Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 184 Infighting in the Tang family!

Under Tang Ming's guidance, Xiao Zheng quickly drove his car to the door of a single-family villa. Different from the villa area where Lin Huayin lives, Tang Ming's home is a four-story independent villa, facing the street. Judging from the appearance alone, the building is not very modern and the area is not large, but only Xiao Xiao Only such old pearls know that being able to occupy a four-story villa on such a high-priced street is definitely a symbol of identity and status. Now, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. No wonder Tang Ming corrected his status as the second generation of rich people. Speaking of which, it was indeed the third generation that had family capital.

After parking the car, Xiao Zheng used the rearview mirror to straighten his hairstyle, and suddenly he muttered in realization: "Oh, I forgot to buy a gift. How about I go to the fruit stall on the next street to get a fruit basket? After all, this is my first time visiting. You’re embarrassed to be empty-handed, right?”

Tang Ming got out of the car. The expression on his face was completely different from when he was working at Xinao. He said, "No need. There is no shortage of fruit in my family all year round, so there is no need to do this."

Xiao Zheng nodded and said with emotion: "It seems that your family is really not short of money."

Tang Ming smiled, said nothing, and led Xiao Zheng directly into the gate.

As soon as the two entered the hall, Xiao Zheng saw a middle-aged woman wearing ordinary home clothes coming towards them. From a vague look, his facial features are quite similar to those of Tang Ming, so he should be a close relative.

"Mom, why are you back so early? Is the company okay today?" Tang Ming smiled very gently.

"Yes." The middle-aged woman nodded slightly and said to Xiao Zheng with a smile. "Are you the Xiao Zheng that Xiao Ming often mentions?"

"It's me, auntie." Xiao Zheng said affectionately.

"Well, dinner won't be eaten for a while, so you can go upstairs and play for a while." The middle-aged woman smiled gently. "Xiao Ming, don't just sit here stupidly. Get some snacks and go upstairs to play for a while."

Tang Ming nodded and carried a bunch of bananas upstairs.

"My family is well off and harmonious. There is nothing that needs to activate my Hulk heart." Xiao Zheng peeled a banana and muttered as he ate it. "Brother Xiao Ming, are you trying to scare me because you want me to give up?"

Tang Ming closed the door and lay down on the bed: "Scaring you? I don't even eat at home more than three times a month."

"Looking at the luxurious decoration of your home and the prime location, the quality of dinner should not be much different. Why would you rather have dinner at the company than go home?" Xiao Zheng asked confused.

Tang Ming lit a cigarette and said slowly, "You'll find out after dinner."

Xiao Zheng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Is it possible that your food is not clean and your beard is growing after eating it?"

Tang Ming said with a bad smile: "My family started by selling human meat for barbecued pork, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Xiao Zheng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Brother Xiao Ming, look at how cowardly you are, how can you still have such an awesome person in your family?"

Tang Ming said calmly: "You can't judge a person by his appearance."

Xiao Zheng didn't talk nonsense to him, closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for dinner to arrive. Because of Shen Manjun's blind interference at noon, he didn't take a few bites of lunch at all. Now that he finally had a big meal, he decided to eat the lunch in one go later.

At about half past six, there was finally a knock on the door.

"Xiao Ming, take your friend out for dinner." Mother Tang's tone was very gentle and friendly.

Xiao Zheng stood up quickly and winked at Tang Ming, asking him to get up and lead the way.

Tang Ming climbed out of bed listlessly and shouted out the door: "I know, Mom, come down right away."

Two grown men have nothing to deal with.

Tang's mother walked forward, and the two of them followed behind. What surprised Xiao Zheng was that half an hour ago, the lobby on the first floor was deserted, with no one around. Now when I went downstairs, the dining table was filled with men and women. After a rough scan, there were actually six people including Tang Mu. What a big family.

"Xiao Ming, why do you want to go home for dinner today?" the middle-aged man on the left asked with a smile.

"Oh, it's nothing. Take your friends home to play." Tang Ming said with a perfunctory smile. He led Xiao Zheng to sit down and said. "Colleague from our company. Xiao Zheng. These are my parents, these are my grandparents, these are my uncles and aunts."

Xiao Zheng hurriedly stood up and nodded hello to everyone, but found that except for Tang Ming's parents, the other four people nodded in an extremely indifferent manner, which made Brother Azheng quite embarrassed.

After sitting down again, Xiao Zheng finally had time to look at this large family. The grandparents of the Tang family are very standard old people from a wealthy family. They are dressed very tastefully, but their attitude is lukewarm, not as kind and kind as ordinary old people. The uncles and aunts were even more sinister, giving people a rather snobbish impression. On the contrary, Tang Ming's father, the eldest son, gave Xiao Zheng a very warm welcome.

"I heard from Xiao Ming's mother, Azheng, you are now the deputy captain of the security department? You are really promising. I heard that you have only been in Xinao for a month." Father Tang said with a smile.

"Uncle, you are serious. It was by chance that I made some contributions to the company, and I did it with the help of Tang Ming." Xiao Zheng said modestly. "If it hadn't been for Tang Ming's care when I first started working, I might have been fired before the probation period passed. "

"Then why is it you who have made contributions to the company, and not our Tang Ming?" my aunt said in an unkind tone. "Tang Ming wasn't your immediate boss before."

As soon as his aunt's words came out, Xiao Zheng clearly felt the strong malice. I thought that the two old people as grandparents would smooth things over for their grandson and say a nice word, but they didn't...

what's the situation?

Tang Ming was picked up? Or was Tang Ming's father picked up? Brother Zheng was shocked.

But as Tang Ming's good friend, Brother Zheng would not let Tang Ming suffer any injustice even if he risked his face. He smiled and said lightly: "You don't know that in our Xinao, qualifications and experience are the most important. And I can only be regarded as rushing to the front line this time, and the main commander is still Tang Ming. The reason why I was promoted to deputy captain is actually just to fill a vacancy. In the final analysis, I am at the same level as Tang Ming. In addition, this time Tang Ming was not promoted because our supervisor plans to resign in a while, and she wants to leave the supervisor's position to Tang Ming. Otherwise, it would not be my turn to fill this worthless deputy captain position this time."

As soon as Brother Zheng finished speaking, a sharp and sarcastic voice came from outside the door. Hearing this, Brother Zheng almost threw a bowl at him.

"Oh my, I just got home and I heard someone bragging, almost to the point of exaggerating, isn't that disgusting? Can't we eat?"

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