Blue Sword

Chapter 494 The legendary impact method (more updates)

"Are you okay?" Silla blushed.

"No..." Asik was still trying.

Although the scene at this time looks a bit delinquent, the two of them are actually not doing anything dangerous - they are both wearing good clothes!

Since his body, including his hands, was completely suppressed by the "adaptive" and "minimized" shield contraction, Asik could only try to twist the body that was close to Sheila in order to place his hope on him. Invisibly, the waist can accidentally hit the button on the opponent's belt, thus lifting this damn shield.

Simply put, it's all about luck.

But even though she was separated by clothes, the feeling of skin friction still made Silla couldn't help but think about it, and her face turned red.

After her birthday this year, she will be 18 years old. Of course, she is no longer an ignorant and ignorant age. What's more, as an "orthodox Princess Solomon" who was born into the imperial royal family, she had always lived a life like a saint, and would hardly have physical contact with any men. From this point of view alone, as far as her relationship is concerned, Sister Zoe is completely different.

It's a pity that just today, the little queen's record of purity and innocence has been broken.

"Okay!" Sheila shouted with a red face, "Don't think I don't know, you are taking advantage of me under the guise of lifting the shield! Stop your waist that is swaying like a male dog!" "


"Why do you think I want to take advantage of you?" He said unhappily, "Do you have any advantage to take advantage of?"

Silla was slightly startled when she heard the words, and then she reacted and snorted coldly: "Who knows, maybe you are just very hungry."

"If nothing else, did I attack any girl in the team?" Asker tried to prove his innocence with Sheila by explaining the facts.

Sheila was speechless. Indeed, if Asik really had any evil intentions, Medea would probably be the first to rush to his bed with just a twitch of her fingers. In this way, no girl has been in trouble so far, which seems to prove that the leader is a gentleman...

You are a gentleman and you can bully me like this? ! Sheila, who suddenly came back to her senses, was ashamed and angry, and aimed at Aske again.

"Ah!" This time the pain came so unexpectedly that Asik subconsciously struggled backwards to dodge, and even Sheila was pulled out of balance by him, and the two fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, Ask was underneath, perfectly taking in Sheila's petite body. The latter lay on his chest, feeling a little dizzy.

"That's good now." Ask said, "If they come back now, or teleport out from Hearth Island, and witness our posture, they will definitely misunderstand us."

"Can you stop having a crow's mouth!" Sheila said, "Be like Cassandra!"

"What's the story about Cassandra?" Ask asked.

"The Trojan War." Sheila said, "Kassandra is a priestess in the Trojan temple. She has the ability to predict the future, but no one believes in her. Therefore, 'Cassandra' in the Cyrus language is It means 'predicting something bad is about to happen'."

"That's it." Ask said he had learned a lot.

"Speaking of which," Silla said coldly, "Aren't you very happy that they misunderstood you? You feel like, 'Ah, so I am so popular'?"

"Of course not." Ask said, "Don't forget, Nora and Medea can read minds! They will definitely believe that I am innocent."

"But that's not necessarily the case for Paige." Sheila said, "If she comes out of Fire Island later and sees us hugging each other tightly like this, she will definitely be furious."

"Maybe he rushed up on the spot." Aske said.

"And tear you to pieces," Sheila said.

"No, I should break your neck." Ask said.

Two people:………………

"Let's lift this shield quickly." Asik suddenly felt a little weak.

If Paige goes crazy and comes face to face with the "Law of Death. Curse to Death", in her current state, she won't even be able to use the Nine Star Styles to block it.

"Yes, yes, how about you try harder?" Silla also had some cold sweat on her back. Of course she couldn't beat Paige now, so she could only say anxiously, "Use that waist impact method."

"The waist thrust method is too tiring." Ask complained, "Now I'm going down and you are going up. Instead of asking me to straighten my waist, it's better for you to go down faster."

“How to press it?” Silla was irritated.

"Lift your waist, and then push it down!" Ask shouted, "Hit me with the belt! Hit that button!"

Silla pushed her back hard, and then she realized what Aske meant by "too tired". When the shield is contracted, it firmly presses the two people together from all directions. Even if they try to get away by a few tenths of a millimeter, they will encounter huge resistance.

Metaphorically, it's like strapping a weight to your waist and doing a plank support. Every second is a cruel test for your muscles.

She hit it many times in succession, but the shield did not respond. I don't know whether it was because of the angle or position of the impact, or because Asik's abdomen was too soft. In short, the button was never pressed.

"I can't do it anymore..." Sheila finally lay on Aske panting, looking exhausted.

Because the shield pressed their chests together, it was now difficult for her to even take a big breath.

"Alas." Asik also looked at the ceiling with dull eyes, "Forget it, let's wait until they arrive before helping."

Sheila didn't answer.

After a while, Asik heard a low sob.

No, she... cried?

"Are you crying?" Ask asked cautiously.

"No," Sheila whimpered.

His voice was so aggrieved that he was almost dripping with tears... Asik sighed and suddenly had an idea:

"Would you like to try some extraordinary powers? Air pressure and gravity?"

"Oh." Sheila finally remembered that she was actually a transcendent, "How to use it?"

"Can you adjust the air pressure to push us away?" Ask asked.

"Let me think about it." Sheila said thoughtfully, "My 'storm' ability is to adjust the air pressure in a certain area to increase or decrease it."

"Because the area is connected to the outside world, when the air pressure in this area decreases, outside air will rush in quickly, causing the air density in the area to increase..."

"In other words," Ask interrupted her, "you can create a 'compressed air cushion' between us to separate us, right?"

"No!" Sheila retorted, "Air at room temperature is a permanent gas, and it cannot become liquid or solid no matter how high the pressure is. However, I should be able to create a dense air area between us, and then slowly Relax the air pressure control and allow the ultra-dense air in the area to quickly spread to the outside, thereby creating enough wind and pressure to push our bodies away from each other."

"At the same time, you can also adjust our gravity." Asker added, "Adjust the gravity we receive to point in the direction behind us. Although purely in terms of the magnitude of the force, gravity is not as good as the force of the wind. , but it can also pull us in the opposite direction, thereby making it less difficult for the wind to push."

"But there are risks here." Sheila frowned and said, "If, I mean if, my storm ability relaxes too fast, then the speed of gas diffusion in this ultra-high-density air area will be out of control."

"What do you mean by out of control?"

"Well, you've seen the power of my air bullets, right?" Sheila said, "Imagine the pressure cooker exploding."


"Let's not use our extraordinary powers." Ask said, "Let you see the brute force of the leader."

His arms were close to Silla's body, and he lifted them up with all his strength, barely creating a few millimeters of gap between the two.


"I'm back, is anyone home?"

The elevator door opened. A somewhat tired Eleanor walked out.

That woman, the Bishop of Adelaide, claimed to be somewhat related to her. But when Eleanor asked her if she was from the Weisbach family, she smiled and remained silent.

It was really troublesome, and Ask was not around, so she had to deal with the other party's various troubles alone.

I won’t go next time.

Entering the study by the window, Eleanor saw Aske lying on his back on the floor, looking at the ceiling with a tired expression.

Silla, who was carrying a weird backpack, fell down on the carpet on the other side, as if all her strength had been drained.

"You..." Eleanor asked hesitantly, "Did you have a fight?"

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