Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 92 Pure Kindness Ling Yi

About half an hour later, after feeling that the soul power in his body had returned to perfection and there was a faint hint of improvement, Ling Yi stood up refreshed.

He raised his hands high, bent his body and stretched hard. His whole body was like a taut long bow, and the muscles and bones all over his body were stretched.

He raised his arms and punched randomly, making loud explosions like firecrackers. Ling Yi felt intuitively full of energy and felt an indescribable sense of relief.

Outside the lounge, the trio, who had already finished organizing and cleaning various tools, woke up from practicing one by one when they heard the noise.

Zhang Mufeng stood up and walked outside the lounge, calling softly: "Brother Yi, are you awake?"

As soon as the sound fell, the wooden door in front of them was opened from the inside, and Ling Yi's graceful and jade-like figure came into view. A clear and pleasant voice sounded in their ears:

"You're awake, are you hungry?"


As if to match Ling Yi's words, a rather loud abdominal rumble appeared.

Ling Yi, Zhang Mufeng and Qingqiu Xin followed the sound and saw Long Yin covering his stomach with one hand and scratching his head in embarrassment with the other: "Hey~ Brother Yi, I'm really a little hungry——"

The three of them were practicing just now. Zhang Mufeng and Qingqiu Xin were practicing their soul power cross-legged, while he was in the open space in the center of the wooden house, guarding his friends while practicing the "Beast Martial Spirit·Xingyi Fist Frame"—— The violent bear destroys rocks.

This boxing stance mobilizes soul power to stimulate qi and blood, and strengthens the body's muscles, bones, skin and flesh in all aspects. The consumption of soul power is quite satisfactory, but the consumption of energy and blood is not small. It is necessary to eat in time to replenish the body, so as not to cause a physical deficit.

Ling Yi nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, then let's go to the market to eat something good -"

"Okay!" Long Yin nodded quickly when he heard this, looking excited.

Beside them, both Zhang Mufeng and Qingqiu Xin looked impatient at the moment.

When the body is growing, the demand for food will not be less.

Also, think about where they are now.

"Sao Feng Canyon" is one of the five primary soul hunting forests in [Shuimu Principality].

The wooden house where they settled at this time was located between the entrance of the canyon and the market outside the Soul Hunting Forest.

A little closer to the canyon is the principal's forest guard post stationed here.

As a group of four people walked towards the market, every soul master they met along the way, whether they were a small team or a lone ranger, whether they were a first-ring soul master or a third-ring soul master, all slowly faced them. Ling Yi said hello, his attitude was friendly and intimate.

Ling Yi, on the other hand, responded one by one, accurately calling out the names of every soul master he had met. Even if he didn't know them, he always smiled, spoke in a friendly tone, and chatted with them.

While walking and chatting, not long after, a lively market appeared in the eyes of Ling Yi and others. Listening to the shouts of hawkers or invitations, Ling Yi led Zhang Mufeng and the others to the largest restaurant in the market.

After becoming a blacksmith, Ling Yi initially achieved financial freedom.

Of course, the premise is not to buy some powerful and precious soul tools.

As for soul bones, even if they were worthless for hundreds of years, he couldn't get his hands on them. He could just think about it in private.

After saying hello to the shopkeeper and waiter of the restaurant, Ling Yi and the four of them walked up to the second floor with ease and found a square table facing the street to sit down.

"Brother Fang, what good materials do you have today?"

After sitting down, Ling Yi did not look at the menu directly, but first asked the waiter named Fang who was waiting aside.

The waiter was very familiar with Ling Yi, the 'great doctor', and he immediately replied with a smile: "Early this morning, the kitchen received half of a 'tusked pig' and a whole 'wind shadow deer'. As for the dishes, The recipe is based on the recipe you pointed out before, Mr. Ling..."

Ling Yi nodded after hearing this and said: "Grilled Tusk Pork Tenderloin and Pot-braised Wind Shadow Venison Dried Pork, each for four people, and then eight meat dishes and a few vegetables. As for the staple food, I'll have a bucket." Rice...what about you?"

The last sentence was asked to the other three people at the table.

Zhang Mufeng: "I am the same as Brother Yi."

