Blue Sword

Chapter 789 Kong Ming’s Enlightenment

Asker can't remember how many times it was.

In short, when he counted to the 14th or 15th time, his mind was completely empty.

Ah, forget it... So what if we count the times? Can the compensation be settled in money instead?

As a semi-god-level transcendent, all aspects of his physical attributes are naturally far superior to those of ordinary people, such as the acuity of perception, the endurance of the body, the recovery ability of endocrine gland tissue, etc.

Unfortunately, the opponent is also at the demigod level, and is also blessed with racial talents. In addition, his bloodline ability was suppressed by Agrippina's poison, so that he was completely unable to control the rhythm and strength. He could only act like a boat in the storm... No, to be precise, it should be like falling into a juice press. The machine is like a cucumber, allowing anyone to rotate and grind it.

After the poison's effect wore off and he regained a little strength, Asik didn't bother to move more, and assumed the attitude of breaking the jar.

However, Medea was keenly aware that he had regained control of his body, and was very dissatisfied with his attitude of a lazy man who was just sitting back and enjoying the results, so she used the law of manipulation to control him and moved him around like a puppet, and tried countless times. The strange posture can be regarded as a good quenching of thirst for nearly twenty years.

Outside, Fire Island finally merged with the second Paradise Mountain, and the girls all cheered.

Today's Luohuo Island is twice as large as its original area, probably because the area of ​​the second Paradise Mountain is larger than that of Luohuo Island.

Of course, the corresponding forest on the island has also become sparse, and the distance between the original trees has been widened. If they are allowed to reproduce naturally over time, they will surely be able to recover into a forest even larger than before.

In addition to the island itself, the surrounding ocean range is also more than twice as large. It's just that the fusion of liquids is relatively smooth and does not collide and oscillate as frequently as solid fusion, so the girls don't know anything about it.

After all the integration was completed, everyone met again at the Manor on Fire Island.

"The manor building still looks a bit small." Nora stood on the attic on the second floor and looked down. "Especially after the area on the top of the mountain increases, the unused land also increases. I think it can be appropriately Let’s expand the land.”

"Hey! Why don't we build a castle!" So Eleanor took out her original proposal and said, "It would be a pity not to build a castle on such a huge mountain!"

"I want to build a maze!" Peggy also shouted, "Hollow out the bottom of the mountain and build a maze full of traps!"

So everyone started arguing. Sheila agreed to Nora's expansion of the manor, Hilda agreed with Eleanor's castle idea, and Mia excitedly discussed the design and layout of the maze with Peggy.

The three plans respectively represented the aesthetic tastes of the aristocratic faction, the military lord faction, and the childlike girl faction, so that each faction believed that the other two plans were very boring and meaningless, and there was no result in the dispute at all.

"So where is Asker?" Nora subconsciously looked for someone who could make the decision. "Hasn't Medea been successfully promoted to demigod?"

"It should be successful." Mi'er replied. As a demigod, of course she also sensed the previous vibrations of the laws of the universe, and that guy also concealed his title obscenely, and almost didn't think about anyone except Medea.

"Then we should wait for Aske to come back..." Nora was saying hesitantly, and then she saw Medea and Aske walking into the hall from the main entrance downstairs.

The girls went downstairs one after another and saw Medea standing high and radiant, with a satisfied smile on her face. It was indeed different to become a demigod, and her whole spiritual temperament seemed to have been sublimated.

The group leader Aske looked a little depressed, as if he was seriously ill. Nora quickly activated her law ability and checked his physical condition.

Well, nothing seems to be wrong, it's just that the body shows signs of strenuous exercise, but it has almost recovered a long time ago.

So she breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and told the girls what they were thinking, asking Ask to decide which option to choose.

"Uh..." Asik rolled his eyes and said listlessly, "For that kind of thing, whatever happens is fine."

Girls:? ? ?

"Hey." After everyone dispersed, Sheila found Medea again and asked, "What happened to Aske? Did you really succeed in convincing him? I see that he seems very depressed. .”

"That's not depression." Medea gently touched her belly and showed a Virgin-like smile. It was so holy that Sheila almost doubted whether she had seen it wrong. "It was just a kind of empty enlightenment, no desire. It’s just a state of seeking nothing.”

"So what did you do to him?" Sheila was horrified, suddenly remembering that the male cats in the palace were in such a miserable state for a period of time after castration, "Could it be...could you have castrated him?" Come on!"

"What are you talking about?" Medea looked at her in astonishment, "How could I do something that harms others but does not benefit myself?"

"So what did you do to him?" Sheila showed a dumbfounded expression, saying that her knowledge reserve was completely unable to analyze what happened.

"In short, after my 'education', he has realized his 'mistake' and sincerely 'repented' to me." Medea continued to touch her flat belly and said, "Of course, Men are creatures that always say one thing and do another, so we can't trust his guarantee easily and the original plan remains unchanged."

"Really?" Silla nodded, thinking secretly.


A few weeks later, the Cang Qing Sword mercenary group finally returned from the Atlantic Ocean and arrived at the port of Lusitania in the west of the Iberian Peninsula.

Except for the Hero Port incident, the girls spent most of their time using the acceleration plan to level up and specialize in skills, so they didn't notice the passage of time very much. When Queen Maya reminded them, everyone realized that half a year had passed.

Today is the fourth year of the formation of Cangqing Sword, January 17th. The Undead War ended long ago from the end of November to the beginning of December last year. All the lost territories of the Kingdom of Aragon and Castile were recovered. However, the royal family suffered a huge defeat after this war - their important source of financial revenue was gone. .

Lusitania's Wizard Stone veins have been made public, and have received a joint declaration of asylum from the HRE Empire, Olympia City, and Sicily. If these three forces are brought out individually, there may be other kingdoms that will try to compete with each other, but if the three families come together, even the most arrogant and brainless king will have to think about whether he can withstand the anger from the three families combined.

However, due to the last demonic wave, many changes occurred in the Iberian Peninsula, which seriously affected the export and trade of wizard stones. Therefore, a large number of mercenaries began to appear in Iberia, and the post-war economy also began to flourish.

The "Lusitania Development Policy" promoted by the Mayan Queen happened to catch up with such a time window, and the economy was in the process of booming.

"However, something big has happened in the Holy See recently. You probably didn't know about it when you were overseas." Queen Maya suddenly looked at Sheila.

"What's the matter?" Silla seemed to realize something, and her voice began to tremble.

"Holy war." Mayan Queen Youyou said, "The Holy See has announced a new round of holy war."

"The goal was to recover Constantinople, which had been occupied by the pagans."

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