Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 208 A female nun comes to the house!

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Zhao Lei was arrested by the Army. Xue Gang was also forcibly taken away by the army. In name, he was receiving treatment, but in fact, his freedom was restricted and he was imprisoned. The dead soldiers were also handed over, waiting for trial and punishment by the leaders of the garrison area. The Army quickly cleaned up all the mess, showing strong work ability and extremely capable.

Later, the Army personally sent the three people out of the guard area. When they walked out of the gate, it was already 4:30 in the morning.

The sky was full of stars, and a bright moon shone down, illuminating the gate of the security area in white. Xiao Zheng, who had experienced a murderous conspiracy, was enjoying the cool breeze at midnight, and sincerely sighed that it was good to be alive.

The two girls had already gotten into the car and were resting in the car. Xiao Zhengze and Lu Lu stood at the gate smoking, feeling the cool breeze blowing on their faces, and were relatively speechless.

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Jun stared at Xiao Zheng with subtle eyes and said hesitantly: "If I had been a step late just now, would you have planned to kill Zhao Lei?"

When Xiao Zheng heard this, a calm smile appeared on his face: "You can't just sit back and wait for death."

Lu Lu said helplessly: "I know tonight is difficult, and you have been enduring it. But if you really kill someone, things will be different. Maybe Yan Shang is waiting for you to kill someone."

Xiao Zheng shrugged and handed Lu Jun a cigarette: "Didn't you arrive in time?"

Lu Jun was speechless, lit his cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "Azheng, I don't know what you have been through these years, but I believe you are still the same as you were then, and you will never change."

Xiao Zheng laughed and said: "Old Lu, although I am very grateful to you for saving me, there is no need for you to be so formal. Isn't it sour?"

Lu Jun smiled and punched Xiao Zheng hard: "It's been so many years and you still don't know how to chat."

"Whoever has nothing to do chats with men every day." Xiao Zheng said. "I didn't see two beauties waiting for me."

"Fuck." Lu Jun said angrily. "People of the opposite sex are inhumane, get out of here,"

Xiao Zheng grinned and punched Lu Jun in return: "Thanks, brother."

"Stop being disgusting and get out of here," Lu Jun scolded with a smile. His eyes were filled with emotion.

Friends need politeness and small talk, but brothers don't. Even though they haven't seen each other for many years, they still maintain the tacit understanding they had. Xiao Zheng and he were once the best comrades-in-arms and the most loyal brothers. Whoever is in trouble will be spared by the other party. Xiao Zheng once did this, and for this he paid a great future,

Expelled from the army. Now, the army is also willing to charge into battle for him, inserting swords at both sides. This is the meaning of the existence of brothers.

After watching Xiao Zheng get into the car, Lu Jun waited until the car disappeared around the corner before turning back to the guard area.

Xiao Zheng also sent Lan Xin home, who was exhausted both physically and mentally. Then he asked Zhang Lan where she lived and sent her home.

Along the way, Xiao Zheng just chatted with Zhang Lan, but the latter stared at Xiao Zheng's side face with a strange look. He hesitated to speak.

"Sir, monitor. You used to scold and hit you whenever you wanted. What's wrong now? It's not because you experienced a failed marriage that you developed a foreign-style phobia of men." Xiao Zheng was half joking and half serious. said.

"I really can't understand you." Zhang Lan said with a subtle expression. "Xiao Zheng, what have you done in these years? How can you encounter such a big thing and not have any psychological burden at all?"

"The most important thing in life is to be happy. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. No one knows whether if you close your eyes tonight, you will be able to open them tomorrow. Why bother letting things in the past affect your mood?" Xiao Zheng said with a smile. Sour and strong. "Sir, squad leader, you have worked in a government agency for so long, so you don't understand this truth. Even if you don't understand it, you can suddenly understand it by watching a few more Hong Kong dramas."

"Understanding is understanding, and being able to do it are two different things." Zhang Lan rolled her eyes at Xiao Zheng and said. "Last night, when Tao Ying made things difficult for you, Boss Lu stepped in to help you. This morning, you were tricked by Xue Gang, and you were helped by officers from the security area. I really don't understand how many big shots you know. Why is everyone rushing to help? You, give you timely help."

Zhang Lan has been working in government agencies for several years, so it's not like he hasn't seen new and weird things. But Xiao Zheng was able to survive the stormy weather tonight like this. That's not a coincidence or bad luck, but real strength.

From the down-and-out impression he left on people when they first met, to now being incomprehensible and incomprehensible, Xiao Zheng always gives people a feeling of cynicism and omnipotence just like when he was a student.

"Because I'm handsome." Xiao Zheng said in a deep voice. His face was solemn.

"Fuck you." Zhang Lan laughed and cursed. "In terms of handsomeness, you are not as handsome as the young officer just now."

"Are you interested?" Xiao Zheng asked with a stern look. "My buddy is also single, otherwise I can help you match him up."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Lan's face suddenly changed, and his tone suddenly became cold and cold: "I will never find a soldier in the security area in my life."

Xiao Zheng was slightly stunned, and instantly understood Zhang Lan's pain.

Having suffered a loss and suffered an injury, Zhang Lan probably left a huge psychological shadow. Not to mention the soldiers in the garrison area, even if it was a normal man, she would not be able to accept a normal marriage for a while.

Go to work, China needs officials like Zhang Lan who can do practical things and have courage within the existing officialdom rules. At least he is much better than scum like Xue Gang and Zhao Lei.

After seeing Zhang Lan downstairs, Xiao Zheng stuck his head out and said with a smile: "Sir, squad leader, don't you invite me upstairs for a cup of coffee."

Zhang Lan smoothed her hair that was blown by the wind. She was still very young at the age of twenty-five, and her rich experience made her more feminine than women of the same age. Although it was not Xiao Zheng's style, it was still unique. Flavor, pleasing to the eye.

"There are many disputes in front of the widow's door. Next time." Zhang Lan smiled slightly, waved goodbye, turned and entered the elevator.

Xiao Zheng drove home slowly, but in his heart he scolded the unfaithful Ma Yingjun. This grandson is so inhuman. If he hadn't been the host and had the obligation to solve the guests' troubles, he would have clearly explained the culprit at the food stall and drawn a clear line with Ma Yingjun.

Xiao, who had been tired for most of the night, bought a few fried dough sticks and a cup of soy milk from a roadside stall early in the morning, planning to go home and have a good meal. Then he asked Mr. Lin for a half-day off and had a good night's sleep.

In all conscience, Brother Azheng definitely did not enjoy the privileges so unscrupulously just because he became the second-in-command of the Security Department. Back when he was a security guard, Brother Azheng would still ask for leave to rest under such special circumstances, and would not violate the basic principles of enjoying life for the sake of work.

Brother Azheng has always been a principled man.

Parking the car in the garage, Brother Azheng was chewing fried dough sticks and taking out his keys to open the door. Before he could change his slippers, Brother Azheng was frightened by a graceful and dignified female nun wearing sea blue sitting on the sofa in the living room. Agitated, scalp numb.

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