Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 24 Du Hao's Revenge!

If the goddess you have been secretly in love with for eight years suddenly lies naked on your bed one day, and sleeps like a dead pig, do you go or go?

As long as the goddess does not report rape, as long as the goddess does not have sexually transmitted diseases, even a cowardly and poor man will probably pounce on him like a male dog in heat, and solve all his worries with one shot.

Du Hao is in such a situation right now, but he is not poor, he has money, status, and background. Even the appearance, after losing weight successfully, can be regarded as suave and handsome. And Xiao Zheng is just a piece of fat on the chopping board, let him slaughter it.

How could he go? How could he be willing to leave?

Even if he offended Lan Xin and left a bad impression on this woman who had been chasing her for nearly a year, Du Hao would not leave.

Faced with Lan Xin's expressionless chase, Du Hao not only did not leave, but sat down at the dining table with a smile on his face, lit a special cigarette gracefully, and said relaxedly: "Boss Lan, even if you want to eat with your classmates A meal can't stop Xiao Zheng and I from reminiscing about the past, right? After all, Xiao Zheng is not only your classmate, but also my classmate. Speaking of which, you have only been in the same class with him for a year, and I am Xiao Zheng's old classmate for three years in high school gone."

What Du Hao said was reasonable, but there was an extremely gentlemanly smile on his face, which didn't make people feel overbearing at all. On the contrary, he looks like a handsome young man. But his behavior was extremely domineering and full of aggression.

Both Xiao Zheng and Lan Xin knew in their hearts that the reason why Du Hao wanted to stay was to make it clear that he wanted to see Xiao Zheng's jokes. And avenging the shame, ending the three years of high school hatred.

One is a new financial talent in Mingzhu City, and the other is a little security guard in ragged clothes. It is clear at a glance who can crush who and who will kill who.

But Xiao Zheng didn't make a sound to drive him away. He could see Du Hao's thoughts, and he also knew that it was impossible to drive Du Hao away peacefully under the current situation. In addition, after returning to China for half a year, he finally had a stable and decent job, and he couldn't give up for an unimportant guy. Therefore, he smiled lightly, and did not get entangled in Du Hao's sinister intentions. Instead, he focused on Lan Xin, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and asked, "Mr. Lan, aren't you a year older than me? Why are we still classmate?"

Before the anxious Lan Xin could explain, Du Hao, who was sitting on the side and ordered a cocktail for himself, said with a smile: "Xiao Zheng, Xiao Zheng, even your English teacher praised your memory in high school. You only need to read the reading comprehension of a hundred words twice, and you can memorize the whole text. What’s the matter now? Even the classmates can’t remember it?”

Xiao Zheng smiled lightly, he didn't care about Du Hao's sarcasm, he just looked at Director Lan with his creamy face peacefully.

"I—" Lan Xin bit her red lips lightly, her beautiful eyes swaying slightly. "I repeated my third year of high school, so I'm in the same grade as you."

"But why don't I have any impression?" Xiao Zheng asked in surprise.

At this moment, he finally understood how Lan Xin looked at him differently. What's just frustrating is that Director Lan is not because of Ah Zheng's beauty, but because of his former classmates.

"Xiao Zheng, you are only twenty-five years old this year, but your memory is so terrible." Du Hao said slowly, taking a sip of his explosive cocktail. "Don't you remember? In high school, there were always all kinds of female classmates around you. Most of them were rich and jaded, but you didn't like it. and other female students. How would you care about a truly connotative and self-cultivated blue heart?"

Xiao Zheng frowned, trying to search for the memories of his senior year in high school in his mind.

Gradually, Lan Xin from high school appeared in Xiao Zheng's mind,

Even under Du Hao's bitter but pointed reminder, the outline in his mind was still a little fuzzy.

It can be said that without Du Hao's reminder, he might never remember that there was such a female classmate in his third year of high school. He didn't even know that Lan Xin had appeared in his life.

