Blue Sword

Chapter 128 Special Siege Training

"Why do you know it's me?" Rasul asked curiously.

"It's impossible for Mia to come up with such a prank on her own, because she would be afraid of being beaten by me." Asker said hoarsely, "You must have taught her this little trick, and then used it to scare your group leader , make him look at you with admiration, this kind of statement will encourage Mia to ambush me at the door, right?"

"No, no!" Mia jumped out quickly and said, "It's none of the instructor's business, it's me who wants to try this new trick!"

"Mentor?" Asked.

"This little girl is very talented in understanding Shunpo." Rasul said with a smile, "I have accepted her as a formal Ilanian assassin and my personal disciple. Under my careful cultivation , she will become the second most powerful assassin in white in history—after me, of course.”

"Thank you, Lord Rasul, for your appreciation of her." Ask said, "But the labor contract she signed with our Cang Qing Sword comes first, and the matter of becoming an assassin can be put in the back row first."

"Haha, if you have the opportunity to become a white-clothed assassin here, who would choose to be an ordinary mercenary?" Rasul said arrogantly, "Besides, even if it is signed with a minor in accordance with the laws of the Eastern Solomon Empire, The labor contract is also invalid."

"Then let the person involved make the choice." Ask said calmly, "Mia, do you want to stay in our Blue Sword mercenary group, or do you want to follow this guy back to the Ilania Plateau?"

"Of course I'll stay!" Mia said without hesitation.

"Wait a minute, Mia, that's not what you said just now!" Rasul's expression changed and he immediately shouted.

"You just asked me if I wanted to be an assassin." Mia turned to look at him helplessly, "You didn't say you were going to take me away from everyone!"

"But if you want to become an assassin, you must go to our assassin base." Rasul still wanted to try harder and tried to persuade her, "Our training conditions there are superior, we have a rich accumulation of potion materials, and there are all kinds of extraordinary Items and extraordinary equipment, with your status as my personal disciple, these precious materials can be said to be available to everyone."

"Look, you are still using an ordinary iron sword. It will be easily broken when it encounters an enemy with heavy weapons, right? Do you want to try our assassin hidden sword and hidden crossbow? We also have very handsome assassin uniforms? "

Mia was a little hesitant when she heard this, and Asik immediately made a stab:

"He is a pervert. He likes strong aunties. His family is full of aunties."

So a ghostly scene immediately appeared in Mia's mind: a group of strong aunts holding her in their arms and rubbing her head, smiling affectionately:

"Come on, little Mia, call Mistress."

After a sudden shiver, Mia turned her head stiffly and showed an awkward yet polite smile:

"Master, I still want to be a mercenary..."

Rasul was speechless, what the hell does this have to do with my orientation! Wait, how does he know my preferences...

So Rasul fell into mysterious contemplation, while Ask patted Mia on the head and said:

"There are still many problems with your playing style. I will teach you one by one when I get back."

"Okay." Mia responded obediently.

"Let's go find Peggy," Ask said.

After leaving the training ground where Rasul was, everyone came to the door of a meditation room.

Paige was sitting on the cushion meditating when she heard the sound of the door being pushed from behind, so she turned around.

"Asker!" Peggy rushed to him and said with a tearful expression, "I have tried various methods, but I still can't do two things at once!"

"It's okay, I don't expect you to learn it in a few days." Ask comforted her, "Take your time."

"Do you want to do both? I have an idea." Rasul's voice sounded from behind.

Why did this guy come here again...Asker was stunned for a moment and said, "Did you mean that?"

"That's right," Rasul said, "Special siege training."

The special siege training is the final test for assassins to advance from the black rank to the white rank, that is, facing the siege of eight enemies at the same time without falling behind.

What is the concept of facing eight enemies? Imagine that there are enemies standing in front of you, in front of you on the left, in front of you on the right, on the left, on the right, behind you on the left, behind you on the right, and directly behind you, and they are waving their swords at you at the same time.

Of course, if you are really surrounded, you will lose. Even if you keep moving, you will inevitably encounter the situation of being flanked by 2-3 enemies at the same time, so quick reaction and multi-tasking skills are very important.

Considering that Peggy can steal thoughts, there is no doubt that this special siege training can cultivate her ability to activate her stealing ability while also diverting her attention to other things.

Well, it seems like you can try it? Ask thought.


Hippocratic University, training ground.

"Is this really possible?" Paige said on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry, we won't go to the highest difficulty level at once." Ask comforted her, "Let's start by fighting two people at the same time."

Paige was speechless. The easy difficulty is to face you and this guy at the same time? And according to what Mia said, this guy's strength is not inferior to yours?

