Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 11 The battle of the security department!

resign immediately?

Xiao Zheng stared at the phone screen in a daze, and muttered to himself: Not being envied by others is mediocrity. I thought that only Boss Bai was aware of my potential threat, but Tang Ming was also a narrow-minded person. Alas, so lonely.

Putting away the phone, Xiao Zheng stepped into the gym, and his eyes lit up.

The huge gym center is well-equipped, not only with dance machines, treadmills, motion bicycles, and other fashion equipment that are popular among young people. There is also no shortage of heavy equipment such as giant sandbags and arm powers to refine explosive power. It is simply a state-of-the-art gym.

At 10:30 in the morning, ENN employees were working in full swing. Except for the six or seven security guards who worked hard under the command of Bai Yujiao, the gymnasium of hundreds of square meters was empty and deserted.

Someone was lifting weights, someone was beating sandbags frantically, and in the standard arena on the inner layer, a security guard was exercising his boxing and leg strength with the assistance of Liu Qiming, the leader of the second group. Every time he attacked, there would be a low crash sound on the protective gear of Liu Qiming's arm. Bang bang.

Where is the company gym? It's basically the backstage of a boxing match.

"The Security Department is responsible for the safety of nearly 1,000 employees of ENN. Most of these employees are women who are helpless. Once a security problem occurs, it is very easy to cause confusion and loss of control. Therefore, in addition to ensuring the personal safety of employees, It is also necessary to maintain the normal operation of the company. Before the police arrive, fulfill the obligation not to violate the criminal law." Bai Yujiao said to Xiao Zheng, who was blinking as she walked forward. "So Xinao's security guards must not only have a good character, but also have a strong ability to deal with malicious troublemakers. To do this, they must have a strong physique and a resolute attitude."

"Otherwise, the nearly 1,000 female employees of ENN would not be able to work in a safe environment and create benefits for the company."

Bai Yujiao turned around suddenly, stared at Xiao Zheng blankly, and continued asking like a laser gun: "Can you run ten kilometers in forty minutes? Can you do two hundred standard push-ups in five minutes? When there is an emergency in the company, do you rush from the 68th floor to the 88th floor in two minutes?"

Xiao Zheng opened his mouth wide and said in astonishment, "I'm here to be a security guard, not a soldier. Your request is not in line with the rules at all."

"This is my rule!" Bai Yujiao said solemnly. "This is the rule of the ENN Security Department! If you can't do it, get out!"

"It can be done." Xiao Zheng put out the cigarette and said calmly.

Bai Yujiao frowned, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes.

As Xiao Zheng said, Bai Yujiao's requirements are basically the standard for an excellent soldier. Xiao Zheng was just a security guard who came in through the back door. She didn't believe that Xiao Zheng could have such good physical strength. He snorted coldly: "Anyone can brag."

"Then which one do you want to test first?" Xiao Zheng shrugged.

"Push-ups." Bai Yujiao beckoned to call a security guard with amazing physical strength, and said with a smile on her face. "You do it with him."


The security guard who was lifting weights glanced at Xiao Zheng badly, pursed his lips and said, "Let's start?"

"Wait a minute." Xiao Zheng waved his hand. "Before strenuous exercise, I have to warm up. I don't want to flash my waist."

The security guard sneered, and a look of contempt flashed across Bai Yu's charming face. A lazy person grinds shit and urinates a lot, so he can do 200 push-ups within the specified time. Even if you give him a day, I'm afraid it won't be done!

After a minute of stretching, Xiao Zheng put his arms on the ground and smiled at the security guard next to him: "Dude, take a gamble?"

"What are you betting on?" The security guard made the most standard gesture.

"One hundred yuan, bet on who is faster." Xiao Zheng grinned.

"Five hundred." The security guard pouted. "Dare you?"

The corners of Xiao Zheng's lips were slightly raised, and he smiled at Bai Yu, "Boss Bai. Can we start? This posture makes me very ashamed."


Bai Yujiao gave an order, and the two who were lying on the ground quickly did push-ups. Each of them is of a standard enough to be able to establish a sect and teach and preach.

The competition between the two attracted the onlookers of other security guards, including Liu Qiming, who was training security guards in the ring.

As the leader of the second group of the security department, he hated Xiao Zheng who went through the back door more than anyone else. Especially when Tang Ming, who often opposes him, tried his best to win over Xiao Zheng. Liu Qiming was increasingly worried about his position in the security department.

