Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 518: Golden Lion's Frozen Battle (42K)

Chapter 518: Golden Lion's Frozen Fight (4.2K)

Deep in the pure white frozen soil, the golden lion gasped in the wind and snow. Opposite it, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose energy was out of control and had not eaten for a long time, was already exhausted and had difficulty walking.

At this time, the golden lion was a little troubled: it had the ability to defeat the Tyrannosaurus Rex that had lost its mind, but what about after that?

It couldn't just let it lie in the wind and snow, right?

But it didn't have the capture ball of the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

What should it do?

Where are you, Su Yi? Save him!

The golden lion rubbed his chin and thought hard for a long time before finally thinking of a compromise: place the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Snow Peak Temple, give it some tree fruits every day for basic survival, prevent it from having the strength to cause damage, and find Su Yi as soon as possible.


The golden lion clenched his fist and hammered his palm. After making a decision, it rushed up to fight with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose state had fallen to the bottom, and finally knocked it unconscious.

Then, the golden lion grabbed the tail of the Tyrannosaurus, identified the direction in the wind and snow, and dragged it in the snow towards the direction of the Snow Peak Temple.


The golden lion snorted and blew away the snow on his nose. Although it was not restrained by the ice attribute now, it still hated ice and snow and cold, especially dragging the big guy Tyrannosaurus in the wind and snow.

The episode that best appreciates the benefits of the Poké Ball.


After walking for an unknown period of time, the Tyrannosaurus, which had recovered a little, slowly opened its eyes. After feeling its own situation, the dragon energy began to slowly gather in its body, and the swollen muscles in its neck gradually lit up red, and the dragon energy escaped from its mouth little by little.


The wind and snow covered the sound of the dragon energy surging, and only the increasingly restless energy fluctuations were gradually sensed by the golden lion.


The golden lion, who noticed something strange, turned back suddenly and saw that the Tyrannosaurus had turned its head and opened its mouth wide to aim at it, with the scarlet dragon energy in its throat ready to go!


The golden lion glared, let go of the Tyrannosaurus' tail and pounced to the side.


The red dragon energy beam blasted diagonally into the sky.


The Tyrannosaurus slowly adjusted its body shape and barely stood up. The neck muscles and dragon energy in its mouth gradually began to flash.

The golden lion grinned unhappily, then clenched his fists and rushed forward.


With a thud, a heavy punch!

The Tyrannosaurus was knocked to the ground, but it quickly adjusted its posture while rolling and stood up, then roared, and a thick dragon energy column gushed out of its mouth.

The golden lion rolled and dodged again flexibly, and the dragon energy gushed on the snow, splashing snowflakes all over the sky, but the moves did not stop. The black smoke and dragon energy arcs quickly spread and boiled on the ground, and finally.


The dragon energy caused a huge explosion, and the shock wave and the black smoke wrapped in scarlet arcs suddenly spread around, instantly knocking the golden lion back several steps.


The golden lion roared, and the dragon energy arc flashed on its body, making it quite uncomfortable.

The Devil Tyrannosaurus was panting, and its body was shaky. This blow had drained its remaining strength, and it was now at the end of its strength.

The golden lion patted his chest and rushed up to punch it in the head.

At this moment, the snow not far away rumbled up, and the snow slid down like an avalanche. A huge Pokémon stood up from the frozen soil. Its huge body was like an iceberg, and it was shining with a majestic golden light.


A low and long howl, even the wind and snow whistled.


The golden lion looked at the rising Snow King Ice Rock Monster in surprise. In the past few days, the Pokémon it met were all small ones, and the big guys, the ivory pigs in other people's mouths, were no different from Pidgeot in its eyes.

This left it with no chance to stretch its muscles, and although the Devilja was rampaging, they were colleagues, so it was not easy to fight.

This Pokémon in front of him, which was about the same size as the Crash Dragon, looked very strong!

The golden lion's fists immediately began to stir.


The Devilja, which was like a candle in the wind, was overwhelmed by the collapsing snow and let out an exhausted howl. The golden lion immediately restrained his fighting spirit.

Forget it, now is not a good time to fight.

The golden lion immediately rushed over and grabbed the Devilja's tail and dragged it out of the snow.

At this time, the Snow King Ice Rock Monster turned his head and looked at the golden lion and the Devilja, and then roared like a tsunami, and the wind and snow seemed to be more violent.

The golden lion noticed the hostility of the Snow King, but how could it be threatened by other creatures?

It immediately responded with a violent roar: "Woo-ah--!"


