Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 105 Miserable Claw VS Tyrant

"Ouch!" Bankiras roared loudly, activated its special sand blasting feature, and countless yellow sand poured out from its body, instantly setting off a sandstorm all over the sky.

"What's going on? Meow?" Lucao fended off the wind and sand in panic.

"This is the characteristic of the Pokémon named Bankelas, which can cause sandstorms." Su Yi explained.

I wanted to meet the Pokémon in the Padia region, but I didn't expect to see the quasi-god Bankelas, an old friend of Pokémon players and the leader of the Sandstorm Team.

At the same time, Su Yi wanted to take back the idea that the accompanying Pokémon would bully the girl in front of him.

The Bankelas in front of him was obviously well-bred, with a huge body, distinctive armor, high fighting spirit, and sharp eyes.

All this shows that this girl named Nemo is a very strong trainer!

The beginning of this battle was beyond Su Yi's expectations in every aspect.

"Pokémon is actually so powerful, meow!" Lucao looked at the yellow sand in the sky in amazement, then put down the leather hat on his head and put on the goggles on the hat.

"What a big sandstorm! What a vicious Pokémon!" Ma Li stretched out her hand to block the sandstorm, but looked at Bankelas with bright eyes.

"Don't you also have vicious Pokémon?" Su Yi said with a smile.

Nemo couldn't wait to say: "Hurry up and let me see your Pokémon!"

Su Yi took a deep breath: You released Bankiras first, so don't blame me for being despicable.

"Cruel Claw Dragon! Get ready to fight!" Su Yi shouted with high spirits.


The vicious monster covered with red muscle lines landed on the ground and assumed a fighting posture.

"Oh oh oh! Such a big and vicious Pokémon!" Nemo opened her mouth wide in shock, then took out her cell phone Rotom and opened the picture book function.

"There is no information about this Pokémon."

Nemo was surprised: "Another Pokémon with no information!"

"Huh!" The Misty Claw snorted, feeling very uncomfortable with the environment swept by the sandstorm.

"This Pokémon is very strong at first glance! Then I will launch the attack without mercy! Bankelas! Sharp stone attack!" Nemo instantly entered the battle state.

"Ouch!" Bankiras roared, punching the ground hard, and then the ground shook. Huge rock spikes that lit up with blue energy protruded from the ground one by one, and then pierced all the way to the ground. Mistyclaw.

"What a majestic sharp stone attack!"

Su Yi marveled at the astonishing momentum of this move, but he was not slow at all in commanding: "Misery Claw Dragon, charge forward!"

"Howl!" The Misty Claw Dragon roared, running wildly and facing the attack of the piercing sharp rocks.

"Actually rushing towards the move?" Nimo was quite puzzled.

Seeing the sharp stone attack approaching, Su Yi saw the right moment and shouted: "Jump up!"


The Misty Claw flexed its strong muscles and jumped high in the sandstorm. The sharp stone attack passed through from below and missed.

"What a strong jumping ability!" Nemo exclaimed.

The Mistyclaw has the ability to jump high and fight back against low-flying monsters.

"Just pounce on him and use the Laceration Claw!" Su Yi waved his claw.

"Howl!" The Claw Dragon in the air raised its sharp claws, and with a snap, the ten-edged Claws combined, lit up with a forest-white light, and then crossed a deadly arc and pounced high towards Bankiras.

Nemo saw this and shouted with enthusiasm: "Banjiras! Attack with dragon claws!"

"Ouch!" Bankilas roared and stretched out his sharp claws, and the dragon-attributed energy instantly attached to them, forming two huge energy dragon claws, fiercely facing the Brutal Claw Dragon that pounced from the air.


The Dragon Claw and the Lacerated Claw collided fiercely, and the violent aftermath of the impact dispersed the surrounding sandstorm, forming a short sand-free space.

"Ouch!" Bankilas took two steps back with a thud, and the Mistyclaw was stopped from attacking and fell to the ground with a thud.

"That Pokémon is indeed very powerful! Great! This is the battle I want!" Nemo grinned and became more energetic.

"The powerful Bankelas can compete with the Misty Claw Dragon in terms of strength." After Su Yi marveled, his mood became high.

Nemo ordered again: "Banjiras, use Dragon Dance!"

"Ouch!" Bankilas stamped his feet violently, waved his claws and roared loudly. Dragon energy surged into his body and began to strengthen his speed and physical attack.

"Has it been strengthened?" Su Yi hesitated for a moment. If the Mistyclaw Dragon used the ferocious transformation, it would fall into a state of exhaustion after three minutes.

This is not an ordinary negative state, but a real physical exhaustion that requires real eating and rest to recover.

Although the ferocious enhancement is very powerful, if it is used now and the opponent's general cannot be taken down in a short period of time, this side will be at a disadvantage.

But Nimo didn't pay attention to Su Yi's brief hesitation, but immediately shouted after the Dragon Dance ended: "Use Earthquake!"

Bankilas roared, raised his foot and stomped on the ground. There was a loud bang, and the whole place began to shake.

"Cruel Claw Dragon! Keep your center of gravity!" Su Yi commanded.

Boom! Boom!

The earth trembled, the ground heaved and shook.

The Mistyclaw was at a loss as it tried to stabilize its body, but was severely injured by the violent tremors of the earth.

"Dragon Claw!" Nemo entered the state and directed Bankilas to launch a tight-paced attack.

Bankilas took advantage of the opportunity when the Mistyclaw was unsteady, moved his legs, and rushed forward like a heavily armored chariot. A pair of sharp claws once again lit up with heart-stopping dragon claws.

"Use the iron tail to attack!" Su Yi shouted.

"Howling!" The Mistyclaw twisted its body ferociously, and whipped away fiercely with its tail wrapped in metallic luster.


Bankiras hugged Iron Tail with his dragon claws.

The enhanced level of physical attack began to show its effect. Bankiras grabbed the tail of the Misty Claw and began to exert strength. Amidst its violent roar, he actually started to pull the Misty Claw towards it little by little. .

"Break free, then strike back with Mangled Claw!"

The Brutal Claw roared and twitched its body violently. Bankiras' pulling action paused. Then, the Brutal Claw took this opportunity to twist around and pull out its tail, then turned around and swung the Laceration Claw quickly.


The fighting-type laceration claw scratched Bankilas' armor, leaving a hideous scar of ten scars.

"Ouch!" Bankilas took a step back in pain, but the fierce light in his eyes was strong!

"Howl!" The Misty Claw Dragon responded with a fierce and violent roar without fear of that look.

Nimo clenched her fists and said excitedly: "This is how it feels! This is how it feels to fight with all your strength! Sure enough, Su Yi, you and your Pokémon are great!"

Su Yi smiled slightly and said: "Nimo, your Pokémon is also very strong, beyond my expectation. It feels like facing the Pokémon of Champion Dandi."

"Thank you for the compliment. Next time, you have to use your full strength!" Nimo smiled slightly and pumped her fist excitedly.

First of all, this book will be on the shelves at 12 noon today and will be updated as much as possible.

I hope everyone will support me.

Thank you all for your continued love. In fact, I am quite ashamed of you all.

Secondly, regarding the plot, friends who pay attention to time should understand that only two or three days have passed from the beginning of Ghost Train to the present, but the plot is compact.

Some friends said that there is less plot in Monster Hunter World. In fact, I just focused on writing Pokémon events. After the exhibition game, it was time to start the main plot of Monster Hunter World, the arrival of Molten Dragon.

Finally, I would like to ask everyone to take care of my first order.

Here, thank you all again for your support and love.

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