Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 456: United as one, the light of evolution! (44K)

Chapter 456: United as one, the light of evolution! (4.4K)

The battle scene on Daigo's side can be described as "explosion and demolition", with tall buildings collapsing, the ground sinking and breaking, and strange and brave roars echoing in the deserted city.

"The vitality of legendary Pokémon is really strong."

Looking at Giratina, who was only slightly injured and whose offensive was completely unaffected, Daigo suddenly felt difficult.

Although the trainer's strategy and the cooperation of Pokémon can give them some advantages in the battle with legendary Pokémon, the powerful abilities and vitality of legendary Pokémon give them a higher tolerance rate.


The Ice Crusher sprayed white steam and was full of fighting spirit. Relying on its tonnage and good endurance, it and Boskodora blocked Giratina's attacks many times.

Although it has only been trained for more than a month, the Ice Crusher has become the backbone of Daigo with its good physical fitness.

"Hold on!" Daigo's steady voice gave the Pokémon the strength to continue.

Su Yi, the key is on your side!

As if responding to Daigo's voice, a loud shout came from a distance.

"Sky Comet, Speed ​​Star!"

The red comet flashed past quickly and knocked back Giratina. Following closely behind, Rayquaza used the fierce Reverse Scale to knock Giratina over, and then Deoxys, which changed into an attacking form, used mental power to press it hard to the ground.

Su Yi flew over on Steelix and said to Daigo with a smile: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Seeing this, Daigo breathed a sigh of relief. With the support of these two powerful Pokémon, Giratina is no longer difficult to defeat.

"Ji Jia!"

Giratina struggled to resist Deoxys's mental power and stood up tremblingly on the constantly broken ground.

Su Yi said seriously: "Giratina, please return Deoxys' companions."

"Don't even think about asking me to start a dispute."


Giratina looked at Su Yi and let out a cold roar, without any sign of surrender in his eyes.


A huge vortex wormhole suddenly opened under Giratina's feet, and then it took advantage of Deoxys's surprise to try its best to force its mind and fly into the wormhole quickly.

Daigo looked at the rapidly closing wormhole and asked: "Is that the passage to the reverse world?"

"Yes." Su Yi replied with a frown.

Just now, Deoxys sensed the distress signal of his companions through the hole.

"Don't be careless yet, Giratina should not have given up the attack, pay attention to the mirrors around you that can reflect!" Su Yi was alert to the surroundings and reminded everyone loudly.

It's just that there are too many mirrors around that can reflect, all kinds of glass, water, smooth metal surfaces, etc., all of which can become windows for Giratina to spy on the real world, and these things are almost everywhere in the metropolis.


A wormhole suddenly opened next to Su Yi, and he subconsciously looked over. Giratina, who had turned into the origin form, was looking at him in the reversed world and fired a wave missile at him.


Su Yi immediately waved the Dragon God Pill, and the huge silver energy sword slashed over, breaking the wave missile.

But the next moment, the sound of wormholes opening rang out one after another, and several wormholes surrounded Su Yi in multiple directions.

Giratina can be seen from different angles in the wormhole, and then Giratina continuously released several wave missiles, allowing it to bombard Su Yi in all directions through multiple wormholes.


Deoxys used instant teleportation continuously to rescue Su Yi from the encirclement.


Several wave missiles exploded collectively, setting off a violent shock wave.

Su Yi glanced and saw Giratina's figure flashing on the window glass on the street. The next second, a wormhole opened near him again, and attacks followed.

"You can't fight Giratina in the city!"

Su Yi immediately realized that this was Giratina's home court.

Giratina can observe and lock targets in the real world through mirrors, and then use the ability to open the channel between the two worlds at will to release attacks from any angle it can see.

In the metropolis where mirrors can be seen everywhere, Giratina is like locking Su Yi and his friends' positions at any time through countless "surveillance probes", and then releasing attacks to any place it can see at will.

And Giratina hiding in the reverse world can't be stopped by anyone!

"Trouble!" Daigo, who realized this as Su Yi, frowned and felt a headache about this weird ability.

"Go to the forest over there in the natural park!"

Su Yi remembered that there was a large forest behind the natural park, occupying more than half of the area of ​​the entire island. It was a good place to fight.

There was no time for nonsense. After Su Yi dodged another attack, he immediately rode on the Sky Comet and flew towards the forest. Daigo, Rayquaza and Deoxys followed immediately.

Empty, empty.

