Blue Sword

Chapter 382 Manual Demining

After another whole day of walking, the emperor's army finally walked out of the Alps and arrived at a small town called "Valdagno".

This is the northernmost region in Italy. The straight-line distance from Verona is only about 35 kilometers. It is already a veritable "enemy-occupied area."

The emperor's army captured the town effortlessly. Due to the huge disparity in strength, the defenders only fired a few shots and surrendered.

What follows is plunder.

It is only separated by the Alps, but it is much richer than Bavaria. What shocked the soldiers the most was the giant Borgia supermarket chain in the center of the town and its dazzling array of goods.

In the Holy Solomon Empire, food and clothing of this quality are not unavailable, but the supply is extremely limited, and they are basically sold to nobles, and the prices are very high.

But here, just seeing the rows of neat shelves with all kinds of food, drinks and clothes piled on them, as well as the horribly low prices on the tags, the soldiers encountered something terrible for the first time. culture shock.

These Latin people are so rich that even the poorest citizens can spend nine coppers in the supermarket to buy cheap beef patties for dinner.

Compared with them, the people of the Empire were extremely poor. For the same price, they could only buy black bread, or the kind of coarse grain bread mixed with wheat bran and gravel that could break teeth.

Why can they live a good life while we live so hard?

So with a certain pleasure of robbing the rich and giving to the poor, the soldiers began to plunder spontaneously. Even the knights could not restrain their men - because there were too many people participating in the riot.

In the end, it was Bruno, the dragon of fantasy, who took action and cast an "infectious hint" in the center of the town, forcing these low-level soldiers to stop.

However, as a result, the relationship between the imperial army and the local residents completely deteriorated.

Soon, His Majesty the Emperor ordered the implementation of strict occupation, military control and curfew in the small town of Valdagno, and soldiers began to set up camps in and outside the town.

As for the goods in Borgia Supermarket, they are requisitioned and stored in the warehouse by the military quartermaster, and no one is allowed to use them privately.

The house that Cang Qing Sword was assigned this time was a two-story Latin-style building. The owner and his wife were accidentally killed by soldiers during the previous robbery... Maybe it was not a mistake, it doesn't matter, anyway, the owner was already died.

After moving into the house, Asik found an empty basement, locked the door, and then carefully lit the candle given to him by Malkina.

The flame of this candle is milky white and emits a faint light that is not too intense.

Ask stared at the candlelight for a moment, then realized that Malkina had appeared opposite him at some point, also staring at the candlelight.

"Okay." She straightened up and said, "So you have infiltrated Otto's army?"

Ask told her what he had encountered during his trip, including the encounter with the devil in the town, the subsequent strange team of jailers, and his contact and analysis of Bruno, the fantasy dragon.

"Interesting." Malkina touched her chin, "First of all, I can tell you that the devils in the town were not summoned by us."

"Of course." Asik nodded and said, "I've been there too, and the devils there... have unique looks and are very recognizable."

Malkina knew that he was talking about the "fanatics" and "believers" who were like ivory puppets, so she also giggled: "According to your statement, since the prison guard team knows His Majesty's real name, then how can they There’s no way Probability knows anything about the devil over there on our side.”

"So he is selectively concealing this fact in order to point the war at us." Malkina finally said, "If you have the chance, catch the priest and summon me... there will be a reward~"

"What reward?" Asked.

"For example, me?" Malkina pressed her lips and blinked.

"We already have Medea on the team." Ask declined and said, "And I don't think your performance will be better than her, so I'm sorry, we don't plan to recruit people yet."


Doesn't this guy understand the meaning of committing one's body to one's own? Or does it imply that I am inferior to Camellia in this regard?

No matter which statement she said, Malkina suddenly felt frustrated. If only this man had a heart of stone, that's all. If she lost to Kamalika in terms of charm... Malkina wanted to die.

No, no, no, he probably just thought I wanted to join his team. Malkina used her psychic abilities to forcibly stabilize her emotions, and then said sternly:

"I can give you the characteristics of Shadow IV. If I remember correctly, the little girl in your team should have needs in this area, right?"

Shadow IV? Ask was stunned for a moment. Is this reward too high? Wait, if that's the case...

"Don't think too much about it." Malkina smiled, wondering if His Majesty was trying to win over you, why did we pay such a high price? "This is just because I simply want to give you benefits, and it has nothing to do with the difficulty of this task. Since If you don’t want the original reward, then I’ll replace it with something else.”

Is there such a thing? Ask was astonished. It stands to reason that the reward should be directly related to the difficulty of the task, right?

Could it be... could it be that I am really handsome?


If nothing else, you are definitely R4 level with your face.

"Here, this is the Desire III potion that was agreed upon in advance. Give it to Camelica for me." She flipped her wrist and pulled out a narrow-mouth bottle from under her skirt. "I'm leaving. See you later."

Her figure gradually dimmed and became transparent, disappearing without a trace, and the milky white candle flame was extinguished.

Ask was silent for a while, then put away the potion and turned to leave.

Returning to the lobby on the first floor, he saw Eleanor just coming back from outside.

"Did you get it?" Eleanor asked, naturally referring to the potion for Medea.

"I got it." Asik nodded, "Did you just come back from your father's place?"

"Yes." Eleanor nodded and added, "I just got the news: the road to Verona is blocked."


"A large number of trenches, bunkers and machine gun points, as well as the most difficult large minefields, completely blocked the way to Verona." Eleanor said, "It seems to have been temporarily deployed in the past few days."

Landmines... Asik thought to himself, this is a bit harsh. You must know that it is easy to bury landmines. It is troublesome to dig them out after the war. After all, the landmines that can survive the magic tide definitely do not contain circuit control switches, so there is no way to remotely control them to disable them. Moreover, this mine The district is also located on the territory of your Holy See.

"What does the emperor plan to do?"

"The emperor planned to let the soldiers clear mines manually," Eleanor said, "but the dukes refused, so the afternoon meeting was deadlocked for a long time."

"In the end, it seems that they are planning to find demigods to use laws to solve this problem, such as causing a large-scale earthquake or something... There seems to be no such demigod in the army."

In fact, there were originally some, such as the hidden chord of the Wolf family, but this one has been killed.

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