Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 204 Desperate!

Xiao Zheng turned around slowly, his solemn eyes falling on the face of the middle-aged man behind him. In just a moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression changed drastically involuntarily.

It's him?

Unexpectedly - it would be him!

Who is this person?

Xiao is serving in the army and is a strict instructor during special training in order to participate in the martial arts competition. He is known as the top master of Zhao Tanhua!

His appearance made Xiao Zheng think a lot, and he quickly understood that tonight's conspiracy was definitely not carried out by Xue Gang alone. There must be larger forces behind it, and more black hands who want him dead.

No wonder, no wonder Xue Gang was so bold and dared to openly kill people in the security area. It seemed that he had received certain promises and received quite attractive rewards!

Are you sure you can kill people without any hindrance in front of me?

These were the words of the middle-aged man to Xiao Zhengfang. If anyone else were talking about it, he might be a bit arrogant. But coming from Zhao Tanhua's mouth, it was so natural and justified.

Who is Zhao Lei? The special training instructor for the seed contestants who participated in many martial arts competitions. He is experienced and powerful. He won the third place in the joint martial arts competition of the three major military regions in the north fifteen years ago. He is known as Zhao Tanhua.

Xiao Zheng once trained under him for three months and suffered a lot of hidden losses. So I don't have a good impression of this person.

Zhao Lei is of medium build, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and has a wheat-colored complexion. He looks energetic, strong and capable. But a pair of small eyes contained dense murderous intent. Go straight to Xiao Zheng! Note: Character anti-filtering неìУаП can be used to watch the latest chapter

The relationship was clearly that of an instructor and a student, but after not seeing each other for many years, it was like enemies meeting each other, and they were extremely jealous. Why?

Because from the day Xiao Zheng entered the special training team, Zhao Lei targeted him everywhere. Instead of teaching him any experience in these three months, he forced him to overload his physical energy, which made Xiao Zheng physically and mentally exhausted and unable to perform at his best. Participate in martial arts competitions.

The reason is simply that Xiao Zheng blocked the way of some people and threatened some people's chance of winning the martial arts championship. In addition, Xiao Zheng never bowed to anyone, so the conflict between the two intensified from the first day of special training, and eventually ended up parting ways.

When they meet now, how can Zhao Lei give him a good look?

"Instructor, you don't train new recruits in the army.

What are you doing running for Pearl? "Xiao Zheng asked knowingly, with a look of ridicule on his face.

"I'll clean up the house. Take care of you." Zhao Lei put his arms behind his back and glanced at Xue Gang, who was half sitting on the ground with blood on his face, and frowned slightly. "You are really a thorn in your side, you love to cause trouble wherever you go."

"Thank you." Xiao Zheng smiled calmly and said calmly. "But I have a problem with your statement."

"What's your opinion?" Zhao Lei asked indifferently.

"You can use it on Yan Shang to clean up the house, but it doesn't seem accurate to use it on me, right?" Xiao Zheng asked casually. "You taught him, but you didn't teach me anything. How can you clean up the family?"

"A person as arrogant as you still needs me to teach him?" Zhao Lei sneered.

"You really have nothing worth learning from me." Xiao Zheng said lightly. "You are very self-aware about this."

Zhao Lei's face darkened and he said in a cold voice: "I haven't seen you for many years, but you haven't changed at all. You are still so self-righteous!"

Xiao Zheng laughed and said lightly: "If I become like you, then I would rather I haven't changed."

"Presumptuous!" Zhao Lei's face changed suddenly and he said with murderous intent. "Xiao Zheng, today I want you to know what it means to respect your teacher!"

"Fart." Xiao Zheng took back the pen and said without raising his head. "Are you worthy of calling yourself a teacher? You're just a pug who is obsessed with inflammation."

Zhao Lei could not contain his anger, and rushed towards Xiao Zheng like an angry lion, vowing to clean up the house and eradicate this thorn in his side and his flesh!

Zhang Lan and Lan Xin's two daughters were turned away and were anxious. Zhang Lan's connections and connections were definitely stronger than Lan Xin's because of her work relationship. Especially when looking for a legendary figure like Lu Dashan, Zhang Lan had Lan Xin's imagination. Incredible energy and connections.

After half an hour of phone calls, Zhang Lan finally got Lu Dashan's personal phone number from an old Mingzhu businessman whom he had met several times and could not even remember his name.

"Old Heng, I'll treat you to dinner again." Zhang Lan hung up the phone and quickly dialed Lu Dashan's private number, waiting impatiently for the answer.

After a long time, a mellow and steady baritone finally came from the other side of the microphone. Zhang Lan remembered that this voice was that of the elegant middle-aged man at the class reunion.


Zhang Lan asked nervously: "Hey, is this Boss Lu?"

"It's me." A slightly confused voice came from the other side of the phone. "Who are you?"

"My name is Zhang Lan, Xiao Zheng's classmate. We met in Kowloon City in the evening." Zhang Lan hurriedly identified himself to the other party.

"Oh, so you are Azheng's classmate." Lu Dashan's voice softened obviously and he asked with a smile. "Miss Zhang, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yes. I have something urgent to ask you." Zhang Lan stopped politely greetings and said very quickly. "Something happened to Xiao Zheng. Only you can save him now."

"Something happened to Xiao Zheng? What happened?" Lu Dashan's rather unexpected voice came from the other side of the phone.

"They were captured by people in the security area. I believe they will not let Xiao Zheng go easily. Boss Lu, can you think of a way. If it's too late, I'm afraid something will happen to Xiao Zheng." Zhang Lan said anxiously.

After all, Xue Gang is her husband. Who can understand Xue Gang's character better than her? With Xue Gang's ruthless style of doing things, not to mention offending him and beating his brother, even if it was an ordinary trivial matter, he would not give up easily.

Zhang Lan knew that if no one came forward to rescue Xiao Zheng tonight, something big would happen.

"Well, I understand. Miss Zhang, don't worry. I will learn about this matter as soon as possible. Then I will give you an answer."

Lu Dashan hung up the phone immediately after saying that, then put down the tea cup in his hand, glanced at his wife who was sitting beside him, eating melon seeds and watching TV series, and said hesitantly: "Honey, something happened to Xiao Zheng."

"Oh." Qin Shuang spit out the melon seed shell and asked slowly. "What's up."

"Caught by the security area." Lu Dashanhui reported.

"How could he offend the people in the security area?" Qin Shuang asked curiously.

"You forgot. He beat Xue Shao last time. Xue Shao's eldest brother, Xue Gang, works in the security area." Lu Dashan introduced.

"The Xue family is really powerful. They actually sent out the security area to find trouble." Qin Shuang sneered. "A group of state worms who seek power for personal gain."

"But I don't think it's that simple." Lu Dashan shook his head slightly and lit a pipe. "I'll have to make a few calls and ask."

After that, he picked up the landline phone on the coffee table and made several calls in succession. Five minutes later, Lu Dashan put the phone down and said with a solemn expression: "No wonder Zhang Lan came to me all night long. It seems that she is desperate."

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