Blue Sword

Chapter 745 You are too weak

Following the Plantagenet mercenary group, Ask arrived at the city of Segovia built in the central mountains.

The city of Segovia enjoys a high reputation in the original game world.

On the one hand, because it is close to the front line, players who go to clear the undead copy can resupply here; on the other hand, the huge ancient Solomon Viaduct and the towering Rossoya Tower are also spectacular wonders that extremely attract players.

The former is a symbol of the strong industrial strength of the ancient Solomonic Republic in the Third Age, and the latter was once the residence of the Iberian Witch Order. Later, with the rise of the Holy See at the end of the Fourth Age, all these witches were massacred and driven away, leaving only an empty replica of the ruins, which was said to contain various treasures, puppets and traps.

Ask is not interested in the ruins copy. After all, he is not in this world to play games, and there are no important materials in it that must be obtained.

The "Diamond Tip House" in the city, where the Plantagenet Mercenary Group is based, was originally an art academy. Art students made a large number of diamond-shaped floating layers protruding outward from the wall, hence the weird name.

Entering the academy, Asker saw the art students cleaning the house cautiously and making beds and pouring water for the mercenaries who occupied the magpie's nest.

Some mercenaries wore slutty smiles and touched and touched passing female students, but probably because of team discipline, they did not behave like a bully. At most, they just touched, kneaded, and rubbed.

"Hmph, if you want breasts but no breasts, if you want a butt but no butt, what's the point?" McGree, the leader of the Highland Swordsmen, snorted coldly and was very disdainful of the mooching behavior of his subordinates, "I'm going to the market today. Who will go with me to the Moulin Rouge near the square?"

"Me!" Other highland swordsmen also responded.

"Change your skirts, let's go!" McGree waved his hand, and everyone went back to the room to change clothes.

Compared to the unrestrained and wild Highland swordsmen, the lobster soldiers were taciturn. They quietly returned to their rooms with their gun bags and started drinking and playing cards.

"Mr. Aske?" At the door of the conference room, the branch leader Eric looked at him seriously and made a gesture of invitation.


"Sir, you have to give us an explanation." In the conference room, Eric asked worriedly, "Besides you, has Deslar sent other support? For example, personnel, supplies, etc. ?”

"No more." Aske said.

"Then what happened to your barbecue and beer earlier..."

"I brought my own," Ask said.


I have a British curse word, but I don’t know if God allows me to say it.

"The situation on our side is very bad." Eric stood up and spread out the map on the table. "Currently, the undead have three attack points on the entire central mountain range, namely Madrona and Adrada. - De Piron, and us here in Segovia.”

"You don't need to remember these complicated Iberian place names. You only need to know that in the middle of the Central Mountains, only these three valley bottoms are passable. The rest are steep mountains that are difficult to cross."

"The ancient Kingdom of Castile built fortresses in these three places to guard the main roads. Among them, Adrada de Piron was too far forward, so the Bull Mercenary Group assigned troops stationed there. We also have the most mercenaries, so there’s no problem.”

"The fortress in the Madrona area is located deep in the mountains. Although there are fewer mercenaries stationed, it is still easy to defend and difficult to attack due to its terrain advantages. Only our Segovia has not many troops and the terrain is not perfect. It just happens to be The weakest point among the three fortresses."

"In order to ensure that we can defend this place, we must get more supplies as soon as possible. The supplies we bring with us and those provided by the city are far from enough. If Deslar really intends to send assistance, he will definitely not send just your Excellency. Come alone."

"Am I right, sir?"

Eric's reasoning was logically logical, his tone was certain, and he looked confident, as if Aske must have secretly hidden aid supplies.

And if he really did this, he would probably look guilty, hesitant, and have wandering eyes - at least that's what Eric thought.

However, Asik just said calmly, as if he didn't hear the doubt in his words at all, and just asked:

"Since you don't have enough supplies and you can't defend it, why don't you fight it out?"

Eric:? ? ?

First of all, you changed the topic very abruptly; secondly, there are more undead and more high-level extraordinary beings on the opposite side than us. In addition, beyond the mountains is the Meseta Plateau. The terrain is flat and there is no danger at all. We can't defend it. What to fight out? Hit him on the head?

Of course he wouldn't say this explicitly. As a Britannian gentleman from Winchester, it was impossible for Eric to directly utter disrespectful curse words like a vulgar mercenary. So he just said coldly:

"With our strength, attacking the undead far away from the fortress is as stupid as hitting a stone with an egg."

"Same." Ask nodded, "You are too weak."


His hand placed under the table quietly tightened the handle of the gun, trying to suppress the urge to draw the gun that surged in his heart.

After finally calming down, I heard Asik say again:

"However, it will be different starting today."

"What's different?" Eric squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

"Because now, you have me joining you, hahaha." Asik gave a thumbs up, poked his chest, and laughed.

Ah, in fact, if you kill him with one shot here, you may not be discovered, probably not...

After taking several deep breaths to calm down, Eric frowned, barely using his remaining reserve to retain his last dignity, and said in a cold voice:

"Haha, we will see your abilities if we have the chance."

A few hours later, the Highland swordsmen with their trousers pulled up returned happily. Eric, who had been waiting for a long time, called Aske who was sitting in the hall, and said to McGree, the leader of the Highland swordsmen who came in first:

"McGree, our 'support person' will defend the front line with your team tomorrow."

"Who?" McGree, who was holding a toothpick in his mouth, was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Aske next to him, "Him?"

This guy looks so weak. Although he is an extraordinary person, his ability seems to be just to conjure some weapons... Is this of any use? If you can set fire, make ice, and shoot thunder and lightning, I might even be wary of you...

Seeing McGree's contemptuous look, Eric said with a rigid expression:

"This is an order!"

After saying that, he turned around with his hands behind his back, gave Asik a sinister smile, and then went back to his bedroom.

"Gather here at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning." McGree had no choice but to say a word, and then turned around and left unhappily.

As soon as he saw Aske's face, he remembered him eating barbecue and drinking beer on the hillside, and he immediately had the urge to kill him on the spot.

Asker silently felt the level of skill comprehension today, and felt quite satisfied, so he left here directly and found a hotel in the city to stay.

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