Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 225 Breaking a good thing!

At this critical moment, how could Xiao Zheng let Lin Huayin snatch it away?

He jumped up, jumped onto the bed in the air, raised his notebook with his right hand, and laughed loudly: "Boss Lin, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. You actually drew my sleeping posture while I was sleeping. Hmm -" Xiao Zhengju Holding a high notebook, I looked up and admired the exquisite and detailed drawings, even the cartoon-style sketches, and I was amazed. "It basically captures 70% of my charm, except that the eyes are slightly smaller and my innate masculinity is not outlined. It's still at a professional level."

Lin Huayin's face turned green and red, and she jumped on the bed to grab it, but she was not as tall as Xiao Zheng, and her arms were definitely not as strong as Xiao Zheng's. After several jumps and failed to catch it, he desperately grabbed Xiao Zheng's arm and tried to pull it away.

I don't know if she used too much force or if Xiao Zheng had sinister intentions. After several fights, Lin Huayin pushed Xiao Zheng onto the bed. Lin Huayin also fell into Xiao Zheng's arms because she lost her support.

Lin Huayin, whose face turned red with anger, struggled and said, "Give it back!"

Xiao Zheng's free left arm grabbed Lin Huayin's slender and soft waist, held her in his arms and said with a smirk, "I won't return it."

"Let me go!" Feeling Xiao Zheng's hot breath, Lin Huayin's heart was slightly confused and she trembled.

"I won't let you go." Xiao Zheng laughed so hatefully. Especially those pair of disturbing eyes, which were looking at Lin Huayin who was very close at hand without restraint.

The woman is so beautiful. The facial features are exquisite and beautiful. Even when he is shy, his face is like a peach blossom, which directly touches people's hearts. But the more Lin Huayin became uneasy, the more Xiao Zheng felt a perverted pleasure and would not stop until he teased her hard. Beg for Baiduheiyan*ge

"Tell me first, why are you sketching me while I'm asleep?" Xiao Zheng asked playfully. "Are you fascinated by my beauty?"

"Shameless." Lin Huayin struggled for a long time but remained motionless. He simply stopped wasting energy and just used his arms to support his body, trying to keep a distance from Xiao Zheng. Don't let the softness on your chest come into close contact with Xiao Zheng to avoid embarrassment.

"Then tell me why? If the answer is satisfactory, I will return it to you." Xiao Zheng said with a half-smile. "Otherwise, I will show your painting to my mother-in-law, and then to Lin Xiaozhu. Let them evaluate your painting skills."

"How dare you!" Lin Huayin bit her red lips in anger, her pretty face turning red.

"I'm a dignified eight-foot man, what can't you dare to do?" Xiao Zheng said with a smile.

Lin Huayin was furious. But facing Xiao Zheng's powerful arms, she had no power to fight back.

I could only let him hold her, hug her, and tease her. Extremely ashamed and angry.

As for how to answer to satisfy Xiao Zheng, she was in a difficult position. Speechless.

How to say? She told Xiao Zheng that she was tired from work and originally wanted to take a nap, but because Xiao Zheng snored so loudly that the bed was rolling all over and there was no place to stay, so she couldn't sleep. So why did you draw a sketch of Xiao Zheng out of boredom?

Of course, Lin Huayin was also obsessed with drawing Xiao Zheng's sketches when he had nothing to do. If he really had nothing to do, couldn't he watch the news for a while, or find something else to do to change his mood?

It doesn't matter that he drew it, but he was caught by Xiao Zheng. How can this not make Lin Huayin so embarrassed and extremely embarrassed?

But in the final analysis, no matter how obsessed and idle she is, she is willing to paint Xiao Zheng and draw a sketch for Xiao Zheng. Doesn't this prove that in her heart, Xiao Zheng is no longer an outsider? If it were another man, even if he was as handsome as the sky, he probably wouldn't be able to make Lin Huayin, who had been painting for more than ten years, return to his old career, right?

Lin Huayin was aware of the subtle changes in her mood and understood why she was interested in sketching Xiao Zheng. But could she possibly tell Xiao Zheng these things? Even if I beat her to death, she wouldn't say it.

So when faced with Xiao Zheng's sinister questions, she really couldn't answer them, and it was impossible for her to answer them.

"Don't tell me?" Xiao Zheng narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Then don't blame me for sharing your work with everyone."

"Give it to me!" Lin Huayin took advantage of Xiao Zheng's unpreparedness and suddenly grabbed the notebook. Xiao Zheng, who was careless, failed to guard against Lin Huayin who made a quick move, and the notebook was immediately snatched away. But because the angle was high, while Lin Huayin stretched out his arms to snatch away the notebook, his body also pressed heavily on Xiao Zheng because there was no support. The flawless and beautiful face touched Xiao Zheng intimately.

I don’t know whether it was to retaliate for Lin Huayin’s sudden attack, or because I was moved by the idea of ​​hugging a perfect cold and charming woman like Lin Huayin, or because Lin Huayin’s graceful and graceful body rubbed against her body many times, causing Brother Azheng suddenly became jealous. The moment Lin Huayin snatched away the notebook and her face was so close to his, Xiao Zheng's heart skipped a beat. He bit Lin Huayin's red lips that looked like rose petals like lightning. He turned over suddenly and pressed Lin Huayin on top of her. On the body.


Lin Huayin was suddenly attacked, and her delicate body trembled suddenly. At the same time, she grabbed the notebook in her hand and slapped Xiao Zheng on the back hard, telling him to stay away from her. But Brother Azheng, who had been oppressed by her for a long time, finally found an opportunity to avenge his shame, so how could he let Lin Huayin off so easily? The more she struggled, the braver Azheng, who was young but relied on a strong energy, became braver. The kiss made Lin Huayin's face turn red and she couldn't breathe.

Gradually, Lin Huayin struggled until his hands and feet were weak, and he could only be passively pressed by Xiao Zheng, bullying and kissing her wantonly. Apart from clenching her teeth to prevent Xiao Zheng from doing anything more extreme, she also had no strength to resist. You can only try to make your emotions as peaceful as possible.

However, with a man on her body and her lips being kissed domineeringly and harshly by this man, even if she is a saint, she may not be able to calm down, right?

Even she was like this, and of course Brother Azheng was even more miserable. Although he didn't dare to make a single move, he kept his hands by his side, not daring to fumble around. But the mouth was moving and rubbing very actively. It was as if he wanted to bite Lin Huayin's red lips. Simply inferior to animals.


Xiao Zheng's breathing became heavier and heavier, and Lin Huayin's originally stiff body gradually softened. Although psychologically I still cannot accept Xiao Zheng's bad behavior, my body is the most real, so how can I deceive Lin Huayin?

She lay weakly, silently enduring Xiao Zheng's fierce and unusual kiss, and just waited uneasily for Xiao Zheng to end. But she never expected that just when Xiao Zheng lost his mind and planned to use his hands and feet, Lin Huayin also discovered Xiao Zheng's deviant behavior and was about to use her unique trick again, hitting Xiao Zheng's crotch with a sharp blow. When I stepped on my feet, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a crisp and clear call came out.

"Sister, if you don't arrange dinner, aunt is really going to pass away!"


As soon as the door opened, the young and beautiful Lin Xiaozhu appeared at the door and witnessed a very imaginative scene not suitable for children. Completely frozen in place.

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