Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 328 Su Yi: Lao Deng! have to! add! money! (3k)


Black lightning flashed without warning in the desert. The next moment, as a twisted and chaotic space emerged and dispersed, an earthy yellow stone tower appeared out of thin air.


Two figures rushed out of the stone tower. The oncoming wind and sand made them cough, but their mood at the moment was that they were lucky to survive the disaster.

"Back!" Su Yi felt the hot air, but felt extremely happy.

"This adventure has been full of twists and turns." Dawu wiped his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yi looked back at the tall tower standing in the yellow sand and said, "I never expected that the truth of the Phantom Tower is actually a 'time machine' that appeared due to the distortion of time and space."

"This is too dangerous. If the past has been changed, what will happen now?" Daigo said worriedly.

"Perhaps traveling to the past is also part of the future?" Su Yi recalled Lugia's eyes looking at him, and the power Lugia suddenly gave to Da Kong when he met Lugia on the abandoned ship for the first time.

"The past determines the future, but does the future also affect the past?" Dawu's thoughts were a little confused.


When the thunder started again, Su Yi and Da Wu immediately stepped back a distance warily and looked towards the Phantom Tower.

The next moment, the dark and chaotic space once again enveloped the Phantom Tower, and then, a terrifying roar came from the space, as if something had descended on that space.

Then, the twisted space suddenly cracked, like a broken mirror, but then the space was restored, but the Phantom Tower disappeared, leaving only yellow sand in the sky.

"What is that?! Something terrible seems to have happened!" Daigo broke out in a cold sweat. He clearly felt that a certain existence suddenly arrived and completely wiped out the Phantom Tower.

Su Yi swallowed, and his back was also soaked in cold sweat. If they had just run slower, they would have been crushed together with the space!

"Judging from this ability, it seems to be the Pokémon known as the God of Space. Palkia is also one of the Pokémon that needs to be fully responsible for our accident."

"It seems to have destroyed this time and space distortion." Su Yi said.

"God of space, this is much scarier than the Pokémon that expands the earth and ocean." After hearing this, Daigo felt his heart palpitate.

Su Yi secretly wondered if it was too coincidental. As soon as they came back, Palkia destroyed the distortion of time and space, as if it had noticed that someone had entered it by mistake.

Then think of the figure he saw when he touched the legendary boulder, the God of Creation, Arceus

Su Yi shuddered, feeling that a certain alpaca had already noticed him. No, with its old man's ability, he should have been noticed when he first traveled through time.

"Coupled with the ability to faintly sense the heart of Pokémon, is it a low-end version of Super Power? I always feel like you, Arceus, are looking at me." Su Yi looked up, as if he wanted to see the stars through the yellow sand in the sky. the end of.

Speaking of what that legendary boulder is, after Su Yi obtained the energy inside in an unknown way, he could only pass it on to the three legendary Pokémon, Groudon, Kyogre, and Lugia.

Groudon and Kyogre fought over it, and Rayquaza was able to use its power to mega-evolve. Could it be that it was Arceus' "God List"?

The tired Daigo and Su Yi took a transport helicopter to a house on the outskirts of Qiuye Town. They were greeted by a somewhat nervous old man.

After entering the room full of fossil display cabinets, the old man couldn't wait to say to Daigo: "You must have found the fossil! As agreed before, give it to me quickly!"

A flush of excitement appeared on the wrinkled face of this fossil-mad old man.

Su Yi looked at Dawu with a puzzled look: "What was agreed upon?"

Daiwu smiled and said: "Of course I agreed to exchange the fossil for the key stone for you. I know you will definitely need the key stone, so I agreed for you in advance."

Su Yi nodded. Dawu was afraid that the key stone would be replaced by someone else. He was also planning to exchange the Pokémon fossil for the key stone. Dawu's approach of killing first and then showing off was understandable.

"Here." Su Yi put the claw fossil on the table.

"Oh!!!" The fossil maniac immediately took out his magnifying glass and looked at the lines on the fossil in fascination.

"Hey! Where's the keystone?" Su Yi knocked on the table angrily.

"Take it!" The fossil maniac took out a key stone from his pocket and threw it to Su Yi, but his eyes were fixed on the fossil.

Su Yi caught the key stone with quick eyes and hands, but heard the fossil maniac murmur in a low voice: "I didn't expect to find it. I finally don't have to take risks."

Su Yi frowned and asked suspiciously: "Old man! What do you mean by what you just said? Why don't you take risks?!"

When Dawu heard this, he immediately looked at the old man with a slight frown.

He had only heard from Fossil Maniac that there were fossils in the Tower of Phantoms, but looking back now, with his enthusiasm for fossils, why didn't he get it himself?