But this cannot be blamed on Xiao Zheng. In high school, Xiao Zheng, who was an influential figure, was indeed very busy. In all the school-wide, city-wide, and even national Olympiads, Xiao Zheng was always the first seed player that the class teacher and even the principal would think of. . Even in the internal sports meeting of No. 1 Middle School, Xiao Zheng, who sweated for the honor of the class, was indispensable. He was too busy, too busy studying, too busy competing, too busy standing up for his cowardly bullied classmates, too busy dealing with his admirers. He is like a star, he is the focus of the topic wherever he goes, and whatever he does, he will attract the attention of teachers and students. However, he is still a very rebellious, even deviant student in the eyes of the school.

And what about Lan Xin?

Although she was sitting in the back row of Xiao Zheng, she was as silent as air. Not to mention a busy person like Xiao Zheng, even her deskmate, after eight years of baptism, may not remember that she has such a silent repeating deskmate. What's more, in the past eight years, Lan Xin has undergone earth-shaking changes. She became rich and full of femininity, and that already outstanding face was gradually removed from the cover and revealed to the world.

Du Hao mocked Xiao Zheng in his mouth, but in secret, after investigating Lan Xin's background and resume, he was surprised to find that this gentle and charming Director of Lan University was the one who was not paid attention to at that time. Lan Xin, a re-study student isolated from fresh graduates.

"Are you the Lan Xin sitting in the back row of me?" Xiao Zheng opened his eyes wide, his face full of surprise.

He was very vague about Lan Xin's outline. Even this touching name is not familiar. Gein had never chatted alone since they were in the same class until Xiao Zheng dropped out of school.

"Hmm..." When talking with Xiao Zheng as a classmate, Lan Xin took off her noble CFO coat and was as gentle as water, like a docile kitten.

"No wonder you take care of me so much, so we still have such a relationship." Xiao Zheng smiled. "In the future, please ask Mr. Lan to promote him more."

"Promotion?" Du Hao found a new breakthrough and smiled. "Lan Xin is the CFO of ENN Group, do you also work at ENN?"

"What's the problem?" Xiao Zheng said casually.

"What department? What position?" Du Hao smiled. "I also have business contacts with ENN. Maybe we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"My position is not announced to the public, you better save it." Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette. I thought to myself: I will tell you that I am the security guard at Xin'ao? dream!

"Security?" A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Du Hao's lips.


Seeing Xiao Zheng's face full of embarrassment, Du Hao felt extremely refreshed. He said casually: "Who doesn't know that Xin'ao is a well-known daughter country company? Almost 90% of the important positions are held by women. You can enter Xin'ao. Apart from security, I can't think of what department you can work in. .”

"What happened to the security guard?" Xiao Zheng said with a straight face. "Without the maintenance of our security department, can the company operate normally? It's like there is no police in society. Do you dare to go out casually? Any position should have its unique functions! There is no doubt about it!"

Du Hao stared at the flamboyant Xiao Zheng with pity, and said slowly: "Lan Xin, Xin'ao's chief financial officer, has an annual salary of tens of millions, which doesn't count her year-end dividends. According to the equity she currently owns, , once Xinao is successfully listed, she will become a billionaire overnight. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Lan Xin is solely responsible for Xinao's listing plan, even your big boss, Xinao's big boss Lin Huayin , and will follow Lan Xin’s advice to the greatest extent. Once the listing is successful, she will be your biggest contributor to Xin’ao. The scenery is boundless.”

Du Hao's praise did not make Lan Xin happy at all, on the contrary, she, who rarely gets angry, became angry. Her slender jade fingers tightly gripped the wine glass, a look of disgust flashed in her beautiful eyes, before Du Hao continued to humiliate the almost humble Xiao Zheng by raising her, Lan Xin's face turned cold, and she said in a deep voice: "Enough! Du Hao, you are not welcome here, please leave!"


No one knew how refreshed Du Hao was in his mood right now. He even devised a multiple-choice question for himself pervertedly. Between Lan Xin sleeping with him tonight and continuing to humiliate Xiao Zheng, he would definitely choose the latter without hesitation!

Who made him hate Xiao Zheng for eight years? Who made him hold back the breath he had in high school for eight years?

Tonight, he wants to take back the pride that should belong to him!

Tonight, he will make Xiao Zheng never stand up!

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