Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 548: A fierce battle to reach the top (3k)

"If you want to pose a sufficient threat to Lugia, you have to find a way to strengthen it and then seal its changing moves..."

In the past, companion beasts often had a physical advantage when facing Pokémon. In other words, they had a higher error tolerance rate.

But this time we were facing Lugia, and the situation was reversed. Its durability was much stronger than that of Da Kong, so Da Kong had to grasp the timing of each move he released.

While Su Yi was thinking about countermeasures secretly, Lugia immediately launched an attack on Da Kong.


The cyclone attack bit behind Da Kong, and Da Kong used his increased speed to dodge with all his strength.

But there is no way to continue like this. Using the power of the stone slab will speed up the consumption of physical energy, and Da Kong can't consume Lugia.

Su Yi, who had made a decision, immediately commanded: "Shadow clone!"

Swish, swish, swish...!

Several large figures appeared in the sky, and Lugia, who was unable to accurately locate the target, immediately stopped attacking.

Su Yi then shouted: "Use Dragon Dance to rush over!"

The shadow clones and Da Kong flapped their wings in unison, shining with dazzling purple light, and accelerated toward Lugia.


Lugia quickly flapped his wings, blowing out a strong storm, and launched a covering attack on the figures in the sky.

"Faced with such an attack, Da Kong should already be familiar with it..."

Su Yi's mind flashed back to the scene where Da Kong broke through Tornado Cloud's full-strength storm and sealed the victory with one blow.

Although he is still a child in terms of age, Ozora has grown up a lot.

Su Yi grinned and shouted loudly: "Da Kong! Just like last time, ride the strong wind! The divine bird strikes!"


Among the clones scattered by the storm, a blue energy bird with spread wings suddenly accelerated and rushed out with lightning speed, like an arrow of light that pierced the wind and penetrated the sun.


Lugia looked surprised and only had time to stretch out his wings to block it slightly.


A blow that was as powerful as a shuttle and an arrow knocked open the wings and struck directly at the vitals of the chest and abdomen.


Lugia let out a painful scream, and his whole body fell into the sea.

"A beautiful blow! The next step is to guard against Lugia's self-regeneration!"

Su Yi took the opportunity to shout: "Use provocation!"


Da Kong spread his wings, assumed a fighting stance, and let out a provocative and intimidating roar.

What responded to it was Lugia's ethereal yet majestic neighing.


Lugia flapped his white wings, stopped the tendency of falling into the sea, and then quickly rushed into the sky.

Just when Da Kong was about to distance itself again to look for opportunities, its body was caught by a blast of pink and purple super power, and it was suspended in the air unable to move.

Lugia was seen staring into the sky, his eyes glowing with a strange light, looking very miraculous.

"It's magical power!" Su Yi immediately thought.

Seeing Lugia using his magical power to control the sky and pulling it towards it, while opening his mouth to gather cyclone attacks, Su Yi immediately shouted anxiously: "Get away quickly!"


The invisible super power was very difficult to deal with. Da Kong let out an uncomfortable growl and struggled hard, but with little success.

Seeing that the sky was getting closer and closer to Lugia, and the cyclone attack accumulated with all its strength emitted terrifying air explosions and screams, Su Yi gritted his teeth first, and then decisively shouted: "That's it! That's it! Fuck it!"

"Dakong, release the calamity flames with all your strength to burn!"


Da Kong struggled to resist the magical power and opened his mouth with difficulty. The firelight transmitted from the carapace on his chest suddenly became strong, and the blue mixed with white flames floated out from his throat.


Lugia, who had experienced the power of the Tribulation Flame, immediately stopped accumulating power when he saw this, and released the cyclone attack with all his strength. The ferocious and fierce high-pressure wind column cannon tore the air, and blasted into the sky with a terrifying momentum.

I'm afraid he will be defeated directly if he takes this blow!

Su Yi yelled: "Come on!"


Da Kong, who was bursting with all his strength, shrank his pupils suddenly in an instant, his fighting spirit and momentum suddenly rose, and the calamity flames shining through his chest were shining freely.


The blue tribulation flames erupted at the critical moment, violently bombarded by the cyclone attack, and then exploded.

The fierce wind chopped the flames into pieces and scattered them, the bursting air waves shook the waves, and the flames reflected the sea red.


Da Kong, who had many cuts and wounds on his body, flew out of the smoke screen caused by the explosion. He adjusted his flying posture in a slightly embarrassed manner, breathing heavily.

"Did it succeed?"

Su Yi stared at the smoke screen, but as the sea breeze gradually blew it away, he did not see Lugia's figure.

"Is it?! Da Kong, be careful of the sea below!"

Su Yi reminded loudly.


Da Kong lowered his head suddenly, and a black shadow had already arrived in the sea below it.


The violent tornado rose from under the sea surface and rolled up tons of seawater, forming a raging waterspout, which caught the sky off guard and trapped it in the eye of the wind.


