Blue Sword

Chapter 147 Leviathan

Everyone arrived at the top of Olin City, and the battle with the thorn birds was coming to an end.

As Asker said, there is a difference between an intelligent race like the Dark Elves and a flock of thorn birds without intelligence.

Even though countless companions were killed, these thorn birds still pounced ferociously on the phantom, without any basic thinking to distinguish between the main body and the phantom.

The phantom mechanism of the Immortal Phantom Sword tightly restrains the "revenge" ability that the Thorn Birds rely on for their survival.

With the air pressure greatly reduced, some arcane mages also began to join the battle.

For example, air pressure can be used to force the thorn bird to make an emergency landing, or gravity can be used to forcibly lower the flying height of the thorn bird to make it easier for Peggy's phantom to kill it.

Suddenly, a burst of mournful and indignant cries erupted from the thorn birds, as if they could finally bear the huge amount of damage. Countless shining points of light rose into the sky, disappearing into the night like huge brilliant pillars of light. In the clouds.

The mages and defenders were obviously relieved, and then some people cheered.

"Take a rest." City Lord Appilios said to Peggy, then stood up and looked to the north.

It was not the Crusader siege camp in the south, but the city of Thessaloniki in the north.

(Because Mount Olympus is lower in the south and higher in the north, the Crusaders actually set off from the city and then circled around to attack the city from the south)

Since the previous flock of thorn birds came from the south, the Crusader camp and the city of Olympia blocked these extraordinary creatures from reaching Thessaloniki.

Under the night, this coastal city was lit with lights, and it seemed that it had not been affected by the recent war.

Is this the end? Appirios frowned. Of course it would be best if it ended here, but...

His expression suddenly changed. Looking towards the Aegean Sea in the northeast, his spirit suddenly began to feel uneasy.

Under the cover of night, a huge black shadow floated on the seashore. Its breath was like a hurricane, causing the forests on the shore to collapse.

As it emerged from the water, a huge tsunami also hit the port of Thessaloniki. Waves with a height of more than ten meters crashed down violently, capsizing fishing boats on the shore, collapsing buildings, and washing away the trembling pier.

"That's impossible!" A mage nearby exclaimed, "With the current level of the demonic tide... how can there be a demigod creature!"

"Not a demigod creature!" Appilios shouted.

His voice seemed to have a special magic power, causing the spirits of everyone present to tremble violently, and their attention could not help but be attracted to him.

"That's the larval form of the Leviathan beast! Currently it's only Lv. 10, so it's not invincible!"

God is not invincible...Ask complained in his heart. Even the Level 10 Leviathan larvae have the extraordinary characteristic of "Giant V", and their blood volume is so thick that it's scary, okay?

It is simply not a BOSS that NPCs or players at this stage can beat.

The girls with Cang Qing Sword turned pale as they looked at the figures slowly climbing ashore in the distance.

However, Appirios, as a demigod who has lived for who knows how many years, must have some trump cards that he has not used yet, so Asik firmly believes that Leviathan will not be a problem.

Just wait and see the plot animation.

Seeing Asik's calm expression, the girls gradually and strangely regained their composure. This is the habit and tacit understanding cultivated by the Cangqing Sword team over a long period of time.

As long as the leader is still there, then everyone has nothing to fear.

Anyway, even if the sky falls, the leader, the great god, will still hold it up first!

In the distance, the Leviathan larvae had climbed onto the port of Thessaloniki, and soon there was an obvious commotion in the city.

Lights went out, buildings collapsed, and many citizens were even awakened from their sleep. They rushed out of their homes in their pajamas and ran barefoot on the streets, scrambling to escape from the city.

Appirios stared at Leviathan in the distance silently, his face expressionless.

If it were the full strength of the demigod, he would certainly be able to kill that monster.

However, the current upper limit of the magic tide does not allow him to do this.

Soon, Leviathan completely left the sea, revealing a body the size of a mountain.

