Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 228 How bad am I?

After all, the girl is still young, even if she tries to disguise her emotions, even though she tries to maintain a strong smile on her face, her words and deeds still reveal a sense of loss. Even Xiao Zheng couldn't hide it. But since this dinner was a family dinner, the girl's family members didn't say anything, so he didn't ask in front of everyone, for fear of embarrassing Xiaozhu and Lin Huayin scolding him for meddling.

Because Ye Yuhua is a monk, he doesn't drink alcohol, so there are only three people who drink. Coupled with the fact that Lin Xiaozhu drank rapidly, this dozen of beer wiped out more than half of it for her alone. Xiao Zheng was scrambling to get a drink, but he didn't get three bottles. Lin Huayin didn't like drinking at all, and even managed to drink a bottle. The dinner table seemed lively, but there was an awkward and strange atmosphere. Very treacherous.

"Come on, I respect my brother-in-law with this cup!" Lin Xiaozhu said with a blushing pretty face.

"What do you respect me for?" Xiao Zheng said with a smile. His eyes were full of pity. What kind of hurdle did this girl encounter? He was determined to get himself drunk.

"Does my sister-in-law need a reason to respect her brother-in-law?" Lin Xiaozhu raised his wine glass, his eyes were rather blurred and said.

"Sister-in-law respects me, she has to drink whatever she wants. But there is a reason, brother-in-law drinks more happily." Xiao Zheng smiled. Try to slow down the frequency of Lin Xiaozhu's drinking.

"That's because my sister can find a man as good as you, brother-in-law!" Lin Xiaozhu said. "Is that reason enough?"

"Enough. Of course it's enough." Xiao Zheng raised his glass with a smile. "Come on, this cup is my brother-in-law's respect."

"Drink!" Lin Xiaozhu raised his head and poured water, as if drinking water, which made people feel distressed.

Lin Huayin saw her sister tortured herself so much, she couldn't help pulling Lin Xiaozhu, who continued to pour the wine, and said with a frown, "Stop drinking. You're drunk."

"Not drunk!" Lin Xiaozhu pushed Lin Huayin away, exclaiming in high spirits. "Sister, I am very happy for your birthday! And I am even happier because I found such a good brother-in-law. You are not allowed to control me today. No one is allowed to control me!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine bottle and poured it into his mouth, drinking very boldly. Seeing Xiao Zheng felt distressed for a while, and he was ready to persuade her.

Lin Huayin is not good at words, let alone persuade others. In addition, he vaguely guessed the reason for Lin Xiaozhu's drunken madness, and he didn't know how to persuade him. Similarly, based on her understanding of Lin Xiaozhu, although this girl is usually very sensible, she is also a very stubborn and rebellious girl. When she decided on something, the more others persuaded her, the more she accepted the reason. No one will listen.

Lin Xiaozhu continued to drink, and Xiao Zheng also continued to accompany him, not daring to say anything, let alone persuade him. Ye Yuhua just sat aside with a smile on her face, neither saying nor persuading,

Don't drink either. Like a female Bodhisattva smiling at everyone, her eyes are full of wisdom.


Just when the dinner table was full of drinks, someone suddenly yelled in the restaurant.

"Clear the venue! All idlers wait out!"

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen cold-blooded youths in neat suits came from outside the door. The leader was a middle-aged man who was nearly fifty years old. He had a strong physique, and his eyes were as sharp as a hawk's. A crushing arrogance emanated from his whole body, as if the sky was falling, and he could punch back. The aura is extremely powerful.

It wasn't him who yelled that voice, it was a callous young man next to him. As soon as he finished speaking, many timid guests left one after another, and some bold and high-drinking guests staggered towards this group of people, but before he said a few words, those high-drinking guests instantly Sober up, he fled the restaurant with his tail between his legs, not daring to linger.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the hundreds of guests in the restaurant were almost cleaned up. Only Xiao Zheng's table didn't get up, and the group of imposing young people seemed to ignore this table and just cleaned up the nearby guests. Even the waiters rushed to the back kitchen one after another, not daring to show their heads.

Finally, when all the guests had left, the middle-aged man ordered people to guard the door of the restaurant, and then he walked towards Xiao Zheng and his party with a golden sword. His face was cold and his eyes were indifferent.

He hated Xiao Zheng, but today he didn't come for revenge. On the contrary, he needs Xiao Zheng to cooperate with him and do him a favor.

The middle-aged man came to the table with strides, and a cruel young man immediately put a chair behind him. He moved so fast that he was not an ordinary person at first glance.

"My name is Xue Renyi." The middle-aged man lit a cigarette after sitting down, and said solemnly. "Xue Gang is my eldest son."

After a brief self-introduction, he stared at Xiao Zheng with blazing eyes, and said word by word: "Would you like to do me a favor?"

Straightforward enough.

But straightforward does not mean likable. Xiao Zheng didn't like it. Especially when this person actually smokes in front of his mother-in-law.

You know, even Xiao Zheng dare not smoke in front of his mother-in-law, why should he? With his background big enough?

"Nonsense." Xiao Zheng said indifferently. "Do you usually think about things with your toes?"

Xue Renyi said without changing his face: "You beat my eldest son and my second son. According to common sense, I will not let you go, and I will kill you at all costs. But now, I am willing to reconcile with you. As long as you Ken do me a favor. Or rather, do my oldest son a favor."

Xue Renyi really had no choice.

As long as he can find a better way, he will never ask Xiao Zheng for help.

The higher authorities are investigating and holding his eldest son accountable. Lu Jun fanned the flames behind his back again, trying to defeat his eldest son all at once. It stands to reason that, as a person in the system, Xue Gang should rely on his connections and find someone with more energy to settle things. But in this incident, even if he finds someone with more energy, he can't save his son's political fate, because the person who wants to punish his son is a political enemy in the system.

Unless someone can prove that his son did nothing wrong, at least he didn't make a big mistake. Lu Lu also said that Xue Gang's innocence can only be proved if Xiao Zheng is willing to stand up and speak for Xue Gang.

Therefore, Xue Renyi came here and begged Xiao Zheng in a very blunt way. I hope he can help his eldest son.

The second son has no hope. Xue Gang's ups and downs represent the future of Xue's family. He doesn't want Xue Gang to be depressed because of this mistake.

"Are you out of your mind?" Xiao Zheng put down his wine glass and stared at Xue Renyi calmly. "Or my ears are not working well, did I hear wrong?"

Xue Renyi's face darkened, he pursed his lips and said, "You heard me right."

"Then you must be crazy." Xiao Zheng said indifferently. "Your second son is picking on me, and the eldest son wants to kill me. Now, you actually ask me to help your eldest son on the condition that you don't continue to beat me to death? How bad do you think I am to be in front of you?" My wife, sister-in-law, promise you in front of mother-in-law?"

The fifth chapter is over, please support!

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