Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 97 Farewell

Three days later, at the western border of [Shuimu Principality], outside [Sao Feng Canyon].

Early in the morning, hundreds of figures gathered outside the Blue Silver Wooden House, silently waiting patiently for something.

When the red sun in the eastern sky fully appeared, the door of the wooden house was opened from the inner latch, revealing Zhang Mufeng's somewhat sleepy face.


At the first glance, seeing so many figures gathered outside the door, all Zhang Mufeng's sleepiness was shaken away, and his half-lidded eyes widened instantly.

Subconsciously closing the door and bolting it again, Zhang Mufeng immediately turned around and ran towards the lounge near the storage room. Before he even got close, he shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Brother Yi! Brother Yi——! Get up quickly! There are many people coming outside——!!"

In the lounge, Ling Yi, who had woken up a long time ago and was cultivating his soul power, opened his eyes and moved his body. In the end, he did not get up directly, but said loudly to the outside of the lounge: "A Feng, those people outside should be Ye Luo. The people brought by the Yueqing brothers, as well as other friends who knew we were leaving today, came to see us off.

You take A Xin and A Yin to organize the salutes so that nothing is left behind, and then take Ye Luo and Yue Qing to load the car one by one...

I am practicing now, and it will take a while to finish—"

After saying that, he said no more, closed his eyes and started to regulate his breathing.

Outside, Zhang Mufeng first breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Ling Yi's words, and then smiled sarcastically at Qingqiu Xin and Long Yin, who had just heard the sound.

Then, he received two pairs of contemptuous eyes.

Not to mention how the three friends outside simply washed up and began to once again count the gifts that had been packed yesterday.

In the lounge, Ling Yi opened his eyes with some annoyance, lowered his head slightly melancholy, and felt a faint sadness in his heart.

In other words, since three or four years ago, this kind of unfounded sorrow has been happening every morning, and each time it lasts for a long time.

This situation became more and more intense as Ling Yi's physical fitness strengthened.

I had no choice but to keep my body active by rolling around since I was little. When I got a little older, I would play with Ah Huang and Miaomiao, step by step creating and perfecting the dog and cat shapes in "Basic Gymnastics".

There are also the "Farmer's Three Postures" created by villagers in the village, cultivating the land, harvesting, and chopping firewood. They are all ways to strengthen the body and activate and strengthen the body's qi and blood.

To this day, in the "Basic Gymnastics" Twelve Forms, "Farmer's Three Forms", "Beast Martial Spirit Xingyi Fist Frame" Nine Forms, as well as various other cold weapon basic combat skills, as well as various tonic medicinal diets , great tonic soup, martial soul evolution, soul power improvement, strength enhancement...

Each and every one of these made Ling Yi's body, inside and out, stronger than ordinary people could imagine at the age of fifteen.

The Qi and blood are strong, the five internal organs are full of essence, and the age has almost reached a rather embarrassing age. It can be said that Ling Yi is now mature!

The people on Douluo Continent were more precocious than Ling Yi in his previous life because of the existence of the extraordinary power of Wuhun. That is to say, every night, Ling Yi alternates between soul power training and deep sleep.

When practicing soul power, the mind should be kept tight. During deep sleep, the 'self state' wakes up and spontaneously adjusts the body's various functions to a perfect balance. This prevents Ling Yi from the embarrassing situation of doing the laundry by himself in the morning.

But it won’t be a problem if it continues like this——

Ling Yi looked down at his heir to the throne with some distress, intending to reprimand him, but after thinking about it, he was also innocent, and he had already suffered from him for so many years, and suddenly he couldn't bear it.

No longer paying attention to the stubborn free will, Ling Yi calmed down his mind and focused more on transporting soul power in his body, letting the other party raise a flag in protest.

Let him be, he will rest on his own when he gets tired.

With such thoughts, Ling Yi mobilized his soul power to flow quickly and steadily in the meridians in his body, like a rushing river, scouring and opening up the river channel. The river water with the breath of life, bit by bit Penetrating the land on both sides of the river bank...

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Yi felt that his free will had ceased. He opened his eyes at the right time, got up and got down, put on his clothes, and went through the small door to the corner behind the wooden house to wash up in the bathroom.

When Ling Yi finished washing and came to the main room of the Blue Silver Wooden House, the huge space was empty except for a few wooden shelves and canopy beds placed on the side, as well as the "Blue Silver Grass" plants on the walls. Nothing more.

If there is a careful soul master, he will also find that the "blue silver grass" on the wall is now the same size as the "blue silver grass" growing on the ground outside the wooden house, and is no longer the same size as before.

Apparently, the special "Blue Silver Grass" cultivated with "Agarwood" fragments as fertilizer in the Blue Silver Wooden House had been packed and moved onto the carriage along with other tributes, and was about to be taken away by Ling Yi.

Stepping out of the wooden house, Ling Yi saw Long Yin holding a knife in his left hand and an ax on his right shoulder, transporting his two thousand-forged weapons to a carriage.

At this time, Zhang Mufeng had just jumped out of the back of the carriage, presumably putting away the things on hand.

"Mr. Ling~"

From a distance, someone in the crowd saw Ling Yi appearing and immediately called out.

This sound woke up the others who had been silently watching Zhang Mufeng and Long Yin, as well as Qingqiu Xin, Yue Qing and others carrying large and small bags to salute.

All of a sudden, the words 'Mr. Ling' rang out one after another in an endless stream.

With a warm smile on his face, Ling Yi took the initiative to greet these onlookers, looked around and smiled at everyone.

Finally, Ling Yi's eyes met the C position in the crowd. Three men and one woman were standing there. Others around them spontaneously made space for them.

Kang Zhan, the martial spirit "Chuanshan Cave Mausoleum Armor", a level 44 attack-type fighting spirit sect, and the fifth among the top ten masters in the Sao Feng Bazaar group.

Yu Liang, the martial spirit "Grey Rock Snake", a forty-level agility attack type fighting spirit sect, the seventh among the top ten masters in the Sao Feng Market group.

Chen Yuanzhi, the martial spirit "Double Steel Fork", a forty-level assault type fighting spirit sect, the last of the top ten masters in the Sao Feng Market group.

Shu Xin, the martial spirit "Rosemary Purple Smoke Vine", a level 48 control fighting spirit sect, the second among the top ten masters in the Sao Feng Market group.

Of these four people, except for Kang Zhan's sixth brother Kang Zhao who was seriously injured and dying a few days ago and was rescued by Ling Yi, the other three were either injured themselves and treated by Ling Yi, or they had relatives like Kang Zhan. , teammates have been treated by Ling Yi, and they naturally feel grateful and close to Ling Yi, the healer.

And Ling Yi naturally responded to his friendly side towards these friendly camp soul masters.

"Mr. Kang, Brother Yu, Brother Chen, Sister Xin."

Ling Yi stepped forward and greeted the four of them respectively.

Hearing these obviously different titles, Kang Zhan raised his eyebrows and took the lead in pretending to be dissatisfied: "Mr. Ling, are our titles too different?"

"Boss Kang~" The middle-aged man with slender eyes on the side joked in a hoarse voice: "You said Brother Ling calls you very well, isn't that how you call me Brother Ling too——"

"That's right!" Another strong middle-aged man laughed and continued: "What Lao Yu said is that you, Boss Kang, are proud of your strength and keep a distance from me, Brother Ling. Do you still expect Brother Ling to call you a brother?—— ?”

Next to her, Shu Xin, a beautiful woman with the most beautiful appearance but the strongest strength, just looked at her with a smile and said nothing.

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