Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 148: The Tsundere Queen!

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the crowds on the street surged, and the obviously over-excited faces intertwined with the hoarse and deep voices, forming a spectacular scene after the concert. But Xiao Zheng and Lin Xiaozhu in the crowd had livid faces, unwilling and angry.

"Liar! Big liar!" Lin Xiaozhu clenched her fists tightly, and she shouted angrily as soon as she left the gymnasium after keeping silent during the concert.

Xiao Zhengfeng lit a cigarette, and said with relief on his face: "Although the singing skills are not good and the intonation needs to be improved, but the appearance and dancing posture are still very refreshing."

"I spent a month's living expenses just to see her face? Why don't I go home and stare at my sister all night! At least it's free!" Lin Xiaozhu took a sip of Coke angrily, and said through gritted teeth. "Liar! Big liar! What are you talking about, a Grammy Grand Slam winner, the only singer in China in the 21st century. I think she is a third-rate singer who spends money on packaging!"

"At least those long legs are quite attractive. And the live music is so loud, probably not many people pay attention to what she is singing." Xiao Zheng said with a smile.

The bottom of my heart is also very puzzled, has this girl never heard of Lu Qier's song? With such poor live singing skills, he dared to hold a large-scale concert with 50,000 people. Are you not afraid of being kicked off the stage by fans?

But what was surprising was that the fans in the audience didn't care about Lu Qier's singing skills at all. The big beauties on the stage waved and greeted casually, and there were frenzied screams from the audience, and many homeboys wearing bulky glasses passed out on the spot. This frightened Ah Zheng, who hadn't seen much of the world, and couldn't understand the thinking of people on earth.

"What is this all about? I came to the concert, of course, to listen to the songs. Who cares what she looks like? What about a talented creative woman? She made all the albums by herself, and she couldn't even find the key of many songs. I really don’t know how he has the face to call himself a singer-songwriter.” Lin Xiaozhu was extremely annoyed, not only worried about one month’s living expenses, but also the precious weekend vacation.

Seeing her anger soaring, Xiao Zheng asked with a smile, "Isn't she your idol? How can any fan scold an idol like that?"

"What bullshit idol?" Lin Xiaozhu said dissatisfied. "My mother was deceived by her CD! Who knows that the live singing is so ugly? It's like howling ghosts and wolves."

Xiao Zheng couldn't help laughing, and finally understood what kind of fan Lin Xiaozhu was. Follower dogs are very common these days. Whichever star is strong and has appeal, they will flock to follow the trend and like it. It seems that if you don't like it, you are outdated and abandoned by the times. Lin Xiaozhu was obviously attracted by Lu Qier's popularity, and then came to listen to the song full of confidence. As a result, there was a gap between imagination and reality, and Lin Xiaozhu, who was still reasonable, broke out. Roaring and cursing.

On the other hand, Ah Zheng, I think Lu Qier's beautiful songs are sweet. Although she is a little out of tune, she excels in her graceful dancing posture, aura, and stage appeal. At last, her flaws can't hide her strengths. She is a very star-like idol star.

"Howling ghosts and howling wolves?"

Suddenly an angry voice came from behind, taunting: "Everyone likes it, but you say it's ugly. Are you deaf or blind? If you don't understand, don't make comparisons. You can do it!"

Hearing this, the two turned around and looked at the provocative figure.

Looking at the clothes, this should be a woman. But she had a peaked cap on her head, which covered the parts above the eyes, so it was impossible to tell the exact appearance. But a simple and casual pair of denim shorts and a white T-shirt still perfectly outlines her graceful curves and slender body.

good legs. Ah Zheng secretly praised.

"Are you also her brainless fan?" Lin Xiaozhu sneered and said disdainfully. "Lu Qi'er is so popular because you have too many stupid fans like you. I really don't understand what's so good about her.

Singing skills are like a piece of shit, besides being able to make a show on the stage, what other skills does she have? Oh, by the way, she must have a wealthy godfather to support her. Otherwise, with her ability, she can debut as a singer? Don't make trouble! "

"Shut your mouth!" The casual girl suddenly took off her peaked cap, revealing a beautiful face no less than Lin Xiaozhu's, with a pair of smart and beautiful eyes full of anger. "I am Lu Qier!"


The chirping Lin Xiaozhu was speechless for a moment. Even Brother Ah Zheng tilted his jaw in shock, never expecting to meet a glamorous star on the stage at the side of the road. It's also a good thing that there is no one around, otherwise she would not have beaten the brother-in-law and sister-in-law in front of the city as soon as she greeted them?

Lu Qier didn't put any makeup on her face, but her temperament and appearance were no less than those on the stage. On the contrary, it has a clean temperament that is free from silt but not stained. But after being abused by Lin Xiaozhu, anger was written all over her delicate face, as if to tear Lin Xiaozhu's mouth open.

