Blue Sword

Chapter 164 Avalanche

"Up there!" shouted the Iron Cross mercenary in front.

Everyone quickly looked up and saw countless snow monsters vaguely emerging from the cliff on the left side of the mountain road.

Without hesitation, the gunmen of Iron Cross raised their heads and started shooting upwards.

Bullets were flying all over the sky, and the snow monster roared furiously. Asik stared at the sight of flesh and blood flying above him, and suddenly frowned.

As a social creature, the Yeti is not completely devoid of intelligence like the Thorn Bird. Since they lacked the means to fight the enemy from a distance, how could they deliberately expose themselves from above and then be shot for no reason?

Reversing the thinking, if there is a reason that has to be exposed, that is... the snow monster is trying to lure the mercenaries to shoot?


Ask's expression suddenly changed, and he remembered a certain dungeon plot that was circulated on the forum in his previous life.

Of course, it was not on Mount Taygets, but on Mount Galhe at the northernmost tip of the continent. Two player teams clashed during the raid. Since the two sides were far away at the time, the gunners and mages launched first. attacked.

Then, intensive gunfire triggered an even greater natural disaster.


"Everyone, come closer to me!" When Ask's shout blurted out, the soles of his feet were already rumbling and shaking.

The snow monsters above the cliff have collectively collapsed, frantically digging into the snowdrifts underground, using the snow to bury their bodies.

And above the higher mountains, a huge torrent of snow and mud was pouring down like a flood. To make matters worse, in order to shoot the snow monster above them, most of the gunners and mercenaries gathered together and were right in the middle of the avalanche route.

In just three or four seconds, the avalanche reached where everyone was, and a large number of mercenaries were caught off guard and swallowed by the torrent of ice and snow. The chaos was filled with shouts, gunshots, and rustling sounds like the grinding of devil's teeth caused by the friction of ice and snow.

Cang Qing Sword was the quickest to react - to be exact, it was Ask who realized this first and warned him. Although the girls didn't understand what was about to happen, they still ran towards him quickly.

By the time Andrea and Herman understood what was going on, the avalanche had already rushed to a visible distance, but it was too late to make any reaction.

At this time, the inside of the mountain road where everyone was located was a rocky cliff close to 90 degrees.

Theoretically, by hiding in a blind spot close to the bottom of the cliff, you can avoid being swept away by the avalanche.

However, the danger of an avalanche is not only being swept away, but also being buried alive. Once the scale of this avalanche is too large, the bottom of the cliff is likely to be quickly sealed by a layer of 5-10 meters of snow.

In this world, don’t expect any snow mountain search and rescue helicopters to follow. Being buried in the snow and unable to come out is tantamount to gradual and slow death.

There is a gentle slope on the outside of the mountain road, with an elevation angle of about 30 degrees, and it gets steeper after descending about 100 meters.

Teleporting back to Hearthfire Island at this time is too risky. After all, there are a large number of people from the Iron Cross Mercenary Group present, and there are many people and distractions.

If someone witnesses the team teleporting together and disappearing, Asik will have no choice but to fall out with Iron Cross and kill everyone.

Otherwise, if this kind of thing spreads to the outside, it will eventually attract unnecessary covetousness - the collective teleportation, even if it is not a demiplane fragment, must be some kind of high-level and rare extraordinary item.

His eyes swept across the outside in the lightning flash, and Asik finally found a raised rock in one of them.

Quickly leading everyone to hide at the bottom of the rock, Asik discovered that there seemed to be no safety here as expected.

Rocks can hold back avalanche flow—only in a small area beneath them.

However, Eleanor and Hildelifa were both wearing heavy armor at this time, which occupied most of the area for a while.

As a result, the other girls had almost no place to stand. They could only squeeze under the rock and hug each other to stabilize their bodies. Their faces turned pale with fear.

Ask and Medea stood on the outermost side, the former grabbed Eleanor's arm armor, and the latter was about to grab Ask's arm, but suddenly hesitated obviously.

