Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 178 Planting seeds, new ability to tickle birds (3K)

Outside Ma Shide's martial arts hall, several apprentices were farming seriously on the newly cultivated fields.

"Senior Sister Clara."

"Hello, senior sister."

Several apprentices greeted Clara cheerfully when they saw her, and Clara responded with a smile.

Su Yi teased: "You look very happy. Is it because you have become a senior sister?"

"Of course it's because I'm popular and everyone likes me." Clara hummed proudly.

"I'm back!"

Following Clara into the lobby of the gym, several slightly surprised looks came over her.

"who's that person?"

"Aren't you from our martial arts school?"

The students were a little surprised, mainly because before Su Yi left, there were few apprentices in the martial arts gym. In addition, Su Yi was not an official apprentice, so the newcomers didn't know about Su Yi.

"Is there a newcomer here?" A man with long blond hair wearing a tall hat and weird clothes said as he pushed up his glasses.

"Oh?" Su Yi's expression changed, and it turned out that the newcomer Clara was talking about was Sai Baoli.

Su Yi naturally knew the person in front of him.

In the DLC "Island of Armor" for "Pokémon Sword \u0026 Shield", in the "Sword" version, it is Clara who comes to the martial arts gym to train, while Sebaoli is in the "Shield" version.

Sebaoli is good at using super-type Pokémon, and he is also a super-power user who comes from a famous family of super-power users, but his super-powers are somewhat worse than other super-power users.

Su Yi couldn't help but secretly complained that super powers were really cheating.

Clara hummed proudly: "Hmph, this is not a newcomer. Based on seniority, everyone present must call him senior brother."

"What senior brother? If he were the Alchemy Emperor, I would still recognize him!" Sai Baoli put his hands on his hips and snorted unhappily.

"Don't believe it? Senior brother, he got the 'secret armor' from the gym." Clara said with a smile.

Sai Baoli looked surprised and said: "I got the secret armor?! Doesn't that mean I became a master?"

"In that case, let me see how strong the master is, right?" Sebaoli's face condensed, and he took out an elf ball with his telekinesis.

"Ah? Now? Here? It's not good if we lose in such a large crowd." Clara looked at Sebaoli, covered her mouth and said in surprise.

Su Yi glanced at Clara, this provoking method was too obvious.

"As long as you solve it gracefully, there will be no problem." With a wave of his finger, Sebaoli opened the elf ball and released a Yongjira.

Su Yi shrugged, threw the capture ball, and said: "Quick fight, I'm waiting for the soup, the ferocious jackal dragon, devour it with a big mouth!"

In the astonished eyes of all the students, as soon as the ferocious jackal appeared, its huge body pounced directly on Yongjira, swallowing it in one gulp under his horrified eyes.

"Wait! What's going on with this amazingly big Pokémon?" Sai Baoli was confused. Did he eat my Pokémon right away? Is there any more royal method?

"The first move." Su Yi stretched out a finger.

"This move is not elegant at all! Yongjira, use your mental strength to break free." Sebaoli frowned.

Through the thick belly, Yongjila didn't seem to hear clearly, and Sebaoli was secretly anxious.

As a person with superpowers, he actually only has the ability to move objects with his mind, but he is still unable to communicate with others, teleport, etc.

"Spirit! Spirit! Strong! Nian!" Sebaoli could only shout in command.

Yongjira reluctantly heard it, and endured the constant attack of evil energy to perform the move.

The next moment, a very colorful light shrouded the belly of the big ferocious jackal. Sebaoli's expression softened and he shouted loudly: "Yongjira! Get out quickly!"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Only then did Sai Baoli realize that the ferocious jackal dragon looked completely unaffected.

"What's going on? The moves have no effect at all?!"

Su Yi: Evil immunity super power, boy!

At the same time, Yongjira was suffering from constant evil-type injuries in his belly.

"In that case, teleport!" Sebaoli shouted at the top of his lungs again.

Yongjira vaguely heard the command, and endured the pain and used teleportation.

Su Yi reminded: "The fierce jackal dragon."

"Roar!" The ferocious jackal roared and got ready.

call out!

Not far away, the space fluctuated, and Yongjila's embarrassed figure emerged.

Su Yi immediately ordered: "Roar loudly!"


The dark energy wave blasted towards Yongjira who was caught off guard.

With a bang, Yongjira was blown away and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

"Second move." Su Yi stretched out a finger again.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Su Yizi, after finally coming back, please stop bullying the juniors."

"Master!" All the apprentices paid attention and saluted.

"Master Ma." Su Yi took back the ferocious jackal dragon, but Sai Baoli had not yet recovered from the disastrous defeat.

"Small competition, victory or defeat is a common thing for military officers. Besides, Su Yizi is not an ordinary trainer. Don't aim too high, and don't be discouraged. Let's drink soup to calm down." Ma Shide said with a smile.

Sebaoli took a deep breath, took back Yongjira, and said, "I understand."

"You should also try your master's wife's craftsmanship first."

After Ma Shide greeted the apprentice away, he turned to Su Yi and said with a smile: "Little Sai Sai joined the martial arts gym not long ago. Although he has some minor problems like Little Lala, he is also a good young talent."

