Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 104 Terrifying personality charm!

After struggling to get off work, Xiao Zheng had already brainstormed to the point that even the cleaning lady might hide bombs in the trash can, as if Sinopec was a terrorist base, and he saw enemies everywhere.

Patting his dizzy head, Xiao Zheng muttered as he went downstairs: "If I keep thinking like this, I'll go crazy."

After returning to the locker room and changing into casual clothes, Xiao Zheng sent a text message to Lan Xin: "Are you off work?"

He then slowly said hello to his colleagues and left the Empire State Building.

As soon as he arrived at the main entrance, Lan Xin's text message came: "I'll wait for you at the intersection opposite the building."

Xiao Zheng confirmed the address, sneaked across the sidewalk, and searched for Lan Xin's car.

He didn't blame Lan Xin for waiting for him across the street instead of in the parking lot of the Empire State Building. Although he walked a few more steps, it largely ensured the secrecy of their date. Otherwise, with the base of thousands of employees in Sinopec, the probability of running into the two of them having a tryst in the parking lot was too high. It really didn't meet Zhengge's wish to climb to the management level of Sinopec through his own efforts.

Finding Lan Xin's car parked at the intersection, Xiao Zheng knocked on the car window and smiled with narrowed eyes: "Beauty, can you take a ride?"

Lan Xin's intellectual and gentle beautiful face appeared in the car window, and she said angrily: "Is this how you usually chat up with girls?"

As Director Lan, who has confirmed a relationship with Brother Zheng, although she still has a sense of anxiety about gains and losses, it does not prevent her from criticizing Xiao Zheng's slightly frivolous and reckless behavior.

"That depends on her appearance." Xiao Zheng leaned on the window and said with a smile. "After all, it is still rare for Mingzhu to have a beauty of Director Lan's level."

"Slippery tongue." Lan Xin pretended to blame, but her beautiful eyes were filled with joy and happiness that could not be concealed. Being praised by her lover, even if it was just a compliment, is enough to make any woman happy and unable to control her emotions.

Xiao Zheng got in the car, fastened his seat belt, and said with a smile: "Choose whatever you want to eat tonight. I'll be a big spender today."

Lan Xin smiled slightly and said softly: "Just eat something casually, don't spend too much."

Xiao Zheng said with a straight face: "Do you look down on me?"

"No--" Lan Xin's pretty face tightened slightly, and she said in panic. "I don't mean that, I just--"

"I'm just kidding you, don't be so nervous." Xiao Zheng said with a smirk.

Lan Xin felt relaxed and rolled her eyes at Xiao Zheng, showing her charm.

But to be honest, Lan Xin was really a little worried that Xiao Zheng would have unnecessary inferiority complex because of the difference in their status. In fact, in her heart, it was a great blessing for Xiao Zheng to accept her. How could she care about the economic gap between the two? But she has been working for many years and has seen all kinds of men. She clearly understands that many men's self-esteem is far more fragile and sensitive than women. In this era of rapid development, wealth is the most important factor that reflects a man's strength. Judging from Xiao Zheng's income, it is very likely that he has an inferiority complex in terms of economy.

Of course, Lan Xin analyzed Xiao Zheng from the perspective of an ordinary male, but she didn't know how many shocking and thrilling events Brother Zheng had experienced over the years. He had already seen through the essence of life and took enjoyment as the greatest principle of life, rather than comparison. Even the tens of millions of remuneration earned by risking his life abroad, he could transfer all of it to the name of the old dean without frowning. His realm is so high that it is incomparable to ordinary people.

Lan Xin is indeed rich and beautiful. If it were most ordinary or excellent men, they might have a mentality of climbing up. But Brother Zheng has no negative emotions at all. He will not have an inferiority complex as Lan Xin thought.

Otherwise, he would not dare to show off in front of Lin Huayin when they first met.

The place where the two of them had dinner was a standard Western restaurant. Except for the good steak, other aspects were only ordinary in the international metropolis of Mingzhu. The meal cost only 500-600 yuan, which was the final decision made by Lan Xin for Xiao Zheng's pocket.

Because it was not the weekend, nor the prime time for dining, there were not many customers in the restaurant. The two waited for less than a quarter of an hour, and the dishes were served one after another. Seeing that there were only drinks and cold soup on the table, Xiao Zheng took the initiative to propose and asked for a bottle of red wine of decent quality, which successfully made the dinner consumption exceed 1,000 yuan.

