Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 181 My home!

Brother Azheng, with his hands behind his back and a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, walked like a leader inspecting the entertainment street. Sometimes he pointed out that the members of one group were slack in their work and did not develop the habit of taking notes while working. Sometimes he scolded the members of the second group. He deserted during work and peeked at the female colleagues in the next department when he had nothing to do, which seriously affected work efficiency. I haven't had any leisure time all morning, and I am even more tired than the patrolling security guards.

"Those who are able work hard." Xiao Zheng extinguished his cigarette and said in a muttered voice. "Even if Tang Ming is asked to do my job, I'm afraid he won't have the ability."

It was time to eat without any incident. Brother Azheng strutted into the restaurant with his hands on his belt. Immediately, there were 3,578 security guards swarming around him, one for Brother Zheng and the other for Team Xiao, not to mention Duo Niwai.

"Keep a low profile." Xiao Zheng waved his hand and said with a slightly serious expression. "After all, it's a public place, so it's better not to be too showy. It doesn't suit my personality."

Everyone looked at each other with disgust in their eyes, and followed Xiao Zheng to the dining area of ​​the Security Department. As usual, Xiao Zheng was eloquently commenting on the female colleagues on the first floor, without caring about the mood of the female compatriots. He was so excited that he started gesturing with his hands and feet and said plausibly: "The woman I like should have a body shape like this."

After that, he drew two wavy shapes with his hands and said in an extremely exaggerated way: "Women should be plump, with big breasts for nurturing and a big butt for fertility. Those female colleagues in the sales department who are so skinny are really not mine. vegetable."

"The sales department is one of our departments with the most beautiful women in Xinao." Tang Ming couldn't stand Xiao Zheng's outrageous gesture and said with disdain. "I think you have a sour grape mentality. You can't eat it so it's sour."

"Can't eat?" Xiao Zheng sneered, his face full of arrogance. "I just slept with the big boss last night, and even my dick was swollen. How dare you underestimate my ability? Do you believe that you don't even have to be the leader of the second team?"

"Sleeping with the big boss?" a security guard asked extremely excitedly. "Are you talking about Director Lan or President Lin?"

"Is there any difference?" Brother Azheng boasted crazily. "As long as I want it, isn't it all mine?"

Tang Ming curled his lips and said: "You can pull it down. Let the company's informants hear it later. If I make you the vice-captain today, I will fire you tomorrow. Do you really think that Xinao is owned by your family?"

Xiao Zheng smiled indifferently, quite a bit domineering with deep merit and fame, took a bite of the chicken leg and said: "Don't be jealous, work hard, I will introduce you to a few goddesses in the finance department later. To be honest, it's just me. Regarding the relationship with Mr. Lan, even if I kidnapped her personal secretary, Mr. Lan would not complain at all. "

Everyone was fed up with Brother Azheng's bragging, so they all buried themselves in their meals and ignored Xiao Zheng's crazy boasting.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the door of the restaurant. Xiao Zheng and others took a closer look and saw that it was Shen Manjun who had never dealt with Lin Huayin.

She was wearing an extremely aggressive work attire, with a soul-stirring charm flashing between her eyebrows. Surrounded by several bodyguards in straight suits, she walked in on seductive stiletto heels. . Wherever he looked, the woman had low self-esteem, the man was flustered, and his aura was extremely strong.

"Damn-" Tang Ming rubbed his hot nose and grinned. "If I could spend a good night with Beauty Shen, it would be worth it even if my life is shortened by two years."

"That's all you can do." Xiao Zheng curled his lips and said. A faint look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

What is Shen Manjun doing in Xinao? She and Lin Huayin are sworn enemies. Could it be that they are looking for me?

Thinking like this,

Brother Azheng sat up slightly to make himself more prominent, so that Shen Manjun could find him immediately.

"Xiao Zheng. Where are you eating?"

As expected, Shen Manjun really came to see Xiao Zheng. This hot beauty, who is famous for being charming in Mingzhu, walked calmly towards Xiao Zheng and said with charming eyes: "Mr. Xiao, it's really not easy to find you."

"Is it difficult?" Xiao Zheng said arrogantly as he lit a cigarette. "Ms. Shen, this is ENN's staff canteen. What are you doing here?"

"Xinao Canteen?" Shen Manjun squinted and joked. "This should be called Pearl Tower, right? I am the general manager of Pearl Tower and I own 51% of the shares of this building. Do you think I need any reason to come here?"

"That being said, it's really not necessary." Xiao Zheng shrugged.

"Then can you spare a few minutes to chat with me?" Shen Manjun said with a charming smile.

"Of course." Xiao Zheng nodded and smiled. "Miss Shen, just say anything you want."

"Chat here?" Shen Manjun asked.

"Yeah. It's pretty good here." Xiao Zheng nodded.

"Okay." Shen Manjun smiled, with a malicious look in his eyes. "Mr. Xiao, I am not very satisfied with the current security system of the Pearl Tower. I would like to invite you to be the director of the security department of the Pearl Tower. You can fill in the salary as you wish, and there is no need for fixed working hours. When you have nothing to do, you can do what you want. How about it?”

Poaching people in public? Or in Xinao Canteen? Everyone felt that Shen Manjun was simply too bold. It’s too disrespectful to the big BOSS. Everyone couldn't help but turn their attention to Xiao Zheng, expecting him to give an answer that would please everyone.

"How big is the security department of the Pearl Building?" Xiao Zheng took a puff of cigarette with a playful look on his face. "I have number thirty people in my hands now."

"There should be more than a hundred people." Shen Manjun sat slowly opposite Xiao Zheng. The surrounding security colleagues immediately jumped away and dispersed.

"The scale is quite large." Xiao Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and joked. "But I feel comfortable here, so why should I leave?"

"You will feel more comfortable here." Shen Manjun said with a charming smile.

"All job advertisements are very public, but when I actually go to work, I realize that's not the case." Xiao Zheng put out his cigarette and stood up slowly. "Boss Shen, you'd better give up on this idea. I won't work in your Pearl Security Department."

Shen Manjun smiled slightly, as if he had anticipated the outcome, and was not surprised at the moment. He said slowly: "Well, Mr. Xiao is indeed an employee who is loyal to the company. ENN is really lucky to have an employee like you."

After a pause, Shen Manjun leaned forward slightly and said with a charming smile: "Mr. Xiao, I have something else I want to talk to you about. Can you lend me a moment to talk?"

Xiao Zheng frowned and said with a smile, "Of course."

But I was thinking, Shen Manjun, you old fox, you actually did this?

First, he gave Xiao Zheng a slap in the face and made him worry about the topic Shen Manjun would discuss next. Now he invited Xiao Zheng upstairs. Anyone who cares about his image would find it difficult to refuse, right? What's more, the ENN management team like Brother Azheng, who cherishes feathers?

He didn't want to have his reputation damaged by Shen Manjun's nonsense and be ostracized by his colleagues. He couldn't help but get up and said: "Where are you going?"

Shen Manjun leaned forward, breathed softly into Xiao Zheng's ear and said, "My home."

After riding in the car all day today, my whole body is sore and my head seems to be filled with water. Pay back the missing chapter tomorrow morning. Then if nothing else happens, I will keep reading three chapters a day.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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