and Li Ergou who were transferred here to guard this place half a year ago, Ling Yi, surrounded by Long Yin, Qingqiu Li, and Zhang Mufeng, stepped into the white forest of ice and snow.

While walking, Zhang Mufeng looked at both sides of the road. Occasionally, a small cluster of light blue 'tentacles' appeared under the snow. The martial spirit "Mixed Iron Rod" summoned early in his hand stretched out to push away the snow and take a few glances. , said to Ling Yi beside him:

"Brother Yi, it's still too cold here. It seems that not many of the "Bluesilver Grass" you planted before have survived, and they don't look energetic-"

Qingqiu Xin, who was on the side, nodded immediately after hearing this and said, "Yes~ Brother Yi, how about we go back and apply and be transferred to the Blue Camp in the south. The climate there is so good, and the "Blue Silver Grass" you planted is Definitely much better than growing here!

And it’s also close to the seaside, so we can often eat fish, shrimps and crabs from the sea..."

"Come on~" Before Qingqiu Xin finished speaking, Long Yin retorted: "In this year, Brother Yi went to the main camps of the other four military departments for more than a month, and finally came back to Han. Wind Camp is definitely better here than Hanfeng Camp!

Right, Brother Yi? "

As Long Yin spoke, he looked at Ling Yi eagerly, looking forward to recognition.

Ling Yi, who was being looked at by the three of them, rolled his eyes at them speechlessly. Instead of replying to the three of them, he said angrily: "Pay attention to where this place is, the Soul Beast Forest~ You are still so careless, it is very dangerous." Okay—"

"Hehe -" Long Yin grinned, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and replied: "Didn't you just come in? We are only more than a hundred meters away from the sentry post of Brother Xiong and his forest guards... "

"Don't be careless~" Ling Yi glanced at Long Yin and said calmly: "The master who taught me the basic skills of swords, guns, clubs and axes was attacked by a group of "grey shadow wolves" at our current location. The sentry behind was close, so I only had one leg broken and didn’t die like other teammates——"


When Long Yin heard this, he smiled and glanced at Zhang Mufeng and Qingqiu Xin who were snickering on the side. When Ling Yi turned to look at them, he also looked over and glared at them.

Without saying anything more on this topic, Ling Yi kept quiet. In the palm of his right hand, the martial spirit "Blue Silver Grass" appeared. The light blue grass blades swayed gently, making it easier for Ling Yi to feel the snow surrounding him. Covered with "Blue Silver Grass".

Indeed, as Zhang Mufeng said, due to the influence of the extremely cold weather, the number of "Lansilver Grass" that still maintains vitality is nearly 90% less than the number of young plants planted before!

Compared with this "Frost Forest", in the "Haifeng Rainforest" far south of the Principality, due to the hot and humid climate there, more than half a year has passed, and the tens of thousands of "Blue Silver Grass" planted on the periphery of the rainforest, Maybe it’s already spreading into the rainforest——

But despite this, Ling Yi still did not choose to stay in the southern part of the principality, which is more suitable for the growth of "Bluesilver Grass", but returned to the cold wind camp in the north.

This is not to seek abuse, but in the freezing weather here, Ling Yi found that the "Beast Martial Soul: Xingyi Fist Frame" he created was nearly 20% faster than the hot and humid environment in the south!

Ling Yi has not yet studied the specific principles, but has several general guesses in his mind.

Of course, Ling Yi did not start another project to study the influencing factors of climate and environment in the north and south on physical exercise.

His time is too tight, as long as he knows the result he wants, the reason and so on, he will have plenty of time to explore it when he becomes stronger in the future.

After more than three years of management by Ling Yi, the Cold Wind Camp is now covered with "Blue Silver Grass" within a radius of dozens of miles centered on the camp. Even in nine cold days, the grass blades have been covered by heavy snow. It won't freeze to death easily, it's just that its vitality is restrained and it's temporarily quiet.

In the Cold Wind Camp, the activities of more than 20,000 passionate men cannot be said to be comparable to those in the hot summer, but it can also keep the "Bluesilver Grass" in the camp strong just like in the spring and autumn. vitality.

