Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 168: Destroyed by Thunder (3k)

The sound in my ears gradually became noisy.

Su Yi slowly woke up, and then

"Ouch! It hurts, it hurts!" Su Yi rubbed the back of his neck and back, baring his teeth and yelling.

"I have injuries on my body and I'm sleeping in an awkward position. Of course it hurts."

Su Yi stood up and a blanket slipped from his body. Su Yi quickly caught it with quick eyes and hands.

"Is this Miss Joey? Thank you very much." Su Yi handed the blanket to Joey who was standing aside.

It was already morning, and trainers began to come in and out of the Pokémon Center.

"You're welcome, your Pokémon has been treated, and it's time to rest. But try not to let it go through such a fierce battle." Joey warned with a serious face.

Such a ferocious beast can be injured like this, so one can imagine the intensity of the battle.

"Hahaha, try your best, try your best." Su Yi laughed.

In Miss Joy's helpless eyes, Su Yi left the Pokémon Center.

Su Yi returned to the world of monster hunter and appeared in the shed on the mountain behind the stronghold.

"I really don't want to eat it."

Su Yi looked at the barbecue that had been left untouched all night and even started to deteriorate, attracting a group of hateful birds to eat it.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon ran away to nowhere.

Su Yi opened the "Hunting Guide", checked the [Map], and found that the Thunder Wolf Dragon had not left far. He must have just wanted to stay away from the shed and the accompanying beasts in the shed.

"There's no way to go on like this. We have to let that stubborn wolf eat something." Su Yi touched his chin.

Although Su Yi is not in a hurry to get Thunder Wolf Dragon's approval now, now that he has conquered it, he still has to take care of it.

"aibo, what do you think?" Su Yi asked casually again.

Lucao touched her ears and said without hesitation: "Since it doesn't eat what we give it, let it hunt on its own, meow."

"Oh? What a great idea, aibo!" Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately.

"But it seems like it doesn't have the energy to hunt anymore, meow," the cat said worriedly.

"Hmph, I have a way!"


Su Yi and Lu Cao came to the stronghold and prepared to set off from the main gate to the plain.

"aibo! Wait!" The receptionist called Su Yi from behind.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi turned around strangely.

The receptionist asked: "Aibo, has anything happened to your shed recently? Last night, many hunters heard a long howling sound coming from the back mountain."

"Well, yesterday, I captured a Thunder Wolf Dragon..." Su Yi laughed.

Receptionist aibo:? ? ?

Later, Su Yi and the receptionist explained yesterday's hunting in detail.

Seeing that there was a lot of information, the receptionist immediately started to compile the report and then showed it to the commander-in-chief.

And Su Yi continued to the plain.

Thunder Wolf Dragon opened his eyes, propped up his body, and looked around.

It roared and wandered around in confusion. It could no longer feel the lightning bugs on its back, and was a little frustrated.

The wounds on his body had scabbed over and the pain was less obvious, but he was hungry and weak.


After walking for a while, Thunder Wolf Dragon lay down again, his mind filled with complicated thoughts.

What should I do next? how should I do? Will I die here? …

Complex ideas emerge that would not have appeared before.

At this time, a chirping sound came from not far away, accompanied by a sound passing through the branches and leaves.

Thunder Wolf Dragon immediately stood up and his expression became alert.

It shows its claws and is always ready for the final battle!


A herbivorous dragon ran out of the bushes and ran towards this side in a panic. There were some bloody mouths on its body that looked like scratches on rocks.

Thunder Wolf Dragon's eyes lit up. It had no intention of studying why the herbivorous dragon left the group and ran to this place alone.

It's hungry now and it needs food!


The Thunder Wolf Dragon tried its best to bite at it, but the herbivorous dragon was unable to stop even the weak Thunder Wolf Dragon.

The sharp teeth tore the throat, and blood gurgled out, stimulating the Thunder Wolf Dragon's appetite. It greedily sucked the blood until the herbivorous dragon stopped struggling.

The blood moistened the stomach and brought a strong desire for meat, and the Thunder Wolf Dragon immediately started to feast.

It didn't notice that some of the pills inserted into the wound entered its belly as it devoured it.

In the distance, Su Yi put down the telescope and sighed: "It's not easy."

After saying that, he took a bite of the barbecue.

On the side, the big ferocious jackal dragon swallowed the whole herbivorous dragon and ate leisurely under the shade of the tree.

The burning bug lit a fire, Geely Dan and the bear apprentice set up a barbecue combination, and began to learn barbecue under the command of Lu Cao.

Da Kong was waiting to eat, and everyone looked like they were having a leisurely picnic.

Su Yi raised the telescope and looked again.

For the hungry Thunder Wolf Dragon, that herbivorous dragon was barely eighty percent full. Within ten minutes, there were only large pools of blood and a pile of broken bones on the ground.

As the vitality fragments were consumed, the medicinal power began to replenish the lost vitality of the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon lay on the ground, gradually regaining its vitality. The feeling of its body becoming stronger made the Thunder Wolf Dragon ignite its desire to survive.

"It seems that there is nothing serious about the body." Su Yi relaxed temporarily.

"But combat capability is the biggest problem."

