Blue Sword

Chapter 272 Getting ready

Although the mastermind behind the scenes was dead, the plague and rat infestation in the Principality of Bavaria still continued for some time.

A large number of disasters, a large number of corpses, and a large number of abandoned villages gradually spread across this land.

Mingxing City welcomed waves of refugees, and the main roads were overcrowded. Maximilian Hospital had to set up a temporary medical camp outside Mingxing City and hired a large number of citizens with simple training as medical staff. To take care of the incoming flow of refugees.

The Licinius family’s emergency assistance of antibiotics also played an important role here, and more supplies will continue to be delivered through smuggling channels: disinfectants, anti-epidemic kits, medical masks... and a special medical protection force. .

"I told you not to follow me!" Nora yelled impatiently.

"Miss, this is an order from Bishop Varian," said the heavily armed medical captain. They uniformly wore silver-white high-tech combat uniforms and full-coverage tactical glasses. They held special rifles of unknown models in their hands. The finished glyph protected Nora behind them and erected a nearly transparent light blue force field. shield.

The refugees next to them looked here in horror, with expressions of fear and curiosity.

"What the hell!" Nora sighed and took steps forward. The tactical team protecting her also followed her lead, constantly scanning the surroundings with their tactical glasses, as if to find threats from these refugees.

Several helicopter drones circled around the team, spraying fine atomized droplets into the air. The faint smell of fragrance made Nora couldn't help but sneeze.

"Stop these robots!" she shouted again, unable to bear it.

"Sorry, Miss." the medical team leader said again, "There may be droplets and germs from infected persons in the air. We cannot restrict your movement and can only take temporary measures to sterilize the environment..."

"I'm also a professional doctor! Thank you!" Nora said angrily, "I won't let myself get sick!"

"According to our insurance agreement, our security obligation is not only to prevent you from getting sick, but to prevent you from coming into contact with any infectious pathogens." The medical captain continued, "The risk factor in this place is too high. We are at the Weisbach Palace There is a clean room inside…”

"Shut up!" Nora looked forward and waved her hand vigorously, "Ask!"

Ask also saw the formation here, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Nora ran over here, and the medical team around her responsible for protecting her also ran over at the same speed. Two of the armed medical staff accelerated away from the team and rushed to Aske's side in advance.

One person quickly removed his weapon, took out a disposable isolation and anti-epidemic suit from the tactical backpack on his back, and skillfully put it on Asker; the other person aimed his rifle as if facing a formidable enemy. Keep him in check and be ready to stop any uncooperative behavior on his part.

Asker recognized these people through their equipment. Nightingale Medical Insurance Company is a professional security company in Solomon whose main business is first aid and tactical assistance.

Their annual premiums are quite expensive, but the advantage is that as long as a call is made at any time while the insurance is in effect, they will immediately dispatch the most professional security forces in the world to protect the employer until there is not even a mosquito around. Not even close.

However, given the friendly relationship between the protected person Nora and him, Nightingale Medical Insurance Company would naturally not harm him easily. So Aske just stood still and let the medical staff put him in an isolation suit and turn on the air filtration system.

"Miss, the isolation and anti-epidemic suit is not omnipotent. Maybe your friend has the ability to lurk in the high-level plague sequence..." The medical captain was still trying in vain to convince her. Nora had already ran to Asker and sighed:

"Sorry, I didn't know my brother would call these people..."

"I understand," Ask said. If it were him, if he found that his sister was in a land where war, plague, and rats were rampant, he would definitely send mercenaries to protect her.

It's just that this battle is a bit exaggerated. Should it be said that it is a business giant from Italy?

The two of them talked and felt more and more awkward. The surrounding medical team looked at Asik eagerly, as if they were looking at a time bomb.

"Then I'll leave first." Ask said goodbye to her, then took off his anti-epidemic clothes and left. Nora looked at his back and sighed quietly.

When they came to Fire Island, most of the girls were in the process of getting ready for training. After all, the war was coming, and there was no time for a leisurely daily life.

Paige took the potion "Toxin I", the main ingredient of which came from the analysis of the extraordinary characteristics of the hook-nosed man. Now she can synthesize toxins in her body and attach toxins to weapons by touching them.

Same as the "Plague" sequence, the current "Toxin I" can only synthesize primary toxins. If upgraded to Toxin II, it can analyze foreign toxins and synthesize more toxic substances (the corresponding "Plague II" can analyze foreign toxins. pathogens).

Therefore, to a certain extent, the bloodline's combat power of the Lord of Filth took shape relatively late. When her "Plague" and "Toxin" are upgraded to level II, her attack methods will be fully formed. And the "Plague I" and "Toxin I" she has now are not so much to increase the meager output, but rather to interfere with the control.

"Instead of adapting to the new extraordinary ability, I still recommend that you become proficient in the 'Immortal Sword' as soon as possible." Asker suggested, "You can study the sequence of plague and toxin after reaching level II."

"Okay." Paige nodded without asking why. She has 100% trust in Asker's advice.

After giving instructions to Peggy, Askew began to inspect the Fire Island again, just like the team captain who used to inspect the training of his teammates in the training room.

Medea and Sheila were practicing spell confrontation, with flame balls and air pressure bombs flying in the air. Mi'er is learning blind shooting skills without turning on the mirror, and Mia is helping her count the targets (lazy).

Eleanor stood there in silence, staring at the sword in her hand. A few days ago, she finally finished learning "Wei Mingren". It can be said that she has finished learning "Trinity Tactics".

The gun and shield style can be used to attack and resist group attacks, and the sword and shield style can be used to flexibly respond to single combat. When necessary, she can mow the grass with Ashina. Coupled with the newly acquired knowledge and domineering "Will II", the current Eleanor can say He is the number one person in close combat under Asker. This idiot Sidrifa has already turned into a dual practitioner of magic and martial arts, so that doesn't count.

"What are you doing?" Asked.

"I'm still learning the Holy Sword," Eleanor replied.

Oh, Holy Sword. She would have almost forgotten if she didn't mention Asik. After all, extraordinary swordsmanship is purely based on inspiration (face). In most cases, if you can't learn it, you just can't learn it. It can't be achieved by relying on the liver.

"Why can Peggy learn the Immortal Sword, but I can't learn the Holy Sword?" Eleanor asked a difficult question.

"She was given a seed of thought by others, which allowed her to directly understand the origin of the extraordinary swordsmanship." Ask thought for a while, then added, "Besides, she was also lucky. She received the help of extraordinary items and demigods and successfully performed it. After learning the Phantom Sword once, it will be much easier to learn more about it later.”

Eleanor nodded. In any case, blaming it on "bad luck" is more comforting than "you're not as savvy as Peggy in swordsmanship."

"Maybe it's my own reasons." She sighed, "I've been having nightmares lately."


"I dreamed that my teammates were in a state of near-death, just like Hood was before." Eleanor said quietly, "Sometimes it's Nora, sometimes it's Sheila... lying in a pool of blood, begging me to give her a good time."

"I put my hand on the hilt of the sword, loosened it and then tightened it, tightened it and unclenched it. I... couldn't do what you did at that time."

"Why were you able to thrust that sword, Aske?" she asked finally.

"Because you are not strong enough yet." Ask was silent for a while and said, "As long as you become stronger, at least you can avoid similar dilemmas in the future."

"Really?" Eleanor smiled reluctantly.

This is also an expected answer in the style of the group leader.

However, she had no intention of seeking answers from the group leader - after all, this was her own psychological problem, and only she could find the answer.

After continuing to chat with Aske for a while, Eleanor walked to the open space and drew her sword again.

Start practicing.

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