The Snow King launched an attack without saying a word. It trampled the frozen soil with its forelimbs, and then countless huge and sharp ice cones protruded from the frozen soil one after another, attacking the golden lion all the way.

The golden lion's hair instantly turned golden, and it entered the state of fighting spirit. At the same time, it punched the ground hard.

With a boom, this punch seemed to cause an earthquake, shattering all the ice cones that attacked.

The Snow King roared again, and a huge ice block condensed from behind and hit the golden lion.

The golden lion slapped his chest with blood boiling, and the dragon attribute abnormality on his body was broken free. Then he roared, and a dazzling lightning column shot out from his mouth. The domineering thunder roar cannon instantly shattered all the iceberg wind.


The golden lion snorted, his eyes were arrogant.


The Snow King roared again and used Blizzard.

It was already snowing heavily in the sky, and this blizzard made it even worse. Bitingly cold and violent blizzards suddenly blew on the frozen soil.

The golden lion's eyes were filled with white snow, and the visibility was less than seven or eight meters. His hair was quickly covered with frost and snow, and the cold seeped into his skin, making his body stiff.

Boom, boom, boom.

At this time, heavy footsteps were heard in the blizzard, and the ground trembled.

The golden lion understood that it was the Snow King who had started to move, but under this visibility and the interference of the howling wind and snow, it was difficult for it to identify the specific location of the Snow King.

The situation suddenly became terrifying.

A huge iceberg comes toward you from a snowstorm, and you can't even catch it.

The golden lion took a deep breath and calmed down. What he had learned from Su Yi before came to mind.

At this time, instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to start strengthening and strike later.


The golden lion began to concentrate on using bodybuilding to strengthen attack and defense, while secretly listening to the movement in the wind and snow.


The sound seemed to get louder. The golden lion stopped exercising and used the Dou Qi amplification to enter the hardening state of Dou Qi. In an instant, the muscles of its fists tightened, the blood vessels bulged, and a faint blood appeared on the skin.

Boom, boom.

The roar and vibration began to speed up, and the giant beast in the wind and snow began to run.

The golden lion roared, stood firm, used Qi Fist, and began to clench his fist to accumulate power. The bright white light slowly condensed on the huge fist.

In the howling wind and snow, the rumbling sound was like an avalanche, and a huge black shadow rushed out from the vast white snow. The Snow King Ice Rock Monster broke through the snow like a giant snowplow and rushed in.

It felt like a glacier pouring down on you.

The golden lion took a deep breath, then roared loudly, and at the same time pumped his fist with all his strength!


The fist with strong muscles and bulging veins shines brightly, as if it is inhabited by a god. The fist is swung out in an unpretentious manner. The wind of the fist blows away all the wind and snow, and it hits the target without any hesitation!




"Iceberg" and fists collide violently!

At that moment, a strong shock wave spread rapidly, blowing away all the snowflakes and scattering them, forming a clear land with the Golden Lion and the Snow King as the center.

The golden lion's legs dug into the frozen soil, plowing two ravines, and its fists trembled slightly. The Snow King let out a long howl, and then the dizzy figure swayed and fell to the ground with a bang, unable to recover for a long time.


The golden lion blew his fists and twisted his shoulders, looking calm.


The golden lion slapped its chest and let out a victor's roar.


The Snowfield King's pillar-like limbs propped up his body, stood up again, and responded with an unyielding roar towards the golden lion.

The golden lion bared its teeth and roared towards the Snowfield King, who greeted him with Crush.

But just when it was about to get close, the golden lion jumped up high, avoided the bite and smashed it, and punched it on the head.


The power was transmitted from the Snowfield King's body to the frozen soil under his feet, causing it to shatter into pieces.

But just as the golden lion fell down, the Snowfield King who withstood the blow suddenly opened his mouth and bit one of the golden lion's arms, using his frozen teeth. At that moment, the golden lion's arm was quickly frozen, and the cold penetrated marrow.


The golden lion roared angrily and hit it hard with the other fist. The Snowfield King was shaken by the pain, but still biting tightly. Its defense was very good, which was not enough to shake it.

The golden lion became completely furious and punched him repeatedly, even the Snowfield King couldn't bear it. Then he let out a wail and let go of his mouth.


The golden lion fell to the ground and looked at his right hand. His entire arm was frozen by ice.


The golden lion roared angrily, and lightning flashed on its arm. It clenched its right fist little by little, and with a click, the ice on it was shattered, but frostbite was unavoidable.


At the same time, the Snowfield King roared, and the cold light quickly condensed in his mouth, and then he fired.

