Blue Sword

Chapter 342 Down Payment

After a few minutes of negotiation, Medea returned with a glowing face.

"How much?" Aske asked.

"Including the rewards we received for 'persuading' other people before." Medea said, "7,800 Lorraine gold coins, paid in three installments, with 10% paid in the first installment."

"Oh." Ask said.

"Wait a minute, your expression is too cold." Medea expressed confusion, "What is the concept of 7,800 gold coins! The total wealth accumulated by twenty middle class people in a lifetime can be used to hire a large mercenary group to fight Huge sums of money for a local battle!”

"How much? If converted into a level II potion, it would only be about 6-7 bottles." Asik said that the outrageous prices in the extraordinary world have completely obliterated his normal understanding of consumption and money.

"No, no, no, a few thousand gold coins is still a bit much." Nora unexpectedly retorted to him, "When I left Solomon City, my mother's one-time payment for living expenses in my account was only this much."


Why do I feel like I've embarrassed Seljuk? I can be considered an imperial princess after all, so why is the amount of money I handle each time only a few hundred pounds at most? It's not at the same level as these two.

It was depressing, but after all, the team had made a big profit, and Medea was still in a happy mood.

"The next step is just to wait for the Falcon family clan meeting." She said cheerfully.

"Yes." Asik nodded.

In the "Chorus" task chain, if you choose to side with His Majesty the Emperor and help the Falcon Family, there are a total of four factions' task branch entrances, namely the Spirit Sect, the School of Life, the Falcon Family and the Emperor's Alliance.

Of course, in line with the principle of not taking advantage of the situation, Asik planned to take over the remaining three missions, except that the Emperor's coalition forces were too far away and out of reach.

Just like the Spiritual Body Sect, if you want to take on the mission of the Life School, you also need to complete the corresponding prerequisite tasks.

Of course, as a prophet and with Nora's relationship, Asik decided to skip these prerequisite tasks.

He took the two girls around the small town of Hessingen several times and finally found someone who rented a mobile phone.

The Principality of Swabia is mountainous and has inconvenient transportation. The folk customs are relatively simple (pin) and simple (qiong). They even have the habit of "licking the plate" when eating. Reflecting on the spiritual life, even nobles rarely buy mobile phones. Everyone likes to rent... When you need long-distance communication, find a mobile phone booth to rent a mobile phone and use it for ten minutes.

Asker spent a long time looking at the mobile phone stalls. They were all old and shabby models. The stall owner was a bearded Frank. When he saw him walking around in front of the stall with two beautiful girls, he said in a low voice:

"There is a discount on renting mobile phones today."

"How much discount?" Ask asked casually.

"99% off," the stall owner said.


Are you embarrassed to say 1% discount?

But he didn't care. He just picked up a mobile phone and rented it for ten minutes, then handed it to Nora.

"Post a photo to social circles and say you are in Hechingen now," Ask said.

Nora:? ? ?

Although she was a little confused, she still did as she was told, took a selfie with her head raised at a 45-degree angle, then logged into CM, uploaded and published it, and deleted the local photos on her phone, all in one go.

Medea leaned over and saw someone replying quickly below:

"Have you seen the people in the photo recently near Stuttgart?"

It was a private chat from the administrator of the Life School group. There was a photo in the message. It showed a young man with thick curly hair and deep eye sockets.

"The answer is no," Ask said.

Nora replied honestly: No. After a few seconds, the message from the other side came again:

"If you find this person nearby, immediately reply to the address and coordinates in a private message, and the school will be rewarded. This person is extremely dangerous, be careful not to contact him rashly."

"Well, that's enough." Asik returned the phone to the stall owner. Then the thread of the life school can be considered to be connected.

Returning to Falcon Castle, the clan meeting has just ended. The Falcon family has confirmed the follow-up strategy of quickly defeating Earl Fishbone and expanding externally. Therefore, the nobles who came out of the hall were full of murderous intent and hurried back. The fief went to recruit more troops.

When some nobles saw the three people who had returned, they quickly bowed and saluted. At the clan meeting just now, Earl Frederick also explained the true identities of everyone, giving reassurance to the nobles present.

After all, doing business with the Licinius family only meant getting a batch of arms.

However, by forming an alliance with the Weisbach family of Bavaria, in the subsequent process of seizing the Principality of Swabia, not only can we receive material support, manpower supply and diplomatic support from neighboring countries, but we can also take advantage of the situation and build a line with the emperor's coalition forces in the north. Sing a hymn of loyalty and gain the legal status to rule Swabia.

Of course the two cannot be compared.

The only thing that is more controversial is the high price of 7,800 Lorraine gold coins.

Someone suggested that for this price alone, the Iron Cross mercenary group could be hired to help fight Earl Fishbone. Wouldn't it be much more cost-effective than hiring the envoy mercenary group?

Frederick sneered and reminded everyone present: The identity of Miss Nora is real. As for why she stays in this mercenary group, you should think carefully about it.

The nobles suddenly realized. Although I don't understand why, it sounds like this mercenary group is very powerful - you know, even the Iron Cross Mercenary Group can't recruit the children of Italy and Thirteen wealthy families to become mercenaries.

Then what else do you have to say? We can only shout loudly that the head of the family is wise, and we firmly support it.

Therefore, the expenditure of 7,800 Lorraine gold coins was transformed from the unauthorized advance promise of the family owner, Count Frederick, into an employment remuneration recognized by the entire Falcon family.

On the same day, the first installment of 780 Lorraine gold coins was delivered to Nora's room, along with 20 heavy money bags... Nora was speechless.

If it weren't for Fire Island, who would be moving all these precious metal coins! You still use gold coins when you clearly have banknotes, you're crazy!

She teleported 20 money bags back to Hearth Island, so that girls who were inconvenient to reveal their identities could come and open their eyes.

The money bag entered Hearth Island, immediately frightening the girls.

"This is a huge sum of money!" Mia piled the money bags on the table one by one, then opened her arms to hug them, with a happy expression on her whole little face, "You can only feel it when you hug gold coins, and paper money If you count too much, it feels like it’s all paper!”

"It smells like copper." Mi'er pinched her nose and said.

"You don't understand." Mia rolled her eyes at her, "A good financial management concept must be cultivated from an early age, and feeling the weight of money is the first step in cultivating a financial management concept."

She carried the money bag to the bedroom, saying she wanted to pile the gold coins on the bed and sleep. Everyone expressed that they could not understand this strange dragon-like thinking, but since little Mia was really young, they just let it go.

Anyway, Nora must have counted the number of gold coins inside...probably.

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