After a short period of silence, Lin Xiaozhu slapped his thigh extremely, and said angrily: "Okay! I'm still worried that no one can find compensation for mental damage! Lu Qier, I solemnly tell you that your concert It sucks, and your singing skills are even worse! If you don’t pay me for the ticket, I’ll go to the Internet to discredit you! I’ll scold you for making money and cheating fans!”

"Rotten?" Lu Qier sneered, and stared at Lin Xiaozhu contemptuously. "My singing skills have been unanimously recognized by the Grammys, and I have won more awards than the songs I have produced! How dare you say that I am bad? My concert dance was choreographed by the most famous master in New York. Do you dare say that it is just a pose?"

Lu Qier's face was full of sarcasm, and she said coldly: "Little sister, if you don't have money, don't follow other people's chasing stars to watch concerts. My sister is following the international style, not something minors like you can appreciate. Read a few more at home. Let’s come out with the annual book and have fun.”

Lin Xiaozhu's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to fight with Lu Qier, who still claimed to be his idol this afternoon. But he was stopped by Xiao Zheng, who was full of embarrassment, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't get excited, don't get excited. Let's go to have barbecue. I'm starving to death."

"Eating barbecue?" Before Lin Xiaozhu could respond, Lu Qier asked with bright eyes. "Where are you going to eat? Is it that Uncle Niu's barbecue in Meijia Alley?"

"None of your business?" Lin Xiaozhu said with a dirty mouth, extremely dissatisfied.

"It's none of your business again?" Lu Qier was unhappy. "Who talked to you? I'm asking this handsome guy."

Xiao Zheng found that the flames of war spread to himself, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiaozhu, you are a student who is going to a famous university, so don't be full of dirty words when you open your mouth. Miss Lu, you too, as a public figure, so many fans like you, the public It’s better to pay attention to the image in the occasion. It’s no good to be caught by reporters.”

"Hmph! Not to mention in China, even in the United States, no media dares to discredit me." Lu Qier said proudly.

Lin Xiaozhu said viciously: "I finally know why you can release a record and hold a concert with your singing. You are surrounded by a group of dog legs who praise you fiercely? No wonder you have been popular for almost three years, and you dare to hold your first concert today. Yes. It is estimated that your company was forced to do nothing, so it was prepared for you, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak." Lu Qier said angrily. "I don't hold concerts because I don't want to make money from fans. Even CDs are sold at cost price. I don't make any money."

"It's been premeditated for so long, just to make a lot of money at the concert?" Lin Xiaozhu corrected his words again, and said contemptuously. "No, it's not about making money. Your behavior is called cheating!"

"I lied to your sister!" Lu Qier dissatisfied. "One ticket for the platform is only 188. The VIP price in the venue is only 888. Is this also called cheating? Do you know how much I spent on the production of this concert? You know that I want to make the concert cleaner. Comfortable, didn’t a single ad be placed? Do you know that all the proceeds from my concert are donated to mountain children? Not only did I not earn a penny, but I paid for this concert out of my own pocket! Why do you say I lied? money?"

Lin Xiaozhu was left speechless by Lu Qier's counterattack, but Xiao Zheng on the side was dumbfounded and said, "The VIP ticket for the infield is only 880? We bought it for 50,000 tickets!"

"What!?" Lu Qier asked in surprise. "Fifty thousand? That's impossible!"

"Stop pretending. When we are three-year-olds?" Lin Xiaozhu sneered. "The price difference is made by your company, right? On the surface, you say you don't make money, and you pay for it yourself, but in fact, you have already made a lot of money!"

"Anyway, the official price is what I said. Even if you bought expensive tickets, you will still be cheated by scalpers!" Lu Qier refused to follow, but a trace of astonishment flashed in her eyes. secretly thought. "Fire all the staff in charge of the concert tomorrow! How dare you make the price difference behind my back? I, Lu Qier, are short by how much money? I don't know what it means!"

Xiao Zheng felt that it would be useless to talk too much, so he pulled Lin Xiaozhu and said, "Let's go, there will be no seats later."

Lin Xiaozhu felt good about scolding and was about to leave, but he heard Lu Qier say: "Don't worry, I have reserved a seat. No matter how late it is."

"Eat barbecue and still get a seat?" Xiao Zheng turned pale with shock, unable to understand the world of such a big star.

"Is there anything in this world that money can't solve?" Lu Qier put on her peaked cap again and said slowly. "For the sake of your praise of me, let me treat you to a barbecue. By the way, let's compare singing skills. How can you slander a powerful singer taught by a famous teacher like me?"

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