Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 203 Do you have such a big face?

Someone has said that the so-called class reunion is a gathering of all-round comparisons. Compare jobs, income, houses and cars. Men also compare with their wives' figures and faces, while women compare with their boyfriends and husbands, the jewelry they wear, and the luxuries they have at home. Anyone who can compare will not fall behind.

Therefore, those who are willing to participate in class reunions are usually well-known, promising, and have the capital to show off. Those who are a little bit worse off and don’t have much ability will basically become disloyal when talking about the class reunion, and they will try their best to refuse or avoid the class reunion.

Others say that society changes a person and distorts the originally innocent relationship between classmates. But in reality? When you were a student, was there no one to compare with? have. Students compare their grades, their newly purchased Nike running shoes, and even their living expenses.

It is often said that wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, but where do rivers and lakes come from? From face. Because they wanted to save face, there were intrigues and intrigues, so there was a world from then on.

The school is a small world, and society is a big world. When a group of students with no city government or interests grew up, and after experiencing the baptism and tempering of the world, they became a part of the world, fighting with swords and swords without bloodshed.

Ridicule is a sword, contempt is a sword. Knives and swords were stabbed at the students living at the bottom of society, making them restless and ashamed.

Xiao Zheng was in such an embarrassing situation, with no sense of existence and no one paying attention to him. If Tao Ying, an old enemy, hadn't appeared, perhaps the students wouldn't have remembered who this shabby old classmate was, and would even have viciously thought that he was a poor guy who came to eat and drink.

Of course, there are no ifs in the world. Tao Ying appeared and turned everyone's attention to Xiao Zheng, nicknamed the Little Overlord, the most popular one in high school.

"Little bully?"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, looking at Xiao Zheng with a look that hurt his self-esteem, and said in wonder: "He is actually Xiao Zheng? Why doesn't he look like him at all?"

"Of course not. He was the most famous celebrity in Mingzhu No. 1 Middle School. Who didn't know that he could play well and study well? It's a pity that he dropped out of school in his senior year of high school and has not been heard from since." Someone teased. "What a pity. It's obviously a good material for studying, but I just gave up on myself. Looking at it now, I guess I'm not doing well."

The students were talking in low voices, but their faces were full of ridicule and a hint of gloating ridicule.

Most of them were ignored in high school, their studies were average, and their athletic ability was average. They just studied hard all day long and worked hard to get into a good university in the future. They dare not waste precious time, let alone drop out of school before the college entrance examination like Xiao Zheng did. Their father's earnest teachings and teachers' advice made them clearly understand that the college entrance examination is the only way to change their lives. Whether they drop out of school or fail the college entrance examination, their already ordinary lives will be destroyed. They struggled, tried hard to get into college, and tried their best to get a job with a decent income. They lived a nine-to-five white-collar life in the cosmopolitan city of Pearl, which was enough to make their relatives and friends envious.

Everything they have now was obtained by sacrificing all their leisure time and putting in much more energy and hard work than others. They didn't pity Xiao Zheng at all, let alone have any mercy. They mocked and teased with peace of mind, as if they wanted to vent all the pressure they had endured over the years on Xiao Zheng.

why not?

While they were concentrating on their studies, Xiao Zheng would either be late or leave early every day. He would play with the school beauties who were famous throughout the school during class, leading a campus life that was both enviable and annoying. When they were sprinting for the college entrance examination and lying on the desk tiredly again and again, Xiao Zheng was sleeping in class heartlessly.

During class, she competed with monitor Zhang Da, the goddess of many boys’ dreams, and had fun with her life.

If even such an ignorant and unskilled person can have a more glorious life and a happy life than his own, isn't it because God is blind? Is the sky unfair?

They really hope that Xiao Zheng's life will be worse than that of a pig or a dog. They were so happy to see Xiao Zhenglan, who once made all boys look dim, in embarrassment. Fortunately, Xiao Zheng satisfied all the dark sides in their hearts. Not only did this once-high-ranking man live an extremely shabby life, he also met Tao Ying, an old classmate who was now the most prestigious classmate.

Everyone looked like they were gloating over the good show, hoping that Tao Ying could take revenge on Xiao Zheng for all the grudges she had made back then. Let them watch the big show of the year.

Of course, Tao Ying didn't intend to disappoint them. And he was ready to trample Xiao Zheng under his feet and kill him.

What grudge or hatred do Tao Ying and Xiao Zheng have?

Zhang Lan knew that even Lan Xin, who was so low-key that he was ignored by others, also knew about it. Speaking of which, not only the classmates but also the entire school knew about the story of the two of them, making it a joke.

Of course, no one would laugh at Xiao Zheng, who was nicknamed the Little Bully, and no one would dare to laugh at this proud man who would get into fights whenever they disagreed and whose academic performance was so good that even the principal favored him. What people laughed at was Tao Ying, who was not good at studying, and loved to mess around with men and women, eating and wearing the things of her male classmates, and squandering her male classmates' living expenses on her own beauty.

What kind of conflict did the two of them have back then, and what grudges did they have?

Very cliché, a common bloody story on campus.

Tao Ying threatened to her best friends and sisters that she could catch up with her classmate Xiao Zheng in three days and make Xiao Zheng willingly spend all her living expenses to buy her a pair of the latest Nike running shoes.

In fact, during Tao Ying's three years of high school, no man had ever rejected her request, whether he actively pursued it or passively accepted it. Not to mention buying a pair of running shoes, even if you want a mobile phone or computer, there are many people who will give it to you. The reason is just to have a meal with this school belle of No. 1 Middle School who is not the most beautiful, but the most coquettish and capable, walk hand in hand on campus, and enjoy the envious eyes of her classmates.

But Tao Ying finally kicked the iron plate with Xiao Zheng and suffered a big loss. Let alone buying her a pair of running shoes, Xiao Zheng was not even interested in saying a word to her. He even stood on a high platform after receiving an award at a school awards ceremony and said: "Classmate Tao Ying, please don't block me at the school gate in the future. Maybe you think you are beautiful and sexy, but in my eyes, you are just a brain." Waterlogged straw bag. Did you see the slippers on my feet? Are you sure you have such a big face?"

After that day, Tao Ying, who had been pursued by countless boys, became a laughing stock. Even though there were still boys who were interested in her, they did not dare to pursue her in public again. Afraid of being laughed at.

This is what happens on campus. When an influential figure like Xiao Zheng criticizes a person in public, everyone will stay away from him. Terrible public opinion guidance and terrible celebrity effect.

Tonight, Tao Ying will vent all the grievances she suffered in the past and return them to Xiao Zheng ten times and a hundred times!

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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