The golden lion had just unfrozen his arm and was covering his trembling right hand. He had no time to deal with the Snow King's freezing beam.

Just when the golden lion was about to take this move, there was a boom, and a red dragon energy beam shot out from behind it, collided with the freezing beam, offset it, and exploded.


The golden lion turned his head and looked in surprise, only to see the Dread Tyrannosaurus, which was about to be buried by the wind and snow, hanging its head feebly and completely lying down in the snow.

It immediately ran over and dug the Dino Rex out of the snow.

Not far away, the Snow King regained his composure and let out a long roar, and the wind and snow became freezing again.

The golden lion grabbed the Terror Tyrannosaurus's tail, gritted its teeth and dragged it with all its strength. If the situation got worse, this "colleague" would probably be blamed here. It's not appropriate to fight anymore at this time. We'll settle the score later!

However, after fighting with the Tyrannosaurus and the Snow King, the Golden Lion was not in very good condition. The frostbite on his right hand prevented him from exerting much strength, and the physical exertion was also a problem.

Although the Snowfield King was clumsy due to his huge size, he still took heavy steps to catch up.

The Snow King opened his big mouth, and the cold freezing beam brewed again.

The golden lion looked back and immediately protected the Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him. It didn't matter if it got hit, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was restrained by the ice element!

Just as the Golden Lion was about to fight it again, the Devil Tyrannosaurus suddenly disappeared, and a round pink little guy appeared in its original position. At the same time, a penetrating roar came out in the wind and snow.


Gilly Egg waved his short hand, indicating that the Devil Tyrannosaurus had been moved out of the attack range by the exchange field.

At the same time, a flying dragon swooped down from the air and hit the Snow King's head, causing the freezing beam to miss.


The Wind Dragon flew in front of the Golden Lion and signaled it to follow them.


Finally found a familiar partner, the Golden Lion was happy and slightly relieved.

Then, they ran quickly in one direction, and Gilly Egg used the exchange field to quickly move the Devil Tyrannosaurus, and the Snow King Ice Rock Monster finally couldn't catch up.

After a long journey, they came to a valley surrounded by mountains. The peaks blocked the wind and snow, and there were hot springs flowing in the valley. This place is simply a treasure land of pure white frozen soil.

A group of Happy Eggs lived here, and some injured Pokémon came here to ask for their treatment.


Gilly Egg waved its short hand to the leader Happy Egg, then disappeared and transferred the Tyrannosaurus over.

With a bang, the huge Tyrannosaurus fell into the hot spring, which scared all the Pokémon present.

After a while, Gilly Egg came back again and said something to the leader Happy Egg.


Gilly Egg nodded, and then several Gilly Eggs used healing waves for Tyrannosaurus together. Several Gilly Eggs moved a large pile of eggs and placed them in front of Tyrannosaurus.


Golden Lion reminded them, and at the same time became alert, staring at Tyrannosaurus.


After hearing this, the Gilly Eggs put down the eggs and ran away immediately.

In the hot spring, the treated Tyrannosaurus opened its eyes slightly, and a trace of dragon energy floated out of its mouth. Golden Lion instantly became nervous and clenched his fists.


The Devil turned over and stood up, uttering a low roar, drooling from his mouth, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Woo! Aooo!"

The Golden Lion immediately tried to communicate with the Devil, but the Devil looked irritable.

The Golden Lion squeaked, rushed forward and pushed it down, then picked up the egg and stuffed it violently into its mouth.

The eggs of Gigi and Happiny are rich in nutrients and extremely delicious. It is even said that as long as you eat Happiny eggs, no matter how cruel the Pokémon will become gentle.

And Gigi and Happiny can lay several eggs every day. This group can accumulate a lot in a short period of time, enough for the Devil to have a full meal.

Not long after, the Devil finally regained his sanity after receiving food supplements, but the dragon energy arc flashing from time to time on his body made him feel uncomfortable and restless.


The memory was restored, and the Devil whispered to the Golden Lion.

The Golden Lion waved his hand and didn't care much. The most urgent task was to find Su Yi, otherwise these eggs would definitely not be enough for it to eat.


Jilidan pointed at Fengpiaolong, meaning to let Fengpiaolong, who was more mobile, go to find it.

Golden Lion asked how to find Su Yi accurately on this continent.

Jilidan thought he could find a human settlement to ask first, but the problem came again. They couldn't speak the human language, so how could he explain it in detail?


At this time, the leader Happy Egg spoke up, saying that he knew a few friends who might be able to help them.

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