Blue Sword

Chapter 187 Detachment and Gun Shield Flow

"In the past, everyone stayed in the same team. Although this promoted the tactical matching and integration between each other, it limited your personal development." Asker said calmly, "Next, I plan to train you to break into pieces. , the ability to fight independently.”

"We will divide the team into two teams, A and B, and operate separately from each other."

"Assault team, Hilda is in team A and Eleanor is in team B."

"Scout team, Paige is in team A and Mia is in team B."

"Arcane team, Sheila is in team A and Medea is in team B."

"Remote team, Mi'er is in team A, and I'm in team B."

"Considering my strength, Healing Nora will be assigned to Team A." Asik finally said.

The girls were thoughtful.

According to this division, five people in team A have healers and only four people in team B. It seems that team A has a greater advantage.

However, the leader is in Team B! Then the strength of team B cannot be measured by the number of people! Damn it, I really want to go to Team B with the leader!

For a moment, the girls in Team B showed mysterious smiles, while Team A wailed in their hearts.

Seemingly noticing the obvious contrast in the mood and morale of the two teams, Askew added:

"Don't worry too much about team assignments. This time I was assigned to team B, and next time I will be rotated to team A. The same goes for Nora."

So everyone breathed a sigh of relief... Only Nora burst into tears in her heart: Aske, do you dislike me so much?

Soon, everyone stood in their own teams according to Aske's division.

"After you are divided into teams, according to your respective roles, act according to the formation I taught you before." Asker added, obviously reminding the girls of team A, "The scout team is roaming nearby to conduct reconnaissance, and maintain full mobility; the attack team Located in the center, ready to support surrounding areas.”

"The arcane team and the long-range team are responsible for the output. Pay attention to maintaining the distance and position with the attack team. That's it, let's go!"

So the five girls from Team A entered the town first and soon disappeared around the corner of the opposite street.

"So, how will our B team fight?" Medea asked with a smile, "Are you really not going to take command this time and concentrate on playing a remote output role?"

"Of course. Otherwise there will be no point in detachment." Asker said, "But before that, everyone stays here. Eleanor, come with me. We will find a few monsters nearby and teach you first." Trinity Tactics' gun-shield flow."

Eleanor was a little surprised, she hadn't told Asker about her next plan yet. Seeing that Asike was going to teach her something new, she was speechless for a moment.

Ask took the spear from his back, held it in his right hand, and held the shield in his left hand, leading her towards the town.

"Asker." Eleanor mustered up her courage and stepped forward quickly, "I want to ask you a question."

"What's the matter?" Asked.

"That's it." Eleanor didn't know how to speak, so she could only say cautiously, "I have a friend who ran away from home before..."

"You can just tell me, there is no one else here." Ask asked calmly, "Is this friend you are talking about yourself?"


"Okay." She said in frustration with a self-defeating expression, "I ran away from home before."

"Go on," Aske said.

"Then, the Duke of Carinthia whom I met this time knows my family... He has already sent someone to report the news." Eleanor took a deep breath and continued, "If my family plans to let me go back Family, I may not be able to continue to be a mercenary."

"Why?" Ask asked in surprise.

Eleanor was speechless. Isn't this obvious? If I can be a lord, why should I be a mercenary?

"Because my family might give me a fief," Eleanor said.

"There is no conflict between being a lord and being a mercenary, right?" Ask said, "You can work part-time."

"Is it possible?!" Eleanor was shocked, how the hell do you want to work part-time?

"Of course, look at Andrea." Ask said, "Although he is the mercenary leader of the Iron Cross Eastern Branch, he also owns a fiefdom in his family and has the status of a minor lord."

"Then how is the fiefdom managed when he is traveling around all year round?" Eleanor asked in confusion.

"Leave it to the cabinet." Aske said, "As a lord, whether you stay in the fief or not, most of the governance work is completed by your cabinet staff. Of course, if you are proficient in finance, management, If you have expertise in taxation, public relations, etc., just pretend I didn’t mention it.”

Eleanor was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and then suddenly realized that Aske seemed to be right.

For example, her father, the Duke of Bavaria, nominally governed the entire Principality of Bavaria.

In fact, most of the territory was granted to his vassals, and the remaining Weisbach family territories were actually managed by cabinet ministers.

Every morning at 9:00, my father would listen to reports from his staff for an hour in the castle meeting hall, and then make decisions on important matters (as long as he signed).

The rest of the time is spent either hunting, feasting and reading, or traveling around the territory to observe (wan).

In this way, in fact, the lord does not have to do anything serious at all, and it is boring...

What he really wants is not the status of a lord, but his father's approval. It would be quite boring to have to stay in the fiefdom all day without being able to go out.

Might as well be on the team with everyone.

Eleanor exhaled a long breath and sighed: "As expected of the leader, any problem can be solved immediately when I come to you."

"Stop flattering," Asik said. "Get serious. What I'm going to teach you next is a unique tactic in the world."

(Trinity tactics is a tactical genre optimized in the professional circle after countless competition studies, and is not original to the game world.)

While the two were chatting, a monster walked up the street in front of them.

This guy looks like a giant scorpion. The lower body has six jointed limbs covered with downy hair. The upper body stands upright like a human. There are huge pincers where the arms used to be. The face is ugly and ferocious, with three pairs of compound eyes and insect-like mouthparts. Seeing this made Eleanor shudder, and she quickly took out her spear and shield and prepared to fight.

"Oh, a monster just happened to come." Asik was very interested. He raised his gun and shield and stepped forward, "Watch it."

"Who are you?" Seeing Asik coming forward in full armor, the monster immediately said with some vigilance, his tone hoarse.

"Who are you?" Asik has rich experience in dealing with mutations. He would not answer according to the other person's tone and ask directly.

"I am a resident of this town," said the monster.

"How could a normal resident look like you?" Ask asked.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" the monster said in confusion. Then he noticed the claws on his body. As if he realized something, his voice trembled, "I, I am..."


It let out a sharp and ear-piercing roar, opened and closed its claws violently, and stabbed Asik fiercely!

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