What kind of hell mode is this on easy difficulty?

"Come, let's first try to see if stealing thoughts can be activated normally." Ask said.

After hearing this, Peggy activated her ability and said, "You are thinking about using Dragon Cut as the starting move later."

"Yes, what about him?" Asik continued to ask.

"He wanted to test my strength," Paige said.

"Is this the ability to 'steal' the sequence?" Rasul showed a rather interested expression, "The early stage versatility is quite good. But I remember that this sequence will only have a substantial qualitative change after it is regularized. ."

"Things after Level 10 are still too early for her now." Asik pulled out his long sword, "Let's get started."

Paige held her breath slightly and picked up two daggers with both hands.

Asker will attack first...

She quickly raised the dagger in her left hand, holding Asik's lion teeth and slashing down.

Then the right!

Just as Peggy was about to make her next reaction, Rasul's sword ridge hit her shoulder first, causing her bones to hurt.

"It's too slow." Rasul said with a smile, "Since you have the recovery ability of the flesh and blood sequence, I won't hold back anymore."

"Come again!" Peggy gritted her teeth.

"Watch our attack intentions!" Ask said sharply, stabbing her lower body with the long sword.

Peggy jumped back, and her eyes quickly turned to Rasul, who was about to slash his sword at her head. She quickly ducked her neck in the air and dodged the opponent's flat swing.

"Not bad, have you learned to find another way?" Rasul said with a smile, "Then, how about making it more difficult?"

He shook his arm, and the long sword suddenly transformed into multiple handles and flashed in the air, making Paige's pupils shrink suddenly.

Phantom sword? wrong! That was not a phantom sword. It was just swinging the sword at a high speed that could not be seen clearly by the naked eye, and suddenly and deliberately paused several times in the middle, using human visual residue to form disturbing afterimages!

"Have you noticed it?" Rasul swung his sword rapidly, creating several afterimages around him again, as if he had three heads and six arms in an instant.

"In Ilanian language, this is called 'Habahon', which translates to 'Sword of Illusion' or 'Sword of Phantom'. If you only rely on sight to judge, it can be easily deceived!"

"Don't be blinded by your eyes! Use your stealing ability! Steal our minds!" Ask said quickly, while launching an attack from behind her.

"You put it lightly!" Peggy shouted and jumped back one after another to avoid his slashes. "You have to activate your abilities and figure out how to deal with them. Your body has to keep up with your mind! And you have to deal with two people at the same time. ! How can a normal person do so many things at the same time!"

"If you can't do it now, then practice hard!" Asik responded, stabbing three times in a row with the long sword in his hand. "You still have time to complain. It seems that the pressure on you is not enough!"

"On our side, the verbose assassin will get stabbed!" Rasul said and also attacked fiercely.

Peggy's swords were stretched to the left and right, and she was soon too late to respond. The wounds were opened on her left arm and right leg.

"Give some time to recover." Asik said this, signaling Rasul to stop the attack.

"It's definitely too late to think every time you act." Rasul pointed out to her, "All you have to do is steal thoughts. After detecting the enemy's intentions, the body must quickly follow the subconscious to fight back, and your brain You should not be distracted from commanding your body, but should continue to activate your abilities to steal the enemy's next intention, do you understand?"

Paige lay on the ground and panted slightly, and the flesh and blood near the wound began to squirm, repairing the original damaged area.

"Use your subconscious mind to deal with it?" Paige smiled bitterly, "I'll try hard and try again."

So the three of them collided with each other with weapons.

A moment later, Paige was covered in blood and was on the verge of collapse.

"Come again!" She tried her best to activate her ability to heal her wounds and straightened her chest again.

Rasul was also moved by such a tenacious and unyielding spirit.

"Can you still maintain your spirituality?" Ask asked solemnly.

"No problem." Paige said with difficulty, blood and sweat forming a sticky patch on her face.

She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand and laughed hard:

"After all, this isn't the first time this kind of training has happened."

Ask was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that what she said was exactly what happened when she was trained by him in the underground training ground of the Constantinople Hotel for revenge.

As a weak girl who had never received military training, she spent four days sparring with herself in the underground training ground. She relied on countless pains and injuries to force herself to remember how to swing a sword, how to dodge, and... How to fight.

It's just Peggy, at that time you were learning to fight in a manner that almost risked your life in order to avenge the murder of your parents.

What are you working so hard for now?

Ask pondered for a moment and nodded solemnly.

"Okay." He decided to respect Paige's choice, "I'm going to do it."

"Watch it."

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