Su Yi, who had a bad secret, shouted loudly: "Da Kong, use the brave bird attack to rush out!"

But I don’t know if the waterspout blocked the sound. Da Kong didn’t respond immediately, and the waterspout made it difficult to see the specific situation inside.

The next moment, a cyclonic attack broke through the waterspout, and then strafed diagonally. Then, clusters of blue flames emitted from the vortex water wall, accompanied by bursts of smoke and dull explosions.

"Da Kong and Lugia are fighting in the waterspout, but I can't see the situation clearly, and I can't command effectively..."

"what to do?"

Su Yi suddenly frowned and thought hard.

When Lugia gets serious, it has a full sense of oppression. It is worthy of being a legendary Pokémon alongside Ho-oh. It can be said to be extremely proficient in its use of moves, and it also has special techniques unique to it.

Su Yi thought quickly, and then said decisively: "Toothless, take me as close as possible to the waterspout!"


Toothless nodded, spread his wings and flew Su Yi and Lucario in the direction of the waterspout.

As we get closer to the waterspout, the roaring sound like a rushing waterfall can be heard endlessly. It's no wonder that no sound from outside can be heard inside.

Since the voice cannot be transmitted, then use the "heart" to convey the words!

"Even if it's just a matter of trying to get it on the shelves, I still want to give it a try!" Su Yi took a deep breath, closed his eyes and used the power of the waveguide.

The power of waveguides has endless uses. In addition to detecting the environment, attacking and defending, it can also transmit thoughts. The principle of Lucario's "speaking" to Su Yi is to use waveguides for shallow telepathy.

However, Su Yi's time to learn the power of wave guide is still short. When he rescued the Vicious Claw Dragon before, he made more mistakes and relied on his feelings. His practical ability is still very immature.

But as he said, now we can only catch the ducks.

When Lucario saw Su Yi using the waveguide, he immediately asked worriedly: "Do you want to use the waveguide? If you are not familiar with it, don't force it. You might get injured."

"In the final analysis, this is just a battle to test strength. Is it worth fighting so hard? You...have fought as hard as you can, right? This should be enough..."

Lucario looked at the vortex water curtain, with attacks penetrating from time to time, and fire, explosions and roars constantly coming from it. He could imagine the fierceness of the battle, but he also had doubts: Is this really necessary?

"No, that's not enough."

Su Yi shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Since the battle when we first met Lugia, the sky has been born with the heart to climb the peak. Every time it has high fighting spirit in the battle, it is against A powerful pulse of yearning.”

"As a trainer, I have to do my best to help it become stronger, and at the same time, as a family member, all I have to do is fight with it with all my strength and without regrets!"

From a toddler to soaring in the sky, Su Yi witnessed Da Kong's growth. Although the name contained some sincere expectations, Da Kong's performance and choices also made him happy and heavy.

Fortunately, it has the courage to move forward, pure and tenacious, and it is unique.

The heavy thing is that he will try his best to realize his dream. Of course, he has no regrets because they will always believe in and support each other.


"Our limits don't stop there!"

Su Yi's waveguide was like a wave, exploring into the waterspout, allowing him to gradually see clearly what was going on inside.

Dakon kept spinning against the inner wall of the waterspout, while Lugia clung tightly behind it. In the narrow space, the advantage of speed was reduced. Dakon had no choice but to constantly engage in close-range bombardment moves with Lugia to stop it. attack.

Such entanglement made it unwilling to break through the waterspout, because then it would inevitably expose its flaws and be attacked by Lugia.


Without Su Yi's command, it would be difficult to find a breakthrough alone. If this continues, sooner or later it will make mistakes and be defeated, so a sense of anxiety gradually arises in Da Kong's heart.



Da Kong vaguely heard Su Yi's call, but when he listened carefully it seemed extremely ethereal, and this moment of confusion almost caused him to be hit by the move.

Outside the waterspout, Su Yi noticed Da Kong's momentary daze, and then confirmed that the waveguide could indeed transmit thoughts, but he had no idea how to accurately transmit them.

"Damn, it's still close!" Su Yi frowned, and the waveguide surged like a wave.

Lucario on the side looked at Su Yi who was so determined, took a deep breath, and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Su Yi, steady your mind and convey your faith accurately! Remember! The power of waveguide exists in my heart!"

Hearing Lucario's words and feeling how it used the waveguide to help him understand the "waveguide conversation", Su Yi forced himself to calm down, and then tried to pass the waveguide over like entering the mind space of the Fierce Claw Dragon.


"Big... empty..."



The voice echoing in his mind became clearer and clearer, and Da Kong suddenly became energetic, and the anxiety in his heart was swept away.


Su Yi, let’s do it together!

Listening to Da Kong's hard-fought response, Su Yi smiled and conveyed: "Yes! Let's do it together!"

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