It used its huge webbed hands to grab one of the residential buildings, pulled it up from the foundation, then stuffed it into its mouth and chewed it slowly.


To the west, the city of Solomon and the ruins of the Pantheon.

The place that was originally strictly sealed by the military was immediately put into use after the rising demonic tide ended.

Countless members of the Holy See are running around here, either staring at the giant machine in the center of the temple to record data, or directing the Templar Knights to carry parts and raw materials.

This machine, which is 30 meters long, 28 meters wide and 2 meters high, covering an area of ​​840 square meters, is called the "Civilization Restorer". Power is imported from the Tiber River outside and is composed of hydraulic oil, connecting rods and pistons. Delicate device to drive.

This machine is divided into two parts. The first half is a component placement machine SMT, which uses a large number of mechanical devices to install various electronic components on the motherboard.

All circuit components were urgently manufactured after the rise of the demonic tide, using raw materials that had been reserved long ago, and were continuously transported in by workers employed by the Holy See.

The second half of the machine is the data reading machine DLM, which inputs the specified data information into the newly made electronic storage carrier from the outside.

During the rise of the demonic tide, the violent explosion of the magnetic field will burn all electronic information carriers, naturally including the information stored in all carriers, thus causing fundamental damage to scientific and technological civilization.

The solution for humans in the first and second centuries was to copy by hand.

Make a hand-copied backup of the electronic information and enter it manually after the rising tide is over.

Of course, there are problems with hand copying. One of them is low efficiency and high error rate, whether it is copying or typing.

What's more, paper can store very little information. You know, even if it is the simplest manned spacecraft, its design drawings are stacked up to the height of a normal human being.

The second reason is that paper is too fragile as a carrier. The Peloponnesian War in the second century was essentially started to compete for these technical documents, but ended up destroying a large number of technical documents.

Therefore, in the Third Age, the ancient Solomon mechanist Heron invented the mechanical columnar plate, which was composed of densely arranged probes.

If the probe is raised, it represents "1"; if the probe is concave, it represents "0". Save data in the form of mechanical positions to avoid the burning effect of rising magic tides (also known as burning discs).

Paired with an optical reader/writer, all the data on the mechanical column board can be quickly written into the electronic carrier after the rising tide is over.

At first, this invention did not attract the official attention of the empire, because what was stored on the mechanical column board was the most basic "01" binary data stream. How much information can be stored on such a board?

Not even handwritten paper can store as much information.

Just like when muskets were first invented, they were far less useful than bows and arrows. The development of scientific civilization will always be characterized by qualitative changes over quantitative changes.

In the middle and late Quaternary Era, the Imperial Academy of Sciences gradually discovered the benefits of mechanical columns—compared to paper, it has better storage properties and a lower error rate.

Most importantly, the re-entry process can be fully automated, avoiding the inefficiency of manual entry.

On the ruins of the Western Solomon Empire, the Holy See of the Fifth Age made unremitting efforts in this direction.

Today's mechanical column boards are made of special polymer flexible materials, embedded with inert materials, and the spacing is controlled at about 0.1 micron.

1 square meter of mechanical column board can store 11PB of data (1PB=1000TB).

Through the opening of the data reader DLM, these column plates, which are often tens of kilometers in length, are carefully fed into the machine. The information recorded at the beginning of the first column panel is all Raphael's core data, so it needs to be entered first and with extreme caution.

As the optical reader quickly reads the information on the column board, a large data stream begins to refresh on the screen outside the machine, which is monitored in real time by several teams of data experts.

At 11:30 in the middle of the night, the main screen inside the Pantheon finally lit up.

"Artificial intelligence Raphael has been installed, the self-test is normal, and it is restarting." A mechanical electronic voice said.

The hall immediately erupted into fierce cheers, and many clergy even knelt down on the ground in excitement, kissing the cross on the pendant eagerly.

Above the temple, Pope Innocent sat on the holy throne, showing a relieved smile.

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