Long Yin: "Bring me a basket of steamed buns."

Qingqiu Xin: "For a change today, I'll also have a basket of steamed buns."

The waiter wrote down the requirements of Ling Yi and the other four people one by one, ran downstairs quickly, and reported the requirements to the chef.

After a while, two soul beast meat dishes that had been cooked in advance were brought to the table, and the staple food contained in two large wooden barrels and two large baskets were also brought to the table.

Without waiting for the meat and vegetable side dishes to come, Ling Yi, who was also already hungry, waved his hand: "Let's eat!"

Half an hour later.

Ling Yi and the four of them moved to another table facing the street and sat down by the window. It turned out that the cups and plates on that table were in a mess and were being cleaned up by the waiter.

Holding a toothpick in his mouth, Long Yin touched his bulging belly and asked Ling Yi, who was holding a cup of tea and sipping slowly: "Brother Yi, the two groups before did not pay for the medical treatment. , do you think they will——?”

Compared with Zhang Mufeng and Qingqiu Xin who came to join Ling Yi a month ago, Long Yin, who had only been here for less than a week, was not very clear about Ling Yi's charging method.

The previous week, all the patients who happened to come were given gold soul coins on site, so he didn't think much about it.

Today was different. There had been two surgeries in a row, and after Ling Yi's surgery, because his soul power had bottomed out, his mental and physical strength was also slightly exhausted, so he didn't say much to those two groups of people. , and went directly back to the lounge for a deep sleep. Long Yin was still a little worried about this.

"It's okay~"

Hearing this, Ling Yi shook his head, his hand holding the teacup motionless, and said with a faint smile: "I believe them. Before leaving, they said they would send the medical fees later, so let's do it later -"


After hearing this, Long Yin opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

My brother Yi is good at everything, but his temperament is a bit too pure and kind, and he trusts people too easily.

It stands to reason that with Brother Yi's wisdom, it is impossible not to be unaware of the intrigues between people in this world. The various twists and turns in those eyes should be seen clearly. How come...?

Looking intently at Ling Yi's sincere face and eyes, Long Yin sighed secretly.

Well, if those two groups of people really default on their debts, and it really doesn’t work out, I’ll have to ask my dad to come forward and get the fees back.

Turning his head and looking left and right at Zhang Mufeng and Qingqiu Xin on both sides, Long Yin raised his eyebrows when he saw the presence of the two old gods, and the two of them responded with the same raised eyebrows.

From the eyes of the two of them, Long Yin saw the same thoughts as his own.

Seeing the interaction between the three of them, Ling Yi felt a little touched and a little funny.

He really didn't care about whether those two groups of people would send over the medical fees.

If you send it, he will trust the wrong person.

If he doesn't send it, both the soul masters who have been treated before and the soul masters who will be treated by him in the future will help him recover the medical treatment fee.

This is not the world in the previous life where various systems and regulations were complete and sound, but a world where personal power belongs to oneself and is full of violence.

Escape from the bill? Not paying back your debt?


Some large hospitals in the past life did not save people without seeing money, but there were also some that saved people first and then collected money.

Just like some low-income households, they enjoy some priority policies.

There are also some people who cannot get cash temporarily, such as time deposit certificates from deposits, or those who go to the doctor at night and have no time to collect the surgery expenses...

But Ling Yi once heard a lady from the general surgery department and a lady majoring in nursing say that some people just ran away after treatment, and when they found them, they just said they had no money.

Some people even pack up hospital sheets, quilt covers, hot water bottles, and plastic bottles and take them away.

deposit? Where does a deposit come from for someone who didn’t have a dime when they arrived?

Use it first and make up for it later~

With legal protection, what can such a person do?


Aren't you afraid of being known as a shop bully and an unscrupulous profiteer?

Those hospitals that are greedy for money and don't treat patients without money are hateful, and these old scoundrels are equally hateful.

But in Douluo Continent, or other extraordinary worlds, how about trying alone?

The four people here were enjoying their leisure time after dinner, and two groups of people happened to come up to the stairs on the other side.

After coming up, the young man and the middle-aged man in the lead looked around and immediately locked onto the four Ling Yi people sitting by the window.

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