Su Yi opened the "Hunting Guide", turned to the [Accompanying Beasts] column, and checked the information about the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

[Name: Thunder Wolf Dragon

Race: Thunder Wolf Dragon (male)

Attributes: Electricity, Fighting

Features: Lightning and Light Symbiosis (after using or being attacked by electric attribute moves four times in total, it enters the [super charged state], immune to electric attribute moves, the power of electric attribute moves is doubled, and the physical attack is greatly increased. After receiving a certain amount of damage in this state It will be canceled and all enhancements of this characteristic will be released, but it can be enhanced again [not activated])

Move: Earth Escape Lightning ([Super Charged State] Limited exclusive move, power 120, electrical attribute, physical move. This move is not immune to the ground system. Use the back full of lightning to slam the target with a chance to paralyze the target [ inactivated】)

Thunder Palm (exclusive move, power 50, electric attribute, physical move, slaps the target with the front paws wrapped with lightning. Continuous use will slightly increase the power, up to three times, and has a chance of paralyzing the eyes [inactive])

Lightning bug bomb (exclusive move, power 80, electric attribute, special move, bounces multiple balls of lightning bugs to shock the target, with a chance of paralyzing the target [not activated])

Dragon Wolf Spin (exclusive move, power 80, fighting attribute, physical move, spins the body to hit the target, has a certain probability of increasing speed)

Charging [not activated], thunder [not activated], lightning fangs [not activated], biting, head thrusting, splitting tiles, beating, etc.

Carrying props: none]

Su Yi sighed as he looked at a series of inactive electric moves.

Although Thunder Wolf Dragon has the word "Thunder", its discharge ability is not outstanding. It does not have an organ specialized in producing electricity like other thunder-type monsters.

Instead, it only discharges electricity through some special lipids in the body, and its power is far less than that of monsters like Thunderjawsaurus.

But it can achieve a symbiotic relationship with an insect called a thunder bug.

The thunder bug is an insect that is about the size of a ping pong ball as an adult and somewhat resembles a firefly.

Although it may be small, the full power released by just one lightning bug can paralyze large monsters without special anti-electricity capabilities for several seconds.

The paralysis trap used by hunters to paralyze monsters is made of lightning bugs.

Although the Thunder Wolf Dragon itself is not outstanding in its ability to generate electricity, its ability to control thunder and lightning is excellent.

The electrical storage shells and lightning hairs on its back and limbs can store, use, and even amplify electricity.

When the Thunder Wolf Dragon uses its own electricity to activate the lightning bugs on its body, it can control that powerful electricity to launch a fierce attack.

It can be said that the thunder wolf dragon has such a strong strength, and the lightning bugs are indispensable.

But this Thunder Wolf Dragon was first driven away by Su Yi and the others, and most of the lightning bugs were dispersed. In the last desperate fight, all the remaining lightning bugs were activated and killed.

"Thunder Wolf Dragon, how can I make you shine with lightning again?"

"Thunder light bug? Let's go and go back to yesterday's battlefield." Su Yi thought for a while and said.

Da Kong, who was eating the grilled meat of the auspicious eggs, speeded up his eating.

In the forest, Su Yi and Lu Cao rode the Barbarian Jaw Dragon towards the stream and pool where they fought yesterday.

Along the way, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon seemed a little cautious, always paying attention to the movements in the forest, which was in sharp contrast to the last time when he strode forward and opened the way ruthlessly.

Su Yi guessed that it might have been shadowed after being attacked by the Thunderjaw Dragon before, so it was so cautious.

Su Yi touched the hemostatic bandage wrapped around the neck of the Mangnathosaurus and said jokingly: "I heard that the criminal will return to the scene of the crime..."

"Roar!" The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared with excitement, raised its nose, and carefully sniffed the surrounding scent.

Su Yi: He believed it...

Soon, they came to the small pool. The traces of yesterday's fierce battle were still clearly visible, including broken branches and vines, broken rocks, and blocked streams...

But there was no sign of the lightning bug.

Su Yi was naturally looking for the lightning bugs that he had dispersed from the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

The thunder bugs on the Thunder Wolf Dragon are different from the native thunder bugs in the New World. They are species from the Old World and have wings.

The thunder bug in the New World has no wings and looks like a crawling beetle.

Although both are called lightning bugs, they can basically be regarded as two species with similar abilities.

Only these winged lightning bugs can always gather on the Thunder Wolf Dragon and fly out to carry out lightning attacks.

It can be said that the thunder bugs of the Old World are more flexible and more suitable for the thunder wolf dragon.

Furthermore, currently only the thunder bugs of the Old World and the Thunder Wolf Dragon have the habit of symbiosis. The thunder bugs of the New World do not seem to be able to coexist with the Thunder Wolf Dragon, and it is impossible to talk about providing electricity to the Thunder Wolf Dragon to help it fight.

"Have they all run away?" Su Yi was a little helpless.

In this forest, finding these Old World lightning bugs, which are about the size of ping pong balls, is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

What's more, if they can fly, their range of movement will be further.

"Is it possible to find another Thunder Wolf Dragon? What am I thinking?" Su Yi shook his head.

"By the way, let's go visit the forest insect cage clan. They are all masters of using insects. Ask them what they can do."

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