Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 207 Is He Deserving to Be the Richest Man?

No one expected that the class reunion would start with Tao Ying's arrogance and end with Xiao Zheng's counterattack. What everyone didn't expect was that Lan Xin, who is now regarded as a goddess by these old classmates, secretly got together with Xiao Zheng. And looking at the high-profile gestures of the two showing affection, it is reckoned that a good thing is coming, and they will soon be able to drink the wedding wine of the two.

Everyone congratulated Xiao Zheng and Lan Xin one after another, and rushed to invite Xiao Zheng to the dinner, hoping that Xiao Zheng would honor the appointment.

Xiao Zheng accepted them one by one, and did not put on a superior posture because of Lu Dashan's appearance just now. It is completely different from the domineering and high-profile bully back then. Become more mature and stable.

Amidst the laughter, the class reunion finally came to a successful conclusion. Except for Tao Ying who left with hatred, everyone else had a good harvest and left with a satisfied smile.

After leaving Kowloon City, Zhang Lan said with a smile on her face, "Ah Zheng, I don't want to wait in line for your meal. How about we go have a late-night snack together?"

Xiao Zheng glanced back at Lan Xin, saw that the other party was in good spirits, and his eyes were full of obedience to him, so he couldn't help but smiled and nodded: "Squad leader Zhang invites guests, if I refuse, I will be too unflattering."

Zhang Lan smiled and said, "Then go to the food stall near our school."

After all, Zhang Lan got into her car and led the way.

Lan Xin drove behind and did not forget to tell Xiao Zheng: "Zhang Lan is now a celebrity in the officialdom, and his drinking capacity is not what it used to be. You have to be careful not to get yourself drunk."

"Don't worry." Xiao Zheng jokingly rolled up the window and lit a cigarette. "I've lived twenty-five years, and I've never met a woman who can get me drunk."

Lan Xin pursed her lips and smiled, "You just like bragging."

"Bragging?" Xiao Zheng raised his brows, vowing. "I'll let you see my terrifying drinking capacity later!"

Lan Xin smiled lightly, with only deep affection in her eyes, extremely gentle.

The location of the food stall is easy to find, and the business is booming. Zhang Lan chose a side seat and sat down, ordered a table of skewers and beer very familiarly, raised his glass and laughed: "Come on, for your bright future cheers."

Xiao Zheng raised his glass and wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, saying: "It's fine to drink, but if it's for my bright future—Squad Leader Zhang, compared to you, I'm so sloppy."

"So-so?" Zhang Lan put down his wine glass, warmly greeted the two of them to eat skewers, and then said angrily. "Why, are you still planning to hide it from me?"

Xiao Zheng shook his head slightly and said, "I'm really just an ordinary company employee, so why should I hide it?"

Seeing that he was speaking sincerely, Zhang Lan couldn't help but turned the gun and asked Lan Xin: "Ah, you are an employee of Xin'ao?"

"En." Lan Xin nodded gently, and said meekly. "Ah Zheng is indeed working in our security department. And he was promoted to the deputy captain of the security department some time ago."

Lan Xin looked like a little girl, trying her best to put gold on Xiao Zheng's face. As if being a security vice-captain was enough to make her proud.

Zhang Lan believes that Lan Xin is not a woman who is lying, but she also believes that Xiao Zheng has social connections that Lan Xin does not know about in addition to being a security guard at Xin'ao, otherwise——

Zhang Lan smiled, narrowed his eyes and asked, "That Boss Lu just now, do you know who he is?"

This sentence is actually a bit awkward. Xiao Zheng and Lu Dashan are friends, is it unnecessary for Zhang Lan to ask such a question? Of course, Zhang Lan didn't think so. On the contrary, she felt that Xiao Zheng might not know Lu Dashan's true identity. Many people, including Mingzhu, don't know Lu Dashan's real background.

Otherwise, why wouldn't any of the old classmates present, even Tao Ying who married into a wealthy family, recognize Lu Dashan?