Her androphobia kicked in.

Just for a moment, before she could make up her mind to catch Ask, Medea's feet slipped and her whole body was swept away by the avalanche around her.

Damn it! Amidst the screams of the girls, Ask decisively let go of Eleanor's arm armor and jumped into the snow flow below.

His spirit was already tense to the extreme, and his gaze swept below like a hawk.

The snow flow was running extremely fast, and Asik was rushing downward even faster. The foothold of each of his dashing jumps was a looming bulge in the snow. Below that, there were rocks that had not yet been completely covered by the snow.

The friction of ice and snow is much smaller than that of rock formations. If he failed to penetrate the snow and step on the rock next time, there would be a risk of the soles of his boots slipping and toppling his body.

At this time, he was still more than 20 meters away from Medea. Asik was running down the hillside, his eyes fixed on the fiery red hair in the snow below, and suddenly his feet slipped.

It wasn't that he stepped in the wrong place by mistake, but that the rock surface he stepped on this time happened to be covered by a thin layer of ice, causing the soles of his boots to slip away in an instant.

The moment his body overturned, Asik, who was about to lose his balance, suddenly turned around and drew his sword. The sword penetrated the ice and snow and penetrated into the soil below, allowing him to quickly borrow strength to control his center of gravity.

The next second, he let go of the hilt of the sword and kicked off the slope with both feet.

While he was using his strength to stabilize his body, Medea was swept down by the avalanche more than ten meters away, so that he could only adopt a more aggressive pursuit strategy.

Change running to jumping and use gravity to accelerate yourself.

Asik jumped into the air like an eagle gliding on the ice and snow. His whole body was almost curled up into a ball, but his arms were spread out to maintain balance.

The moment he was about to fall back to the ground, his legs stepped heavily on the snow again, which in turn pushed his body into the air again.

After three or four consecutive leaps, he quickly approached Medea's position, and could even clearly see the expression on her face - as if she were a small animal facing a natural disaster, full of fear, despair and unwillingness.

Then Ask rushed forward and hugged Medea, who was swept away by the avalanche.

"You!" Medea, who was dizzy by the avalanche, was stunned for two or three seconds before she realized that it was Ask who was holding her tightly.

The flames of fear suddenly burst out from around him, and were instantly dispersed by the surrounding ice and snow.

"Let go!" cried Medea.

"Let me go and you'll die!" Ask yelled back.

"Don't let him let go!" Medusa began to scream deep in her heart, and she could feel a lot of pain pouring out.

Medea's fear and fear of being hugged by a man, and the pain of Asik being burned by flames and high temperatures, are rapidly increasing her own strength.

"If you don't let go, you will die!" Medea was horrified to see the flames rising from her skin and running up his arms.

Asker's cotton armor was burning, and the mail armor underneath was also burned until it was red hot and shiny. The flames burned his cheeks like snakes, fighting and fighting with the surrounding ice and snow.

His hair was on fire, his eyebrows were set on fire, and sparks were flying in the air like fireflies.

However, the man's expression remained firm and calm, as if the flame had no temperature at all, and as if he had never felt any pain. He just hugged her with great strength to prevent her from being pushed into the abyss of death by the avalanche. go.

Damn it! I must...suppress...

This damn flame!

Medea screamed hysterically, and she couldn't even hear what she was screaming. It was as if her consciousness rose into the clouds, and below were endless mountains composed of endless fear, disgust, and hostility.

The huge clouds are pressing down quickly - that is her will, her thoughts and determination as strong as thunder, to use the power that is almost like burning the soul to burst out the negative instincts that cannot be restrained from the body. Suppress it with all your might!


Ask's body suddenly shook, and Medea's heart was also shaken.

The moment he landed on the ground at the bottom of the valley, the man turned around suddenly and used his back to absorb the impact that would have been fatal to her.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless ice and snow suddenly pressed down, engulfing the two people in the white world.

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