During this process, Giratina launched cross-border attacks relentlessly, but as they quickly left the city, Giratina could no longer lock their position at any time.


A huge wormhole opened, and Giratina swam out, changing into another form and falling to the ground. At this time, they had entered a forest.


Su Yi had already removed the Ice Fang and attacked in a more flexible one-handed sword form. He waved his sword at Giratina and said in a deep voice: "The general attack begins!"

Rayquaza opened the curtain with an exploding Dragon Wave, and then Sky Comet flew into the sky and began to gather momentum.

Giratina, which was blown back by the Dragon Wave, tried to fly, and then Dakong used Dragon Dive to stop its flying height, and then Kasumi Dragon appeared from invisibility and cast a magic flash close to Giratina's face.

The flashing fairy light made Giratina fall back to the ground, and then the ground shook, the land bulged, and the Black Horned Dragon broke out of the ground and pushed Giratina over.

Su Yi threw out the capture ball at this time, and the Ice Fang Dragon fell from the sky, piercing the fallen Giratina with its fangs that lit up with cold ice light.


The moon-white phantom flashed by, then jumped high, and the slender tail with thorns exploded like a hammer and smashed down heavily.


The series of attacks by the companion beasts made Giratina feel painful. It struggled to open a wormhole and wanted to hide in the reverse world to regroup.



Su Yi and Daigo's voices rang out. Deoxys and Metagross used their mental power at the same time. Their powerful super powers forcibly controlled Giratina.

At this time, the Sky Comet Dragon in the sky had finished its power. The completely red comet dragged its tail and broke through the sound barrier, like a brilliant light spear piercing the earth and sent down judgment.


The controlled Giratina could only watch the brilliant star punish him.


The huge boom shook the eardrums. With the impact point as the center, the ground sank, shattered, and dust flew. The air wave swept the dust and dragon energy particles to spread in all directions. The nearby grass and trees rustled in the strong wind, and the branches and leaves flew.

The violent collision made Rayquaza look sideways.

Not far from the forest, many wild Pokémon trembled and looked at the center of the battle, but there was also a group of Pokémon who saw a familiar figure among them, so they mustered up their courage and approached carefully.

"Ahem! Don't take it lightly!" Su Yi fanned away the dust and reminded loudly.


The sound of the wormhole opening sounded as the engine of the Sky Comet Dragon was turned off, and then the Sky Comet Dragon in the smoke and dust made a surprised cry.

Dakong flapped his dragon wings to blow away the smoke and dust, and at that moment, Giratina rushed towards it and opened a wormhole behind it, knocking it into it.

Empty, empty, empty.

The sound of the wormhole opening sounded one after another, followed by the panicked cries of the companion beasts.

The Armored Bird blew away the smoke and dust, and Daigo and Su Yi immediately saw that one wormhole after another opened, either letting the companion beasts who were caught off guard fall into it, or Giratina knocked them into it, and then the wormhole closed instantly.

Everything happened in an instant, leaving no time for the accompanying beasts to react.


Rayquaza rushed over immediately, trying to stop it with its reverse scale, but the wounded Giratina was unusually calm at this time. It first dodged with a shadow attack, then attacked from behind and opened a wormhole at the same time, knocking it into the reverse world.

"What a difficult ability!" Su Yi gritted his teeth and quickly took out other capture balls.


Giratina immediately let out a huge hissing sound, and then a wormhole with strong suction opened under Daigo's feet, and at the same time used mental power to control Su Yi and Ryujinmaru together.

Megalodon and Armored Bird immediately rushed over to help Daigo who fell into the wormhole, and were swallowed by the wormhole together with him. In order to save Su Yi, Deoxys immediately used mental charge to bombard Giratina, preparing to attack from behind.

Unexpectedly, Giratina calmly roared, and two wormholes opened one after another. The spirit rushed into the reverse world, and then flew out of the reverse world, and then blasted towards Su Yi.

Everything happened in a flash, and Deoxys was shocked and immediately changed into a defensive form to block Su Yi.


Deoxys was blasted back by its own attack, and Giratina calmly opened a wormhole behind it, letting it fall into it.

"Ji Jia." Giratina slowly looked at Su Yi, who was alone, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

"Damn! This ability is too buggy!" Su Yi felt helpless under the control of the strong mind.

The abilities of the Gods of Time and Space are unsolvable for most Pokémon, but they don't often use these abilities. Giratina controls the ability to enter and exit the two worlds at will, and uses it skillfully, which is also difficult to deal with.