"I have grown up, okay." Clara muttered.

"But the clever guy is still very clever." Su Yi said sideways.

Seeing that her little thoughts were seen through, Clara smiled awkwardly: "Who makes that guy look so arrogant, and I'm not good at dealing with him either."

Su Yi secretly laughed in his heart, Clara is a "poison type" and Sebaoli is a "super power type". Is this being restrained?

"Stop standing and go try your master's mother's giant soup."

When we came to the dining room, there was a large pot in the middle of the big table surrounded by everyone, but there were extremely giant red clouds floating on the pot.

Again, I admire the first person to eat shiitake mushrooms, because they might be poisonous mushrooms.

The bright color of the giant mushroom does not look like an edible mushroom at first glance. How did Mrs. Miye think of using it to make soup?

If you eat something that is not poisonous, you will be full, but if it is poisonous, you will eat it on a mat, right?

"Su Yi is here? How have you been in the past month or so?"

When Miye saw Su Yi, she was surprised at first, and then started to ask questions.

Su Yi drank the soup and chatted with a relaxed expression. By the way, he also talked about wanting to plant ancient trees in the Focus Forest.

"Old man, I'm getting old. We usually take care of the martial arts gym. Just do whatever you want. I'll let everyone help take care of it," Ma Shide said.

After buying Kai Island, Ma Shide still had the energy to build twin towers and build some bridges on Kai Island at first, but later he became powerless.

Now he mainly focuses on teaching his disciples and playing games.

The ancient tree Su Yi mentioned sounds quite magical, and it's not harmful anyway. I just don't know if I can see the big tree grow up in my lifetime.

In fact, planting ancient trees on Kai Island is more of a planting experiment to accumulate experience and lay the foundation for formal planting.

Without the energy of the earth's veins, the ancient tree would probably not grow as big as the one in the ancient tree forest unless it was piled with massive resources, so Su Yi could only pour all his resources into one ancient tree.

While chatting about their thoughts on planting trees, Su Yi and Lu Cao finished drinking the giant soup.

The soup is very delicious, but in fact, the meaning of this soup is more to commemorate the days when Master Ma Shide and Mrs. Miye came to Kai Island to open up wasteland.

We arrived at the Focus Forest with ease. After more than a month, the fruit trees in the forest became more lush.

Many Pokémon gather here and consider it their home. They have built nests nearby. Now it feels like a Pokémon village.

Su Yi released the steel-armored crow to meet his companions, introduced Mu Shou Gong to everyone, and then shared his plan to plant trees.

Maybe this place will turn into a tribe of Pokémon trees.

What made Su Yi dumbfounded was that the little cuties in the forest picked up a bunch of various items. They felt like they were back at grandma's house and stuffed them into Su Yi's arms enthusiastically.

This made Su Yi think that this ancient tree planted here, even if it is not used for experiments, should be treated as a home for them.

Su Yi took out the seeds and gave them to the Wood Guards for them to plant, leaving behind fertilizer made from the rock shell of the Lava Mountain Dragon.

Just when Su Yi was thinking about the next thing, Dr. Omu called.

"Su Yi, thank you and Tickling Bird for your help. The research was successfully completed."

"When there is a teleportation computer near you, call me and I will teleport the bird to you. By the way, give me an address and I will courier its harvest this time."

Dr. Oak said mysteriously: "By the way, it has mastered new abilities."

"New ability?" Su Yi was a little surprised.

Dr. Omu didn't say much, saying that he wanted to give him a surprise.

Su Yi curiously returned to the martial arts hall, used the computer to receive the tickling bird, then released it and said, "What kind of work did you do for me again?"

"Gah wow~" Tiannio said something eagerly, seemingly wanting to show it to Su Yi.

"He said he wanted those beautiful stones in different colors."

"Beautiful stones of different colors?" Su Yi was startled, then reacted: "Evolution stone?"

"Gah!" Tiaoniao nodded.

"Well, it seems that I only have this Dark Stone here." Su Yi rummaged through his backpack and took out the Dark Stone that Steel Armor Crow had given him.

"Gah!" Zhuniao took the evolution stone and raised it in front of Su Yi, as if to say: Watch it!

The bird picked up the Dark Stone in its mouth, then rubbed its claws under the Dark Stone like a Rasengan.

The next moment, there was a buzzing sound, and a dark energy rock appeared in its claws.

Su Yi widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Hey?! The ghost type's solid stone attack?! What about Genesect and high-tech light cannon?!"

"So, as long as you carry the corresponding evolution stone, you can use hard stones with different attributes to hit hard? Good job!"

Su Yi was extremely surprised. This made the uncertain characteristic of using local materials controllable.

"Not bad, not bad." Su Yi smiled.

This is the possibility of discovering the companion beast. At the same time, Su Yi is also thinking, do other companion beasts also have other potentials that can be tapped?

Su Yi kept this idea in mind, and then planned to return to the star base, make the Dark Stone into a pendant and hang it on the neck of the bird. He also thought about buying some evolution stones, but as soon as he returned to the base, he received Urgent task.

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