Therefore, Ling Yi's soul power cultivation will not be affected at all by the cold weather in the north.

One year has passed, and Ling Yi, who is now fifteen years old and one month over, has already raised his soul power to 56% of level 19. He is only two months away from level 20 at most.

And similarly, in this year, Ling Yi has made progress, and the three friends around him will naturally not stand still.

Long Yin is now fourteen years old. He has grown to a height of 1.8 meters. He is now a twenty-level second-level soul master. He is the strongest one in the four-person team at this time.

Qingqiu Xin is twelve years old, and his soul power is 85% of level 19. He is already preparing to return to his hometown "Azure City". At that time, his father Qingqiu Li, the agility attack type war soul sect, will personally Take it with you to hunt for the second soul ring in your life, just like the first soul ring before.

As for Ling Yi's nephew, Zhang Mufeng, the youngest son of his senior brother Zhang Tie's family, is currently thirteen years old. Due to his innate soul power, which is not as good as the two around him, and his previous weak foundation, his soul power is the lowest. At this time, his soul power is just at level 18. At the beginning, there is still some distance to go before level 20.

But there is no need for this kid to worry about his future second soul ring. On the outskirts of the "Frost Forest", about seven or eight miles to the northwest from the entrance guard post, there is an "Iron Birch" that is fifteen meters high.

According to the information Ling Yi learned in the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy], for an "Iron Birch" tree, if it is less than a hundred years old, it will be one meter every ten years, and if it is more than a hundred years old, it will be one meter every hundred years.

In the old forest in the north of Shanhai Village, Ling Yi's hometown, the twelve-meter-long "iron birch tree" has been growing for more than three hundred years, and this fifteen-meter one has been growing for six hundred years!

Six hundred years old, combined with the hardness and tenacity of the "Iron Birch Tree", it is extremely suitable to be Zhang Mufeng's second soul ring.

During their daily patrol of a section of the forest periphery, under Zhang Mufeng's earnest gaze, Ling Yi and others took the lead in heading northwest. The first stage destination: the six-hundred-year-old "Iron Birch Tree".

When they arrived at the place, Ling Yi took Long Yin and Qingqiu Xin to check around to see if there were any marks of soul beasts passing by. Zhang Mufeng came to the "Iron Birch Tree" and used his martial spirit to "mix the iron rod". He tapped on the metallic tree and listened to the tinkling sound in his ears, his eyes could not help but squint in comfort.

When he was studying at the [Wisteria Junior Soul Master Academy] in Mu Zhi City, the academy teacher suggested to him that the first and second soul rings were soul beasts that increased strength and deflected attacks respectively.

After listening to the teacher's words, his first soul ring was taken by a soul master under the arrangement of his master, Mr. Jin. He hunted a "Mighty Ape" that was more than 180 years old and obtained his first soul skill. Wind Stick Dance is an offensive soul skill.

During the year in the Cold Wind Camp, following Ling Yi, my junior uncle, in addition to learning the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" and forging, I also learned the practical skills of the stick method. Finally, under Ling Yi's suggestion Next, I changed the spirit ring of the powerful spirit beast that I originally wanted to obtain to the "iron birch tree" that can enhance the quality of the martial spirit "mixed iron rod".

The most important thing is, six hundred years -!

If it weren't for a tree and replaced by other powerful soul beasts, it would probably have to go deep into the soul hunting forest, or even into the core area.

In that case, a soul master might not be able to guarantee safety.

Zhang Mufeng's father, Zhang Tie, is not a soul sect like Long Ang and Qingqiu Li, and he is a powerful master among the soul sects.

Thanks to the book friends [Cb, Lan Yan 11, Advancing with the Times, Wentian Jianfan] for their monthly votes, and to the book friends [Dark★Silent UniverseО, Oni-chan is ALPEH, ALSJ Noblesse] Reward, thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading, thank you all! (*^▽^*)

Today's second chapter may not be until the afternoon. It's a bit slow. I'm a little confused about the next plot arrangement. Give me some time and let me figure it out~

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