The fossil maniac said with some embarrassment: "I climbed up the Phantom Tower and saw the two fossils on the top floor. But when I went to get those two fossils, the Phantom Tower suddenly collapsed and the two fossils I got fell off. Missing."

"Then I heard that the Phantom Tower appeared again, so I hoped someone could help me get those two fossils back."

You are really greedy. You want to take two fossils by yourself, and you also implicitly assume that they are already in your pocket.

But Su Yi frowned and slapped the table, making Dawu and Fossil Maniac tremble.

Su Yi shouted: "That's not right! Tell me the truth! After the Phantom Tower appeared again, why didn't you go look for it again, but gave up decisively and asked others for help? Aren't you afraid that others would take away the fossils?"

"The truth is, you have encountered something that makes you hesitate. You are afraid that you will never come back to protect your precious fossil." Su Yi said with gloomy eyes.

"Didn't you come back safely?" Fossil Maniac said cautiously.

"Okay! You're not telling the truth, are you!?" Su Yi's face darkened, he grabbed the bottom of the table and jerked it.

Su Yi easily picked up a corner of the solid wood table filled with fossils with one hand. The fossils on it shook instantly and almost fell to the ground.

"Don't tell me? If you don't tell me, then don't play anymore!" Su Yi tried to overturn the table.

The fossil maniac was immediately shocked. He protected the fossils on the table and said loudly: "I say! I say! I have seen the Phantom Tower disappear. That terrible sight made me afraid to explore the Phantom Tower again! I’m afraid I’ll never come back!”

Daigo looked unhappy, he was hiding very important information from them!


Su Yi put down the table, held the fossil in place and breathed a sigh of relief.


Su Yi pulled out the peeling knife, stuck it on the table, and felt deep in the wood. The fossil maniac's heart was in his throat again!

"You will be shot for lying about military information! We almost turned into fossils! You are committing murder!" Su Yi said with terrifying eyes.

The fossil maniac shouted in panic: "What are you going to do? Don't be impulsive!"

Su Yi slowly opened his palm, then clenched his fist fiercely, and said viciously: "Go! More! Money!"

Dawu thought of Su Yi's previous dilemma of selling stones (in Dawu's opinion, needing to sell stones to make money was already a very embarrassing situation), and suddenly looked at him in surprise. Is he already so poor?

The fossil maniac quickly agreed: "If you want money, just ask! How much do you want!?"

Su Yi shook his head and said disgustedly: "Who cares about your dirty money?"

Daigo's eyes became weird.

"I don't want money, I just want something like a keystone!" Su Yi took out the keystone and shook it.

Su Yi didn't believe that Lao Deng had been digging for fossils for half his life. Didn't he find anything good?

"Okay! I'll give it!" Fossil Maniac gritted his teeth and nodded, although most of those things he planned to use in exchange for fossils.

After the fossil madman Ding Lingling rummaged around for a while, a bunch of strange things appeared in front of Su Yi.

"Leave some for me..." Fossil Maniac whispered.

Su Yi took a look at it, good guy, there are a lot of things, including super stones, comet fragments, blazing rocks, sandy rocks, dragon's teeth, flame orbs, light stones, hard stones, soft sand and some excellent evolutionary stones. .

Su Yi was not polite at all and took away an uncarved super stone, a dragon's tooth, a flame orb, a blazing rock, and a sandy rock, which were relatively valuable items.

"Don't take it, don't take it! It's almost done!" Fossil Mania wailed.

"Tch!" Su Yi finally took away the very beautiful set of evolution stones with a look of displeasure on his face.

After walking out of the Fossil Maniac's house and getting on the transport helicopter heading to Karnaz City, Su Yi's expression changed, he took out the things he picked up from the Fossil Maniac with a smile, and said to Dawu: "Let's share some."

Dawu pointed at himself in surprise and said, "Am I also involved?"

Su Yi rolled his eyes and said: "Come on, we almost became primitive people, so it's not too much to take something from him! I know you may look down on these 'rags' because of your wealth, but we must not be used to that old stinker." What’s wrong!”

Daigo immediately took the set of evolution stones and said, dumbfounded, "I just want this. I don't need the others, so you should keep them."

"You don't want the super stone either?" Su Yi asked doubtfully.

"I already understand that this thing must be given to someone who can use it in order to realize its value." Daigo waved his hand and said.

"The consciousness is quite high." Su Yi joked and began to carefully observe the super stone.

But when Su Yi confirmed the Pokémon corresponding to this super stone, his face looked a little strange: "If you give this super stone to others, it would be a bit of a hidden conspiracy."

"What's wrong?" Dawu asked curiously.

Su Yi said with deep eyes: "There is a late-blooming Pokémon. Its life is accompanied by two jokes that make people chatter all their lives. One is that there is no dragon that can't dance, and the other is that its speed is -10."

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