Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 316 Dangerous and elegant giant wings, crushing power!

"Why do you want to open the dome of the venue?"

"Is it requested by the coordinator trainer who will be performing next?"

"It will feel different! I am looking forward to it!"

The audience in the venue was talking a lot, and the atmosphere that was already heated by the previous performance suddenly became more enthusiastic.


A high-pitched and sharp neighing sound came from above. Everyone looked up subconsciously, but because they were suddenly exposed to the bright sunshine, they subconsciously squinted their eyes and raised their hands to shield themselves from the sun.


With the roar of the wind, everyone felt a strong wind blowing, with a hint of coolness.

At this moment, a huge figure blocked out a large area of ​​sunlight, and everyone could see that a figure blocking out the sky and the sun flew directly from the sky to the opening of the dome with huge wings dancing.

"what is that?!"

"Such a huge body, such a wide wingspan! Such a big Pokémon!"

"It's flying down towards us! What is it going to do?!"


The high-pitched neighing became melodious. In the astonished eyes of the audience, Feng Piaolong opened its elegant giant wings and swooped down to the auditorium. Then it spread its wings and stopped suddenly. Feng Piaolong changed direction and flew ultra-low along the circular stands. Soar close.

From the audience's perspective, the huge and gorgeous wing membrane blocked their sight, and strong winds and shadows hit them. The perspective of a predator made everyone feel suffocated.

Observing this huge creature at such a close distance immediately aroused the human instinct to fear huge monsters.

Coupled with the biting ice condensed on the secretory glands in front of Fengdiaolong's body, and the deadly claws that were like pitch-black blades, the audience held their breath for a moment, and both their bodies and minds could not help but feel a hint of coldness.


The wind-drifting dragon flew in a circle to the center of the venue, and everyone came back to their senses amidst the bright ice crystals that slowly fell and reflected the sunlight.



"Incredible! This feeling of danger and magnificence coexisting is really indescribable! It's amazing!"

The audience reacted and applauded enthusiastically, as if to awaken their will from the cold.

The thrilling close-range flying frost just now gave them an extremely stimulating sensory experience and aroused their excitement.

At this time, everyone discovered that Feng Piaolong was riding an armored knight with a pattern very similar to Feng Piaolong's.

"Is that Pokémon on its back brother Su Yi?" Xiaozhi exclaimed.

"The beautiful ice crystals and the elegant dance are so gorgeous!" Ms. Joy from Qiuye Town applauded excitedly at the judging table.

"I really, really like this!" Mr. Sumisa, the president of the Pokémon Fan Club and one of the judges of the Gorgeous Contest, added two "really" in front of his catchphrase, which shows how much he likes it.

Mr. Konkenstein, the director of the gorgeous competition who is also a judge, exclaimed: "Such an innovative performance really makes my eyes shine. It's so different!"

However, on the field, Feng Piaolong's performance was not over yet. Amid the applause and admiration of the audience, it rotated its body upwards and used the Frost Drill.

As it rotates, countless ice crystals sway down, refracting the light, which is extremely bright, reflecting the beautiful dragon wings, like a dream.


The man in gorgeous armor landed on the stage at some point and slowly walked out of the sky full of ice crystals. Against the backdrop of the bright ice crystals, he looked like a triumphant knight receiving victory fireworks.


The wind-drifting dragon stopped spinning, spread its wings, sprayed out the last burst of ice crystals, spread its body's wing membranes, and floated in the air with the help of the wind.

And Su Yi opened his arms to welcome the coming ice crystals, as if he was receiving the triumphant fireworks, or like a knight and a dragon rushing to choose each other.


Feng Piao Long landed on the ground, spread his gorgeous wings, and slowly bowed his head. At the same time, Su Yi bowed gracefully and performed a curtain call. The two faced the audience, with the same appearance and spirit, elegant and tacit understanding.

After a while of silence.

Bang bang bang.!

The endless applause echoed in the venue and could not subside for a long time.

"That's great!"

"It's completely different from the previous performances!"

"Elegance, so elegant!"

Su Yi took off his helmet, looked at the judges' seat, and nodded slightly in greeting.

"I can't describe this performance in words." Miss Joy exclaimed with admiration on her face.

Konkenstein nodded and said: "Yes, this is beyond the scope of performance. It is art. I have no doubt that it will score high marks when it is put into a gorgeous celebration!"

"Are you interested in continuing to develop in the gorgeous competition?" Konkenstein asked expectantly.

Su Yi turned to look at Feng Piaolong, while Feng Piaolong looked at the huge stage.

Everyone was cheering and applauding them and offering sincere praise. This feeling made his heart completely alive.

This is an atmosphere it has never experienced on the platform. It is the center of attention and cheers. It has got rid of the troubles of survival and has a brand new goal!

What a great trip!

And all of this is because of this sudden intruder, the person who opened up its wisdom and vision, helped it train and grow together, its trainer, and its partner!

"Aww." Feng Piaolong gently nodded Su Yi's forehead with his head, expressing his gratitude and respect.

"Welcome to experience the real Pokémon world!" Su Yi touched Feng Piaolong's head, then turned his head and said with a smile: "The choice of my partner is my choice, and I will take it to the stage of the celebration. !”

Konkenstein nodded excitedly: "Very good! I'm very much looking forward to your next and future performances!"

Sumu Zuo smiled and nodded: "I really like this!"

Next, amidst the cheers of the audience, the three judges all gave a perfect score of 10 points, and the total of 30 points topped the audience, and it was undisputed!

"So handsome! That knight's outfit matches the Pokémon so well! And the two trust each other and work well together! It's so stressful! I won't let down my efforts and my efforts in hunting Papilio!"

In the player lounge, Xiaoyao clenched his fists. He did not lose his fighting spirit. Instead, he was inspired by the bond between Su Yi and Feng Piaolong!

"I won the performance round overwhelmingly! With this feeling of coexistence of danger and magnificence, I believe that the next gorgeous battle will truly show that fatal magnificence!" Xiao Shun also felt heavy pressure, originally thinking that the other party was a A layman, but he didn’t expect to be a powerful opponent with extraordinary talents!

"Wow, that's good!" Dan Emperor praised.

Emperor Dan thought of Su Yi's original thoughts and murmured: "It seems that the gorgeous competition can indeed attract many people and promote the development of the entire region."

He then forwarded the link to President Lord Lotz and expressed his opinion.

"I didn't expect you to have such a gorgeous and elegant side," Caidou said with a smile. Behind her, several of her Pokémon happily cheered for Su Yi.

"It's really attracting everyone's attention. It's a pity that I can't go to the scene to cheer you up, so I can only cheer you up silently here." Ounio clicked on the screen and posted "Come on!" on the barrage.

"Hey! You really know how to show off!" Clara scratched her hair, a look of envy flashed in her eyes.

"Gorgeous and dangerous, a perfect combination!" Ma Li nodded, looking forward to the next performance.

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