Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 222 It looks so good!

Seeing the mother and daughter standing face to face, Brother Ah Zheng felt awkward on the spot, especially in the shopping mall where people from all walks of life gathered, no matter how thick-skinned Brother Ah Zheng was, he still felt a little embarrassed.

But in the face of Lin Huayin's forceful questioning, Ye Yuhua remained calm, and was not angry at all because of Lin Huayin's sharp attack. Instead, he said with a smile on his face: "You are right, I really don't have any roots of wisdom."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Xiao Zheng again, and said softly: "Don't criticize me here, Ah Zheng is a bit embarrassed."

Lin Huayin only felt that a fist full of strength had hit the sponge hard, but she didn't feel any pleasure at all. He couldn't help clenching his silver teeth, and said coldly: "Worthless!" Then he turned and went straight to the supermarket, and left without looking back.

As soon as Lin Huayin left, Brother Azheng let out a sigh of relief, and took two steps forward to persuade him: "Auntie, don't blame Huayin, she has been here recently, and her mood is a little unstable."

Ye Yuhua smiled and said, "How can a mother blame her daughter? It's you, won't it be uncomfortable to be caught between us?"

"Of course not." Xiao Zheng explained cautiously. "Actually, I have wanted to chat with you for a long time, but I have never had the chance. This time you come to Mingzhu, you must stay for a few more days, and I want to hear you talk about the past."

"Silly boy." Ye Yuhua looked at Xiao Zheng kindly, and said softly. "Auntie is just a woman who failed to keep her marriage and be a good mother. What did I tell you in the past?" Guiqiu Baiduyihei! rock! Court

Xiao Zheng immediately said seriously: "Auntie, I have always thought that you are a hero among women. No matter what happens in the future, I will stand by your side unswervingly. The main thing is that if you dare to speak wild words to you again, as long as you don't Against it, I will definitely cut her to death."

Perhaps amused by Xiao Zheng's righteous words, Ye Yuhua couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, and said with a light smile, "Even if I don't object, do you dare?"


Xiao Zheng felt that his mother-in-law had hit his weak spot, so he was a little unhappy, and said with a straight face: "Auntie, I don't want to listen to your words. I'm on your side. Even if you stand firm, you can't Take me for a spin. It doesn’t matter.”

Ye Yuhua smiled, looked at Xiao Zheng meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Let's go, your wife is gone."

your wife?

Brother Ah Zheng suddenly shivered, and while his heart was ecstatic, he felt that his painstaking efforts this morning were not in vain. Finally got the approval of the mother-in-law. He couldn't help but put all his energy into serving Ye Yuhua, extremely attentive.

The three of them bought a cart full of ingredients and went home. Xiao Zheng first served his mother-in-law drinking tea and eating snacks in the living room, and then put on an apron and went into the kitchen to help.

"Let me wash the vegetables for you." Xiao Zheng approached Lin Huayin who was coldly preparing the ingredients, and asked cautiously.

"No need." Lin Huayin said expressionlessly, with a firm attitude.

"Then I'll peel the garlic for you." Xiao Zheng said with a smile without getting angry. "You can't handle it all by yourself, so it's easier if I give you a hand."

Lin Huayin frowned slightly, and said indifferently, "Go and rest, I'll call you when I'm done cooking."

"How can I do that?" Brother Ah Zheng said seriously. "My mother-in-law is sitting in the living room. How can I go back to sleep? Let my mother-in-law see that I am used to being an uncle at home."

Hearing Xiao Zheng call Ye Yuhua mother-in-law, Lin Huayin didn't object, but said unkindly: "Then you go out to accompany her. I'm not used to having other people in the kitchen."

"It still doesn't work—" Xiao Zheng looked at Lin Huayin anxiously, and begged. "Let me stay here for a while. My mother-in-law's aura is too strong, and I'm in a panic."

Lin Huayin was stunned for a moment, and almost cut off her hand.

In the end, Brother Ah Zheng stayed and helped wash and serve the dishes, and occasionally chatted with Lin Huayin. However, Lin Huayin was still as reticent as ever, and if she could not speak, she would not speak. She had no choice but to use the shortest sentences to express her meaning, and she didn't want to say a word.

After finally finishing the meal, Xiao Zheng was busy serving the dishes, while calling Ye Yuhua to eat with his eyes closed in the living room. When the three of them gathered at the table and were about to enjoy this sumptuous lunch, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"I'll go and open the door." Xiao Zhengji stood up and opened the door tactfully, but found that the person knocking on the door was none other than Lu Dashan who had done him a big favor last night.

"Uncle Lu, why are you here?" Xiao Zheng asked in surprise.

"My wife went out shopping, and there was no water or electricity at home, and I haven't got lunch yet." Lu Dashan, who was wearing home clothes, lost the strong aura of last night, and looked like a housewife. Turning his eyes, he looked over Xiao Zheng's shoulder to the dining room, and said earnestly. "I wanted to ask you to go out for dinner, but it seems that you can't go out..."

"Then you can eat with us." Xiao Zheng invited. "It's just a matter of having an extra pair of chopsticks."

"Then I won't be polite!" Lu Dashan quickly kicked off his leather shoes, and put on a pair of slippers at the door, looking like a cheap bastard, which was surprising.

"Oh, your food is too rich!" Lu Dashan went straight to the restaurant, first greeted Lin Huayin, the owner of the villa, and then nodded with a smile to Ye Yuhua who was sitting opposite, before sitting on the dining table , rubbed his palms together and said.

Xiao Zheng followed him back to the restaurant and introduced to the two daughters: "Uncle Lu is a neighbor in our community. He is a very nice person and has helped me a lot."

"Hello." Lin Huayin nodded in a lukewarm greeting.

Ye Yuhua just smiled lightly and didn't make a sound.

Xiao Zheng heard from Ye Yuhua that she and Lu Dashan were old acquaintances. From this point of view, 90% of Lu Dashan's visit this time was aimed at Ye Yuhua. Dang didn't say much, but warmly greeted everyone to eat.

While eating the food with relish, Lu Dashan praised his superb cooking skills and his formidable youth. During the whole meal, he didn't talk to Ye Yuhua as Xiao Zheng expected, instead he chatted with Lin Huayin about irrelevant topics from time to time. Even Xiao Zheng was directly ignored by him.

After eating, Lin Huayin winked at Xiao Zheng and asked him to wash the dishes later, then said to Lu Dashan, "I'm full, take your time." After that, he went directly to the second floor, and Closed the door.

Obviously, she didn't like Lu Dashan who was chattering like Xiao Zheng, and she didn't even want to listen to him chattering anymore.

"This kid really has character." Lu Dashan also put down the bowl and chopsticks, turned around slowly, and smiled at Ye Yuhua. "It's exactly the same as you back then, like it was carved out of the same mold."

Ye Yuhua smiled and said, "Everyone says she looks like Dad, but no one ever says she looks like me."

Lu Dashan corrected: "I'm talking about character. This child's character has perfectly inherited your genes. It's very similar."

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