Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 121 Stay away from her!

After Xiao Zheng was coaxed away by Fourth Master Zhao, Li Mubai immediately ordered his subordinates to send Chen Chong to the hospital, and then cleaned up the scene, and called out all the staff in the restaurant. They used threats and lures to ensure that the matter was suppressed, and then they were exhausted. out of the restaurant.

But the confusion and jealousy in his eyes never dissipated, they were just hidden in the depths of his pupils extremely forbearance, so that no one could spy on him.

After Chen Chong's subordinates left the restaurant, they went straight to the hospital, while Li Mubai followed suit to the side of a black Rolls Royce, opened the door with a humble and uneasy attitude, and sat on it.

The appearance of the car is not as gorgeous as supercars such as Ferrari and Lamborghini, but the interior of the car is extremely luxurious, spacious and transparent.

This car is Zhao Siye's car. Everyone on Mingzhu Road knows it. Even many local residents who do not mix on the road know that the owner of this car is the legendary Zhao Siye.

When he boarded the car, Zhao Qingyun sat quietly on the left, while the old man sat on the right with a blank face, holding a glass of whiskey in his hand, drinking heavily with an unhappy expression, obviously not happy.

Zhao Qingyun followed, but did not get out of the car, Li Mubai was so clever, he immediately understood the reason.

The two had a fight at the old man's birthday banquet, and if they showed up in the situation just now, it would inevitably add unnecessary disputes and intensify the smell of gunpowder. So he passed the door without entering, and waited in the car.

After Li Mubai got into the car, he rationally chose to sit next to Zhao Qingyun, looked at Fourth Master Zhao delicately, and said with complicated emotions: "Father——pa!"

Before he finished speaking, Fourth Master Zhao slapped Li Mubai hard on the face without warning. The gold-rimmed glasses were knocked crookedly, and a few bright red finger prints quickly appeared on Sven's face, making him extremely embarrassed.

"I'm just going to retire!" Fourth Master Zhao scolded, holding back his anger. "But he's not dead yet! I said don't provoke Xiao Zheng, you think I'm talking fart!?"

The old man has not been angry for a long time. Especially in the face of these godsons. But today, he slapped Li Mubai severely, and cursed like a roar. The scolding made Li Mubai's head bloody and trembling all over.

The tiger is old, but its prestige is still there. What's more, it's still a big owl like Zhao Siye, as long as he has a breath and hasn't closed his eyes, he can control the overall situation and suppress this group of full-fledged bastards.

Li Mubai, among the four sons of the Zhao family, is the chief think tank who is closest to Ye Shiguan in style, and also the most able to figure out Ye Shiguan's mind. On the outside, he is the second younger brother who even the boss of the Zhao family, Chen Chong, is very respectful. In the Zhao family, he is also the military advisor that the old man relies on most. But at this moment, he was slapped severely by the old man. Even on Zhao Qingyun's face, a subtle color could not help passing by. The corners of his lips twitched slightly, but he didn't say a word.

"I was wrong..." Li Mubai didn't explain, let alone quibble, because he knew better than anyone else that although the old man had become less angry in recent years and gradually reached the age of retirement, the wildness in his bones would not follow him. fades with age. The more sophistry, the more dissatisfaction and anger the old man will be aroused. So he took this slap and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

After Zhao Siye reprimanded him, his anger gradually dissipated, and he glared at Li Mubai unhappily: "Among the four brothers, you are the smartest and most intelligent. Even if it is a big matter, you won't coordinate it? How could you let Xiao Zheng and Chen Chong fight?"

"I really don't like Xiao Zheng very much. So—" Li Mubai said in a low voice.

"So let Chen Chong mess around?" Fourth Master Zhao said angrily. "I warned you that Xiao Zheng is not an ordinary person. He was able to kill Jianglong back then, which has proved his courage and ability. Do you really want to lay your dead body on the street? Create an extra enemy in the confrontation with Ye Shiguan? "

Li Mubai said bitterly: "Father,

I'm out of control, I should forcefully stop their fight. "

Fourth Master Zhao snorted coldly, and told the driver, "Go to the hospital."


After coming out of the restaurant, Lin Xiaozhu kept walking forward, the wound on his arm had stopped bleeding, but the pain was still burning. She didn't dare to raise her head, and she didn't dare to look directly at Xiao Zheng. Only at this moment did she realize how terrifying this brother-in-law, whom she had always been unable to see through, was so frightening that people dare not approach him.

In the past, she only thought that Xiao Zheng could fight, drink coke, and be loyal, but she never thought that Xiao Zheng could kill people, even in front of her face.

Killing such a thing was too terrifying to Lin Xiaozhu, who was only a senior high school student, and the impact on the soul was too great. It is difficult for her to accept this reality in a short time. Accept the fact that her brother-in-law is a murderer.

She knew that Xiao Zheng was avenging herself, but no matter what, deep down in her heart, she still felt a little afraid of Xiao Zheng. A trace - to escape.

She wants to be a chivalrous woman, but she is just the kind of chivalrous woman in the movie who wields swords and roams the world. The movie will not show the brutal and murderous side of the heroine, and she never knew that being a heroine is to kill, and kill many people.

She was impulsive and rebellious, but now she has changed her mind. But brother-in-law——is a more terrifying person than she imagined, a murderous person.

She was very upset.

Xiao Zheng followed behind her, walking very slowly without making a sound. He could guess what Lin Xiaozhu was thinking, and he also understood how much impact today's events would have on Lin Xiaozhu. He even completely changed his outlook on himself.

But he didn't regret it, not at all.

She is his sister-in-law, and he is her brother-in-law, even if the identity of this brother-in-law can only last for two months. But he had to do his best to protect her. Don't let anyone hurt her.

This is Xiao Zheng's attitude, the attitude of a man who has no family and has never had any relatives.

Whoever dares to touch his sister-in-law, he will let him die, there is no need to discuss.

The distance between the restaurant and the school is not far, and it takes only ten minutes to walk there.

Standing at the school gate, Lin Xiaozhu turned around with difficulty, with complicated emotions on his pale face, but he finally raised his eyes to look at Xiao Zheng: "I——I'm going back to school."

"En." Xiao Zheng nodded lightly, and said with soft eyes. "Go to the school's infirmary to bandage it. Although the wound is not deep, it may still be infected. Remember not to get wet, it will cause inflammation. By the way—"

"I see." Lin Xiaozhu interrupted Xiao Zheng's instruction, with lowered eyes, he spoke extremely fast. "It's almost late, I should go back to the classroom."

Xiao Zheng wanted to say something, but Lin Xiaozhu walked into the school gate quickly. Quickly disappear from sight.

Xiao Zheng stood at the door, staring sadly at Lin Xiaozhu who was drifting away, with a deep look of loneliness on his face.

Maybe——I should stay away from her.

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