Isn't this a forced 1V1?

Giratina used its mental power to slowly send Su Yi to its front, and looked down at him as a complete winner.

"See? This is my power! You can't escape. When I recover from my injuries, I will let you use your power to attract Dialga."

By looking at Giratina, Su Yi immediately read the thoughts it conveyed.

Buzz buzz buzz.

At this moment, the sound of the engine running came from far to near, from loud to soft, from the sky.

"Ji?!" Giratina looked up in confusion, only to see a huge shadow quickly covering it.

"Su Yi, we are here, meow!"

"Hehe! The escort mission is successfully completed, and now the captain of the Voyage is coming to support!"

Lucao and Zoroark controlled the Voyage in the cockpit and crashed into Giratina at full speed.


The huge and heavy Voyage knocked Giratina back with all its strength, and the mental power suddenly became unstable.

Boom boom boom!

The Sailing Ship took Giratina and smashed through a large number of trees, and finally fell in the woods. Giratina shook his head and roared to steady himself.

"All crew members! Attack the enemy!" Zoroa jumped onto the ram corner of the bow and commanded loudly.

"Woooooooo!" Lucao picked up the motivational instrument and played "Certificate of Heroes" with all his strength.


Big Mouth Boy jumped down with the Molten Dragon Explosive Hammer and hit Giratina hard. Geely Egg, Toothless, Burning Bug, and the Bear Disciple also launched an attack.



At this time, in the surrounding woods, a little Kirby rushed out with its belly puffed out. Behind it, a snake bear and other wild Pokémon who had a relationship with Su Yi also ran out.

Amidst the exciting music, the little heroes launched their strongest attacks together.


Giratina spread his wings with great fury, and powerful air waves swept out, knocking back the Pokémon near him. At the same time, he was forced to terminate his mental strong will, allowing Su Yi to break free from the restraints.

Then it used its destructive beam to shoot around wildly, triggering a series of explosions.

"Just enough is enough!"

The large silver shield rushed towards Giratina's head like a cannonball, interrupting its movement with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yi pulled the worm thread again, jumped up high, held up the Dragon God Pill, which was shrouded in dim light, and stabbed it down hard.

In the bizarre reverse world, a group of accompanying beasts were swaying helplessly in a weightless environment. Only the accompanying beasts that could fly stabilized their bodies.


Deoxys relied on his perception to find the core placed on the floating island.

Daigo looked at the mirrors and bubbles in the reverse world that could peek into the outside world, and quickly searched for something.

"Found it! That's Su Yi!"

Dawu saw the outside world through the porthole mirror on the Sailing Ship. Su Yi was fighting with Giratina. At this time, they were in a reversed world but there was nothing they could do.

"Everyone, always be prepared. When Giratina uses his shuttle ability, this will be our opportunity!" Daigo said calmly, while staring at the scene outside.

Su Yi's series of attacks attracted Giratina's attention, and then he opened the "Hunting Guide" and prepared to fight with a group of accompanying beasts.


Giratina looked at the weak Pokémon around him who were still glaring at him despite being scared, feeling a sense of irritation and anger rising in his heart for no reason.

It noticed Su Yi's movements, but it did not stop it immediately. Instead, it directly aimed at the group of wild Pokémon and released a destructive death light.


Su Yi cursed angrily, immediately closed the "Hunting Guide", and then threw the flying insect. At the critical moment, he used the exchange venue to come to the group of Pokémon, and then quickly combined the sword and shield to use the King's Shield.

"Don't even think about hurting them!"

Silver light fills the barrier, like a standing steel city wall. The scabbard that once protected oneself has now turned into a king's shield that can protect everyone!


The destruction rays cut off large tracts of land, but the world behind the steel shield is still a pure land.


Giratina looked like he was crazy, and then immediately used his mental strength to catch Su Yi again, without giving him any time to breathe or react.


The powerful superpower turned into substantial ripples and enveloped Su Yi.


At this time, the small figure dodged and rushed in front of Su Yi. Disciple Xiong steadied his steps, shouted low and pumped his fist with all his strength.

"Apprentice Xiong!!!" Su Yi shouted in panic.


The powerful super power hit the apprentice bear, and for a moment he was in a daze, as if he could no longer sense anything.

This time it's my turn to protect everyone!

At that moment, the hair on its forehead fluttered like a headband and lit up.


The immutable stone hanging on his chest shattered, and the light buzzed over Disciple Xiong's body, and then the short figure continued to grow taller.


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