"Eat quickly. I guess you didn't eat much at noon?" Xiao Zheng personally poured red wine for Lan Xin and said with concern.

Lan Xin cut a small piece of steak and put it into her red lips, half sighing and half complaining: "You just came to Xin Ao, and you are not very clear about General Manager Lin's work style. Once there is a major change in Xin Ao, she will summon all department leaders to the restaurant's box for a meeting. It takes at least an hour and at most an afternoon. Not to mention eating, I dare not even drink a sip of water."

"So perverted?" Xiao Zheng said in amazement. "Then you didn't dare to eat the delicious food on the table, and discussed important matters with Mr. Lin with hungry stomachs?"

"That's basically it." Lan Xin nodded lightly, and then explained. "But Ms. Lin did this for her own reasons."

"What's her plan? To starve you to the point of skin and bones, so that you can't pose a threat to her in terms of appearance?" Xiao Zheng said indignantly. "So vicious!"

Although Xiao Zheng's words were full of resentment and quite petty, Lan Xin was extremely helpful. Her heart felt even warmer, and she said softly: "Mr. Lin also accompanied us when we were hungry. She did this not to target anyone, but to let the company's employees know that if the problem cannot be solved, their jobs will be affected. In order to keep colleagues alert and cautious about any possible threats, it is also the management culture of Xinao.”

"It's so profound." Xiao Zheng swallowed a mouthful of steak, drank another sip of red wine to rinse his mouth, and then asked slowly and sincerely. "Xiao Lanlan, are you really unwilling to tell me what happened in the company? Maybe I can still give you some advice."

Little blue?

Listening to Xiao Zheng's ambiguous and childish name, Lan Xin's delicate body trembled slightly, and a seductive blush crept up on her pretty snow-white face. She bit her lip and said, "I am already twenty-five years old, and you are so Even if you scream, you are not afraid of making others laugh..."

"Who dares to laugh?" Xiao Zhengyi said seriously. "See if I don't cut him."

Lan Xin's eyes flashed, and she finally decided not to hide anything anymore, and revealed the entire contents of the meeting.

From Lan Xin's point of view, the two have just fallen in love. If she hides everything from Xiao Zheng, it will inevitably make people unhappy, and this is not Lan Xin's original intention. What's more, she didn't want to hide anything from Xiao Zheng and was willing to share everything about herself with Xiao Zheng. Whether you are happy or unhappy.

After a little wording, Lan Xin said slowly:

"There may be huge personnel changes in Xinao this time. Mr. Lin summoned us to quickly formulate a comprehensive response strategy to prevent it from affecting the company's normal operations."

Xiao Zheng pretended to be surprised and said: "Is this a plan for large-scale layoffs?"

"The specific route cannot be determined yet, but President Han's resignation is likely to take away some key members. At that time, this group of confidants of President Han's faction will also incite company employees from point to point, triggering large-scale resignations." Lan Xin said with a troubled expression. Obviously, as a veteran senior executive of Xinao, she is also very upset about this matter and hopes to get over the difficulty as soon as possible. But judging from the current situation, wanting to survive the sadness safely may be just an idiot's dream, and it is difficult to truly realize it.

Xiao Zheng saw that what Lan Xin said coincided with his previous guess, and he couldn't help but said with relief: "You don't have to worry too much. With Mr. Lin's methods, I believe this crisis can be settled easily."

"I also believe in Mr. Lin's ability. But I'm just curious as to why Mr. Lin fired Mr. Han at this juncture. From Mr. Lin's perspective, she wouldn't know that the most important thing for Xinao right now is stability. Rather than large-scale cleaning," Lan Xin said helplessly.

She didn't understand Lin Huayin's intention, but Xiao Zheng knew it clearly, but from a certain perspective, he was also puzzled by Lin Huayin's impulsive behavior. It should be impossible for this iceberg strong woman to rise quickly in the Pearl Business Circle to be so lacking in determination and authority, right? Could it be that her love for me is terminally ill and incurable? Can't you tolerate even the most capable subordinate saying a few words about me?

Alas, what method should I use to cover up my terrifying personality charm? It’s such a headache.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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