"Not very clear." Xiao Zheng shook his head lightly. explained. "I'm friends with his daughter, and I'm a neighbor with him."

"Neighbor?" Zhang Lan asked incredulously with a slightly changed face. "You really are neighbors with Lu Dashan?"

"En." Xiao Zheng smiled and nodded.

"Tsk tsk—" Zhang Lan glanced at Xiao Zheng, and didn't continue to dwell on this issue right now. Because she noticed that Lan Xin didn't know about it, that is to say, the two did not live together, and Lu Dashan was Xiao Zheng's neighbor, but not Lan Xin's neighbor.

Zhang Lan, who hangs out in the officialdom, is extremely cautious in what he does and what he says. Even if it is a classmate relationship, he will not easily make the environment awkward. But through this point, Zhang Lan can be sure that the place where Xiao Zheng lives is no longer comparable to those old classmates. Immediately smiled and asked: "Then you haven't asked what he does?"

"Businessman." Xiao Zheng said. "That's what he told me."

"He didn't lie to you, he is indeed a businessman." Zhang Lan smiled slightly, and then said again word by word. "But as a businessman, he is really too big and too rich."

Lan Xin only cares about Xiao Zheng, and doesn't care whether other people are rich or not. So she just listened patiently, acted as a qualified listener, and didn't talk much. Xiao Zheng wasn't surprised by this either. To be able to push a girl like Lu Qier with obvious KTV skills onto the Grammy stage, even if Lu Qier possessed excellent creative talent, it was enough to prove his terrifying connections and financial resources .

So Zhang Lan said so mysteriously, but he just smiled and said: "Looking at his battle just now, he should have done well."

"Good job?" Zhang Lan asked mysteriously with a slight smile. "In the Mingzhu business world, Lu Dashan is the well-deserved super rich man. Even in Yanjing, few people can compete with him."

"The richest man in the Pearl?" Xiao Zheng asked in surprise, his expression turned pale. "Just like him, is he worthy of being the richest man in Pearl?"

"What's wrong with his appearance?" Zhang Lan asked with a smile. "Could it be that he behaved badly in front of you in private?"

"A typical image of a housewife." Xiao Zheng said speechlessly.

"Maybe the richer you are, the more evil you will be." Zhang Lan explained. "But in Mingzhu, he is indeed a man who can be called a legend. He is number two, and no one dares to recognize the terrifying existence of number one."

"So, I accidentally made friends with a rich local tyrant." Xiao Zheng said casually, looking not happy about it. Quite a bit of a superior attitude.

Seeing him so relaxed, Zhang Lan was secretly surprised. How far-sighted this guy has to be able to keep a calm face when he even knows a legendary figure like Lu Dashan?

Could it be that he has also reached a high enough height that he doesn't care who his friends are?

Zhang Lan's thoughts became complicated.

Back then, Xiao Zheng was the most beautiful bully in Mingzhu No. 1, a well-known super academic bully. Now, he easily captured Lan Xin's heart again, and formed a year-end friendship with an unborn legendary figure like Lu Dashan. And he can look at this issue calmly, without any pride in knowing Lu Dashan. What has this guy been through all these years? How can you have such a state of mind, such a vision?

It seems that excellent men will continue to be outstanding no matter in school or in society. Not changed by the environment. Don't be dusted by the times.

Zhang Lan originally thought that he was worthy of being the leader of the squad leader. Whether it was his previous marriage, work, or rich experience and connections, he was unique and outstanding among his old classmates. But now, Xiao Zheng's mysterious and incomprehensible background made Zhang Lan feel curious and frustrated. It turned out that after so many years, this man who used to overwhelm him in his studies, now out of society, can still easily overwhelm himself, his image is too tall to be surpassed.

"Squad leader Zhang, don't discuss me anymore. Let's talk about your business." Xiao Zheng asked curiously. "Before you said you were divorced. What's going on? With your ability and conditions, I really can't think of any man who would let such an excellent woman like you go. "

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