Blue Sword

Chapter 800 Camellia’s letter

Constantinople, the Golden Palace.

Suleiman, the God-Emperor of the Seljuk Empire, was sitting on the ivory throne of Emperor Solomon, staring at a piece of paper in a daze.

That letter was written by the treasonous princess Camerica, who had lost contact with him for four years. She advised him not to dwell on the glory of capturing Constantinople and to realize as soon as possible that the strength of both sides has waned. , withdrew its strength to the Bosporus and concentrated on defending Asia Minor.

In other words, Constantinople will definitely not be able to hold it.

Suleiman would be lying if he said he had no feelings for Camelika... Before he ascended the throne to become the God-Emperor and took office as the Governor of Damascus, he doted on this daughter beyond measure, even doing heavy lifting every night. After the government affairs, I would spare half an hour to read her bedtime stories patiently.

However, ever since he chose to embark on the path to power, his relationship with his daughter has gradually drifted away.

In other words, the emperor system of the Seljuk Empire resulted in any emperor becoming a loner.

When he received the news of his daughter's treason, Emperor Suleiman was furious and even wanted to place a reward in the Caucasus Assassin Organization for the head of the daughter who dared to disobey him.

However, he quickly withdrew the reward, not because he was concerned about the queen (in fact, the succubus queen had no true feelings for her husband and daughter), but because he suddenly remembered the unfinished book "A Thousand Thousand Years". Zero One Night".

I remembered the warm time I spent with my daughter.

To be honest, since he became the emperor, although his power and strength have almost reached the extreme, his happiness as a human being has become less and less, so that every happiness in his past memories is regarded by him as a treasure and he often takes it. Come out and savor the aftertaste.

Now, when he once again saw the letter home from his long-lost daughter, Suleiman had some unexpected surprises, and more importantly, he was angry at being fooled and provoked.

However, after he calmed down, he began to seriously consider his daughter's suggestion.

What prompted him to change his attitude was, of course, the fact that his long-awaited daughter had become a demigod - which meant that Camellia was indeed qualified to talk to him on an equal footing.

And according to Cameliga, there are five demigods besides her in her team alone...

This news is a bit scary. Six demigods are enough to become a decisive force in any force camp. Even in the extraordinary empire Seljuk, there are almost only this number of demigods who are completely loyal to the emperor.

In other words, if Kamalika is willing to return to the country, she can even have a fight with his emperor father on the spot. If that's all, at least she's still on Seljuk's side...

However, judging from the description in the letter, the reality is that Camellia is staying in the camp of the Christian Crusaders. As a result, the empire's original war plan against the Crusaders was immediately overturned. These six demigods who appeared out of nowhere have become a huge weight that overwhelms the balance of war.

Now it is no longer time to think about how to hold Constantinople, but how to withdraw from Constantinople in an honorable manner and save Minor Asia.

Suleiman raised his head and looked at the young captain of the guard in front of him. This is a young man from Syria who is alert and intelligent and usually has his trust.

However, just a few minutes ago, it was this young captain of the guard who brought him a letter from his daughter, and according to the judgment of his psion, he was controlled by some kind of demigod-level law, rather than deliberately betraying His Majesty. .

That law... is a bit like some kind of parasitic spiritual creature, firmly embedded in the depths of his mental body, and cannot even be solved by ordinary spiritual means. If he had to remove it, the young guard captain would become a mentally and physically disabled fool - it would be better to just kill him with a knife.

"Take him down." Emperor Suleiman rubbed his brows and announced the fate of the captain of the guard: imprisonment.

After the young captain of the guard was taken away, a large-scale psychological investigation began in Constantinople to prevent more people from being secretly manipulated by his good daughter Camelica.

Emperor Suleiman walked silently into the inner study. He was silent for a long time before taking out a candle.

Lit the candle, and soon, a graceful and charming vague figure appeared in the flames dancing on the candle wick.

"Corneopatra!" Suleiman said seriously, "I received a letter from Camerica."

"Oh." The other person said, "What's wrong? You finally remembered my good daughter?"

"She sent me a letter from the Crusade camp, asking me to hand over Constantinople as soon as possible." Suleiman said solemnly.

"Then just hand it over." The other person said.

"Is this what you mean?" Suleiman asked coldly.

"No." The other person replied.

"That was Kameliga's own decision." Suleiman said majestically.

"My Majesty, you seem to have made a mistake." The other person finally couldn't help laughing, "Do you think Kamaliga is still the same little girl running back and forth between us?"

"She is already a demigod, and has inherited my position as the Succubus Queen, as well as all my foundations in Limbo City. Even Malkina is bowing to her, do you think I still have it? Can it affect her?"

"But she is still in the mercenary group called Cangqing Sword." Suleiman frowned.

"Maybe she likes to play house." The other person said nonchalantly, "Didn't I also play slave once, Your Majesty?"


Well, when he and the succubus queen met, she was indeed playing the role of a slave girl in the slave market, waiting to be bought home by any man who didn't know whether to be "lucky" or "unlucky".

Considering this aspect, these succubi do have weird habits.

The communication with the Succubus Queen... to be precise, the former Succubus Queen ended. Suleiman walked out of the study again and meditated on the ivory throne for several hours before ordering the guards stationed next to him:

"Bring the captain of the guard back."

Soon, the imprisoned captain of the guard returned to the hall of the Golden Palace in shackles.

Even though he was behind bars, he still had a nonchalant smile on his face, or it could be said that the demigod behind the scenes who manipulated him had completely deprived him of his normal thinking ability.

"Cameliga, what do you want?" Suleiman stared at the guard captain and asked in a deep voice, "I know you are listening!"

After a while, the expression of the captain of the guard with a stiff fake smile slowly changed.

He suppressed his smile and spoke, his voice turning into a soft female voice:

"I don't want anything, Father. You can't give me what I want."

"You don't seem like the kind of person who cares about the relationship between father and daughter." Suleiman patted the armrest of the ivory throne, "So why did you remind me?"

"It's very simple, because if the Seljuk Empire loses miserably in the Holy War, then someone will get the greatest benefit, and this is not in line with my expectations for the future." Cameliga's voice smiled and continued, " So, I just hope you don’t lose too quickly, so as not to disrupt my plan.”

"Someone?" Suleiman narrowed his eyes slightly, "Olympia City, Appilios?"

"You don't have to guess anymore." Camerica said in a ethereal voice, "Go, leave Constantinople, go to Asia Minor, and try to hold her back."

"Then set your sights on Ilania and prepare a way out for yourself. Father, you consider yourself a monarch with great talents and great strategies. Then you should know that when the trend of history has been established, it can no longer be blocked by human will. "

“I don’t want to see your head on the walls of Constantinople, nor do I want to hear that you were killed in battle or murdered by the Praetorian Guards in a few years or decades. That would be such a disservice to my daughter. It’s too cruel.”

"Live well. Maybe we will have the opportunity to meet each other or even cooperate in the future."

"I'm looking forward to that day."

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