Liu Qiming was hired by his true ability. Another retired soldier, in the army is the elite of the elite. When she first entered the new Olympics, she was appreciated by Bai Yujiao, who was also a retired soldier, and naturally became the second-in-command of the Ministry of Security. But Tang Ming's appearance not only threatens his status, but also often opposes him because of his family connections. The Ministry of Security also formed two factions. One faction is headed by Liu Qiming, who has no background, and the other is headed by Tang Ming, who has a deep background. According to normal workplace battles, Liu Qiming, who has no background, should have been kicked out by Tang Ming. But Bai Yujiao is not an ordinary leader, and will not try to win over Tang Ming because of his background. On the contrary, like Liu Qiming, she hated the presence of related households in the security department. Although she had a different starting point from Liu Qiming, she also reached a united front. Therefore, although Tang Ming has a backstage, he has repeatedly fallen behind in the battle with Liu Qiming. If Xiao Zheng, a related household, is pulled away by Tang Ming, it will inevitably pose a great threat to Liu Qiming. So Bai Yujiao wanted to try to force Xiao Zheng away.

But less than ten seconds after the start of the competition, Liu Qiming's sinister intentions were completely shattered by Xiao Zheng's terrifying explosive power.

"One hundred... one hundred and one..."


Xiao Zheng crushed his opponent at double the speed. Five hundred bucks is easy to come by...

The security guards around were also completely shocked. Including Bai Yujiao.

This kid - his physical fitness is really good. Even if it is fast, it is actually half as fast as the opponent. In less than three minutes, Xiao Zheng finished the challenge of two hundred push-ups. At this time, the physically strong security guard barely finished one hundred.

"Give me the money." Xiao Zheng said gloatingly. "I knew that I would change the gambling method, and give one hundred dollars later. Then I can easily get 10,000 yuan into the account."

The blushing security guard took out five hundred yuan and handed it to Xiao Zheng unwillingly. Get out of the crowd.

Xiao Zheng, who carefully put the money in his pocket, looked at Bai Yujiao, whose face was slightly ugly, and said with a smile, "What's the next test?"

"No need. It's up to you to pass the test." Bai Yujiao said solemnly.

"Then I'll go to work." Xiao Zheng turned around and left.

"Who let you go?" Bai Yujiao's eyes turned cold.

"Didn't I finish the test?" Xiao Zheng asked suspiciously.

"Just passing the first test." Bai Yujiao said lightly. "Do you think the ENN Security Department is so good?"

"Tell me, what's the next assessment?" Xiao Zhengman said casually. "It's best to add more money. It's fun to play, and everyone has a good time watching it."

"I don't know how high the sky is!"

While speaking, Liu Qiming, who was standing on the side, strode out, staring fiercely at Xiao Zhengdao: "I bet 10,000 with you. Do you dare to play?"

"Whoever doesn't play is the grandson!" Xiao Zheng's eyes lit up. "How to play?"

"Fight with me in the ring." Liu Qiming said with thin lips. "You won. Not only can you become an official employee of the Security Department. I'll pay you another 10,000 yuan. You lose. Pack up and get out of the Security Department."

"Liu Qiming!" Bai Yujiao raised her eyebrows and stopped drinking. "Where did the security department come from such a rule?"

She hates related households, and she doesn't want Xiao Zheng's related households to ruin the reputation of the Security Department. But she didn't want Liu Qiming to hurt Xiao Zheng in such a cruel way.

"The white team can rest assured. I just teach him to be a man. It won't hurt him." Liu Qiming explained. In his eyes, there was a trace of wickedness that flickered.

As long as he is in the ring, how can Liu Qiming be merciful? Everyone knows that fists and feet have no eyes, and even if Xiao Zheng is injured, Bai Yujiao will have nothing to say. Even if Xiao Zheng's backstage is held accountable, I believe that Bai Yujiao, who protects the shortcoming, will not sit idly by.

"Pay attention to your measure." Bai Yujiao frowned.

Afterwards, she looked at the client with a calm face: "Xiao Zheng. I can tell you very clearly. I do not welcome a related household like you to join the security department. If you leave voluntarily, I will pay you a month's salary as compensation. ."

"The fortune teller said I could live to be a hundred years old." Xiao Zheng smiled. "If you can pay my salary for the rest of my life in one go. I'll be in a flash."

"Insatiable greed!" Bai Yujiao scolded angrily.

"If you don't have a dream, what's the difference between being a man and a salted fish?" Xiao Zheng strode towards the ring, turned over and said. "Leader Liu. It's time for dinner. Let's not waste time."

Liu Qiming stepped onto the ring with a gloomy face, clenched his iron fist and said, "You will pay the price for your arrogance!"

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