Blue Sword

Chapter 619 Aerial Battlefield

Ask flew high into the sky.

Because he activated his extraordinary ability, the "ambush" state was broken by disturbance, so he simply flew out openly so that the girls could see him.

Even if there are demigods in this world, not everyone can fly - if they don't have the corresponding law skills.

Therefore, lucky ones like Eleanor and Peggy grew wings and took to the sky. The former uses "light wings" composed of the light of will, while the latter is a bat wing that is transformed by combining the abilities of "flesh and flesh" and "night bat".

As for Nora, before she understands the next skill "Acquired Inheritance", she is not yet able to freely evolve feather wings. In addition, she lacks output attack methods, so she can only stay bored on the ground with little Mia, looking up. Looking up at the sky.

"Aren't you going to attack?" Mi'er looked at the idle Medea in surprise. Her flames should also be able to attack into the air.

"The flight speed of the flame is too slow, I guess it won't be able to hit him." Medea shrugged and pulled out a blazing fireball with both hands.

Mi'er was speechless. Indeed, since the leader dared to fly into the air, he knew that his flying skills would not be bad.

However, for me who can see the future, dodging is meaningless! The half-elf girl quickly raised her sniper rifle, and the power of peeping into fate began to activate, quickly scanning for any possible traces of Asik's movements in the next few seconds.

how come? Totally missed!

Countless world lines spread out in her eyes, each line representing a possible future.

However, all the future shows clearly is that Ask deflected her shots... lifting, diving, rolling or panning rapidly, even splitting bullets with a sword, and no shot could harm him.

There's no way I can beat him! Desperate thoughts also flashed through Mi'er's heart, and then her spirit suddenly shook.

Ask also took away her "mirror" skill to peer into the future...

What a slap in the face. Mi'er turned her head weakly and met Medea's eyes.

The future once again unfolded in front of her, but this time the main perspective was fixed on Medea. In countless divergent world lines, the choices of Miss Succubus are almost surprisingly consistent, that is:

Surrender, surrender and surrender.

It seems so! The half-elf girl muttered. Since you can't successfully resist, you might as well let yourself lose with dignity.

So these two girls with ulterior motives began to quickly launch attacks at Asker in the air, with a certain powerful momentum that did not consider the spiritual loss at all - as long as they kept activating the law skills, the spiritual loss would be completely wiped out. Then you can use this reason to surrender in advance.

Asik, who was hovering in the air, soon showed off his extraordinary flying skills. He kept moving at high speed throughout the entire process, even changing the direction of acceleration 2-3 times per second. The flames coming from the ground and the bullets with attached power were completely unable to hit his figure.

Sheila learned from Ask's tactics, and also maintained high-speed movement and frequent maneuvers and turns. At the same time, she continued to launch violent airflow and chaotic force fields, trying to compress Ask's flight path.

Eleanor rushed forward quickly and continued to approach Asker. From time to time, she would shoot out several streams of light of will, shooting towards Asker like bullets. Peggy waved her long sword in the air, and quickly created one phantom sword clone after another, and cooperated with Eleanor to start to surround the leader.

Asker chuckled, pulled out the long sword from the void, and also began to separate the phantom sword clones.

"Peggy!" Sheila shouted quickly.


Obviously, using the immortal phantom sword was a mistake, because Asker plundered her phantom sword and also had the ability to copy clones, causing Sheila's containment plan to go bankrupt.

"In a true battle between masters, it's not just throwing out all the skills at once to be effective." Asker said with a chuckle, "Sometimes if skills are used incorrectly, they will have counter-effects."

At this time, Ask in the air had already divided into more than ten clones, and then all of them turned into light streams, using Eleanor's law skills.

These light streams quickly rushed towards Sheila, who quickly moved to dodge. However, the speed of the light streams was much faster than her flying speed. After a while, a cage was formed, locking Sheila in it.

"Sheila!" Eleanor rushed over to rescue her, and saw Ask's figure emerging from the cage, smiling:

"Be aware of the projection speed of long-range skills and your own flight speed, which one is faster and which one is slower..." Asik said this, and suddenly punched Sheila.

With the light of will on the surface, the fist hit Sheila hard on the lower abdomen, causing her to immediately stoop, spit out a mouthful of acidic water, and then lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Nora on the ground quickly activated her ability and spawned a large number of branches, leaves and vines from the surrounding trees to catch Sheila who fell.

"Okay, next is you." Ask turned around and smiled.

Eleanor and Peggy immediately became frightened, but of course remained calm on their faces and continued to attack Asker.

Arms of will + light flow dive!

The law is embodied + cursed to death!

Gold and black skills formed a barrage, covering almost the entire sky, shattering and dispersing most of Ask's clones.

Only his body was left, flying wildly against the shield armed with his will, and rushed straight in front of Eleanor.

Eleanor quickly spread the light of will throughout her body, turning on the holy sword state!

"Remember, the Holy Sword does not mean invincible..." Asik did not take action directly, but just whispered. Eleanor in the light was stunned for a moment, and her perspective suddenly started to spin.

The increased gravity suddenly attached to her body, making it impossible for the wings composed of will weapons to provide equivalent buoyancy no matter how they flapped. The whole person accelerated downward and slammed into the depths of the ground.

"Is it Paige at the end?" Asik, who was floating, turned around and looked at Paige, "Are you ready?"


"Can you stop beating me?" The vampire girl tried her best to smile sweetly.

"You can use the 'flesh and blood ability' to block the sense of pain." Ask looked at her with a strange look that said, "There's something wrong with you."

Paige's smile froze on her face. Although it could eliminate the pain, she didn't like the desolate feeling of being beaten into the dirt and making her whole body dirty.

However, in order to improve the group leader’s intimacy and favorability, I’ll fight hard!

Paige took a deep breath and said:


Her body suddenly turned into a large number of bats, scattering in all directions.

Asker didn't act, just looked at the bats with a smile, and suddenly a line of nosebleed started flowing down.

"Plague? Good idea." He raised his sword and waved it casually, cutting off the spreading plague in his body.

Immediately afterwards, violent wind spread from around him and quickly swept away the bats that had not dispersed.

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