Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 186 Thank you!

Tang Ru, female, 23 years old, is a senior student at Mingzhu University. She is a typical top student and the proud daughter of heaven. If nothing else happens, she will work in the family business after graduating from college and become the third generation head of the Tang family. She will inherit the will of her grandfather and father and make the company bigger and bigger.

Tang De, male, fifty-three years old, the eldest son of the Tang family, works as a department manager in the family company. He has little power and a low salary, but he has room and board in the Tang family. The old man bought the couple a Mercedes-Benz for transportation. At least in the eyes of outsiders, their lives are very wealthy and enviable.

Tang Ying, the second son of the Tang family, is 48 years old and the general manager of the family company. Winning the trust of the old man, he has fully taken over the company's business in the past ten years and gradually replaced the retiring Mr. Tang's position in the company. So not only did this couple have a high say in the Tang family, but their daughter could also unscrupulously humiliate Tang Ming and the Tang De couple who were not taken seriously.

The reason why Tang De and his wife fell out of favor was because the old man entrusted them with an important task, but not only did the couple fail to complete it satisfactorily, they actually caused the company to suffer huge losses. From then on, the old man never gave Tang De any chance to get ahead. Just throw him to some clean water department to wait for death.

That's how people are, no matter who you are, as long as you don't have the ability, are not good enough, and can't complete the tasks assigned by others. Even your biological parents will be extremely disappointed in you and shift more attention to the next generation who are good enough. Tang De is such a forgotten son, and Tang Ying is an outstanding and capable son in the eyes of Mr. Tang.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that the two families are treated so differently in the Tang family.

But - although Xiao Zheng is an orphan and has never enjoyed the taste of a family, he still can't believe that as a parent, the old man of the Tang family would treat his two sons so favorably. Is there anything strange in this?

Maybe Tang De or Tang Ming didn't dare to think about it, but as an outsider, Xiao Zheng had enough reasons to find out the truth. So while the family was having an argument, he made a call to the computer genius Four Eyes. And got all the information about the Tang family. However, when he knew everything and figured out the ins and outs of the Tang family, Xiao Zheng felt a little embarrassed. I don't know whether I should say it or not.

Not to mention, the Tang family just has internal conflicts within the family. Said, maybe even family members can't do it.

Xiao Zhengzheng, who was struggling with this, had a headache, but Tang Ming's sudden outburst gave him enough confidence.

"What's going on?" Tang Ming looked at Xiao Zheng with a complicated expression, his eyes particularly solemn.

Xiao Zheng looked at Tang Ming solemnly, with a subtle curve on his lips, and said slowly: "If I were to say this, I might become the sinner of your Tang family."

"Who said it's more suitable?" Tang Ming asked.

"Your grandparents." Xiao Zheng pointed to the two elderly people sitting at the dining table, whose expressions were obviously not friendly.

Tang Ming vaguely realized the seriousness of the situation. After a moment of composure, he took a deep breath of air and stared at his grandparents on the dining table: "Can you tell me?"

"Bastard!" Mr. Tang glared at Tang Ming coldly and said with a glare. "Would you rather trust an outsider than your own family?"

"Family?" Tang Ming shook his head lightly. "I have never felt the warmth of home in this home. Grandpa, please tell me everything."

"What did you say?" the old man shouted with twinkling eyes. "What can I hide from you?"

It seemed that Mr. Tang didn't intend to tell the truth, or that there were some things that he couldn't tell.

"Actually, to be more precise,

What you are hiding is not Tang Ming, but Uncle Tang. "Xiao Zheng said slowly. "As long as Uncle Tang doesn't doubt it, Tang Ming will never know. "

When Tang De heard this, he looked at Xiao Zheng with curiosity and said hesitantly: "Azheng, what on earth are you talking about? Why do I become more confused the more I listen?"

Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette, shook his head slightly and said, "Uncle, you'd better be mentally prepared for this matter. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it for a while."

"Let's talk. Although uncle didn't accomplish anything big, his mental quality is still passable." Tang De said with a smile. But it was obvious that there was a strange color flashing in his eyes, as if he was uneasy about what he was about to know.

Xiao Zheng nodded, looking around the audience first, and then he said: "You and Grandpa Tang do not have a real father-son relationship. In fact, you are just orphans adopted by Grandpa Tang."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Including the old man of the Tang family.

How could Xiao Zheng know so much? How would he know that he had adopted them? You know, Xiao Zheng was only in his early twenties, and it was already fifty years ago when he adopted them!

But at this moment, who cares how Xiao Zheng knew? What they care about is whether Xiao Zheng's words are true!

Not only Tang Ming's family, but also Tang Ru's family, who had been slapped by Tang Ming, looked at the old man in shock, hoping that the old man would give them a positive answer.

This news is so crazy! So crazy that no one can accept it! Even Xiao Zheng, an outsider, was a little stunned and confused when he first learned about it. He didn't know whether he should say anything. If the Tang family's attitude toward Tang Ming's family hadn't been so bad, and if Tang Ming's family hadn't suffered too much because of concerns about the so-called family relationship, Xiao Zheng might not have dared to say it in front of everyone.

"He's right." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Mr. Tang had to say it stiffly. "I did adopt you."

When these words came out, everyone in the Tang family was stunned. Even Tang Ru, who was extremely angry and wanted to teach Tang Ming a lesson just now, became quiet and obedient in an instant.

If they were all adopted, then she and Tang Ming would not be the so-called cousins. She was even less qualified to point fingers in front of Tang Ming. Because even she herself had lost the so-called status of the daughter of the Tang family.

In China, the purity of blood is extremely important. It is also a symbol of identity.

But when she thought so, Tang Ming exhaled a breath of turbid air as if relieved, smiled with a relaxed face, turned to look at Xiao Zheng, and said solemnly: "A Zheng, thank you."

No one knows how much grievances Tang Ming has suffered over the years, and no one knows how much grievances Tang Ming has watched his parents suffer over the years. Everything is just because they were born in the Tang family and are the descendants of the Tang family. They have no choice and cannot change this fact. Originally, Tang Ming thought that this nightmare would last a lifetime, but tonight, when Xiao Zheng told this secret that should have made him collapse, he got unprecedented relief.

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