Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 133 Capturing the Flying Thunder Dragon

The carefully laid trap caught the target, and Su Yi and the accompanying beasts quickly descended to the base of the tree.

At this time, one of the Flying Thunder Dragon's claws stepped on the paralysis trap, and its body flashed with electric light and trembled and twitched.

But because it deals with thunder and lightning, the Flying Thunder Dragon quickly showed signs of breaking free.

Seeing this situation, Su Yi immediately commanded: "The fierce jackal dragon, the wave of the dragon!"

The ferocious jackal opened its mouth and released its dragon energy with all its strength. The flying dragon with surging energy arrived in an instant and exploded with a bang.

The Flying Thunder Dragon, who was about to break free from paralysis, was suddenly hit head-on by Dragon Wave.


The Flying Thunder Dragon fell to the ground, and the Misty Claw jumped down and rushed like a cheetah. The Flying Thunder Dragon quickly struggled to stand up and staggered towards the woods.

Thunder Dragon: Just get to that place!

call out!

A capture ball was launched at a high speed by the projector, and then opened in front of the flying thunder dragon with a bang.


The Flying Thunder Dragon roared in fright and anger. In front of it, the Dazzling Bird opened its luminous film and immediately began to warm up.

Biba: Er woman.

Seeing the preheating flash, the flying thunder dragon's snake eyes shrank, feeling something bad.

The next moment!


Hit by a blinding flash at close range, the flying thunder dragon closed its eyes tightly, lowered its head and howled in pain.

The chasing Dragon Claw roared wildly, swung its claws one after another, and knocked the temporarily blinded Flying Thunder Dragon down.

Ouch ouch.

Flying Thunder Dragon fell to the ground, struggling feebly.


The miserable claws of the Thunder Claw pressed on the head of the Flying Thunder Dragon, and it let out a threatening roar.

The Flying Thunder Dragon stopped struggling as if resigned to its fate, and just let out a sluggish gasp.

"Go ahead and capture the ball!" Su Yi took the opportunity to throw the capture ball.

In the surprised eyes of Aibo and Aiden, the flying thunder dragon about ten meters was sucked into a ball the size of a fist.


The capture ball shook violently, then continued to shake.

aibo and Aiden were also put into the mood of conquering monsters, and their expressions became nervous and apprehensive.


With a flash of light, the capture ball stopped shaking and lay quietly on the ground.

aibo asked uncertainly: "Is the subjugation successful?"

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then walked over and picked up the flying thunder dragon's capture ball.

"Flying Thunder Dragon, get√!" Su Yi raised the ball high, with a smile on his face.

"Successful!" aibo and Aiden also said happily.

Aiden praised: "Su Yi, the combination of you and your monster friends is so awesome."

From the sneak attack by the flying thunder dragon, to the chase in the woods, to finally subduing the flying thunder dragon, it only took half a day.

If it were him, it would have taken a lot of time just to track the flying thunder dragon, let alone subdue it in a short time.

Such efficient hunting can only be achieved by working together with monsters.

"Hahaha, the main reason is that the ecological niche of Flying Thunder Dragon is not high. If it were another monster, it wouldn't be that easy." Su Yi said with a smile.

If the Flying Thunder Dragon did not have the advantage of being in the woods and could move and dodge flexibly, its fate would have been like that of the Floating Dragon, which was directly taken down by two or three accompanying beasts with a combination of punches.

After successfully capturing the Flying Thunder Dragon, the group immediately returned to the stronghold.

"Gah~" Outside the gate of the stronghold, the steel-armored crow greeted Su Yi happily when he saw him returning.

The headquarters of Star Stronghold.

"It's great that you're back safely." The commander-in-chief still had a calm attitude, but it was clear in his eyes that he was relieved.

"There is no danger, and there is a lot of harvest." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Well, the Steel-Armored Crow has brought back precious materials, and the researchers have begun studying them impatiently."

"But did you encounter anything unusual when you came back from the forest?" the commander-in-chief asked.

"What happened?" Aiden asked.

The commander-in-chief's eyes darkened, and then he said: "When our hunters were eliminating unstable factors in the ancient tree forest, the Barbarian jaw dragon and its subspecies Thunder jaw dragon entered the battle randomly, causing a lot of trouble for the hunters."

aibo and Su Yi looked at each other, and then aibo said: "On our way back to the stronghold from the ancient tree forest, we were attacked by a flying thunder dragon."

"The monster that would not take the initiative to attack the hunter not only launched a revenge-like attack on us, but also led us to the position where the Brutal Jaw Dragon and the Thunder Jaw Dragon are competing for the territory."

"Flying Thunder Dragon?"

"If I remember correctly, that should be the hunting target of a certain team of hunters, because recently, this monster has become violent, causing a lot of trouble to the researchers and material collectors who went out to investigate." the commander said.

"But this series of events..." the commander-in-chief frowned.

Su Yi stepped forward and said, "Let's hear my information first."

Suddenly, everyone in the command center focused their attention on Su Yi.

"About a month ago, Steel Dragon visited the Ancient Tree Forest." As soon as Su Yi said this, everyone was shocked.

"The steel dragon appeared in the ancient tree forest? A month ago?" The leader of the investigation team was a little surprised.

"About a month ago? Was it that sudden storm? That's it." The commander-in-chief suddenly realized.

Because of that storm, the monsters in the ancient tree forest suddenly became violent, which caused considerable difficulties in their investigation and exploration.

It is precisely because of this that they, who were short of manpower, were not able to detect the arrival of the ancient dragon in time. Although they had initial suspicions, they finally left it alone.

"By the way, did you come to the Ancient Tree Forest a month ago?" the commander-in-chief asked in surprise.

"Ahem, that's not the point."

Su Yi quickly changed the topic: "After the strange weather caused by the ancient dragon, the ecology of the ancient tree forest has changed."

"The Cyan Fire Dragon arrived and had a conflict with the Fire Dragon couple. The Thunderjaw Dragon arrived and had a territorial dispute with the Barbarian Jaw Dragon."

"And this time, we're witnessing the battle between the two again."

"It can be seen from various signs that after the failure of the first territorial battle of the Barbarian dragon, it invaded the territory of the Flying Thunder dragon and conflicted with it. After that, the activity range of the Flying Thunder dragon was occupied by the Barbarian dragon and the Thunder jaw dragon. squeezed together.”

"Afterwards, the arrival of Laoshan Dragon once again affected the ecology of the ancient tree forest, thus threatening the survival territory of Flying Thunder Dragon again, making it more irritable and aggressive."

As mentioned last time, every time an ancient dragon visits, the monsters will feel uneasy, and the way for monsters to eliminate uneasiness is nothing more than to increase their survivability and resources by hunting, occupying territories, expelling foreign enemies, etc.

In other words, every time an ancient dragon arrives, there will be a major reshuffle of the territory and resources in the area.

The weak will be at a disadvantage in such changes and will eventually either be expelled or die in the struggle.

As for the Flying Thunder Dragon, it happened to be caught between the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and the Thunder Jaw Dragon. It can be said that it was under the heavy pressure of survival. If it had not had the ability to leap through the forest to deal with it, it would have been long ago. were driven away or killed.

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