Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 240 Brothers reunited!

In the office of Xinao President, Xiao Zheng sat opposite Lin Huayin with a numb scalp, looking at him with a confused expression, and said in disbelief: "You agree?"

"You want me to refuse?" Lin Huayin, who was immersed in work, raised his head and said with a normal expression.

"Of course not." Xiao Zheng shook his head hurriedly and asked. "But do you know what she used to do?"

"Do I need to know?" Lin Huayin asked calmly.

"Since you agreed, getting to know her better will facilitate better cooperation in the future." Xiao Zheng explained.

"She and I are not cooperating." Lin Huayin said calmly. "It's a superior."

"Even if you are a superior——" Xiao Zheng said helplessly. "You should know your attributes better, right?"

Lin Huayin said calmly: "Whoever I want to understand, I will understand myself."

"I can give you all her information..." Xiao Zheng said boldly.

"No need." Lin Huayin didn't believe that Xiao Zheng would give him all of Tina's information, and what he gave was not what he wanted to know or understand.

"I'm still a little worried." Xiao Zheng said restlessly.

"Who are you worried about?" Lin Huayin stared at Xiao Zheng. "Me, or her?"

"Don't worry." Xiao Zheng shook his head, feeling that the behavior of Tina and Lin Huayin was too abnormal.

The top female assassin in the assassin world actually took the initiative to work as a bodyguard and secretary for a woman. Did she kill people and kill people stupidly?

The dignified Xinao boss was actually willing to let an ignorant woman be her secretary and bodyguard. Is she crazy about making money?

Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette and said with a strange expression: "Forget it, I don't care."

After saying that, he was about to get up and go out, but Lin Huayin called out to Xiao Zheng, who was full of depression: "I will be home at ten o'clock. You go to the airport to pick up your friend first. I will go home and cook after I finish my work."

"Okay." Xiao Zheng waved his hand and left the president's office, which was regarded as a forbidden area by countless people, but was regarded as a no-man's land by him.

Ma Yingjun has been discharged from the hospital and is accompanying Tina to buy work clothes for work. Xiao Zheng originally told her to prepare work clothes for the New Olympic Games, but Tina insisted on going her own way.

You have to buy it yourself. Among the entire small team, Ma Yingjun's dress is the most outstanding and tasteful. So when Tina wanted to buy clothes, she first thought of Ma Yingjun as her companion.

Xiao Zheng did not disturb Yaxing while the two were shopping, and drove directly to Pearl Airport alone. Welcome those old friends I haven’t seen for half a year.

Big cannon. A dull but focused German. It performs its mission like an indestructible German tank, crushing enemies crazily with its huge body. He is a simple but cruel executioner.

Four eyes. The intelligence experts in the team are the world's top hacker masters. Both the CIA and MI6 have issued arrest warrants for him. Unfortunately, this guy was quick and neat, leaving no substantive evidence and never revealing his specific location. Otherwise, it is very likely that several major intelligence agencies will get carried away and a tracking missile will come over and wipe it out.

monkey. Typical Northeastern character. There is a hint of vulgarity in the boldness. Because my mind is heavy, my body is thin. Even the otaku Four Eyes dared to call himself a muscular man in front of him. He is the funny person in the team. Even when the German giant was learning Chinese, his accent was distorted by the monkeys, and his mouth smelled like Northeastern slang. Hilarious.

The three of them took the earliest flight from New York to the Pearl, and were scheduled to arrive at the Pearl at ten in the morning. In order to express his respect for the three old guys, Xiao Zheng arrived at the airport at 9:30, munching on burgers and waiting boredly at the exit.

At a quarter past ten, the delayed flight finally landed. Passengers continue to pour out of the bustling exit. The locals who picked me up at the airport also stretched their necks and looked around. Try to find your target among the crowd. Xiao Zheng, however, was not worried at all about missing the appearance of the three people. So from beginning to end, he just sat in a chair eating hamburgers and drinking Coke, very leisurely.

But the exit of the airport went from bustling with people to deserted and lonely, and Xiao Zheng didn't even find the three of them. I couldn't help but couldn't sit still, and slowly stood up: "Damn it, you won't let me go, will you?"

Just when Xiao, who was waiting to no avail and was in an extremely irritable mood, was about to issue a killing order to Tina to kill these three ignorant bastards, a fierce quarrel came from the airport exit. Not only did it attract Xiao Zheng's attention, it also attracted the attention of airport employees.

"Your uncle! That stewardess was clearly looking at me just now, so don't fool around with me here." A young man with a sinister look and rather rustic clothes yelled.

Walking next to him was a young man with a relatively delicate appearance, but wearing a suit that was obviously one size too big. With a pale face and greasy hair, he pushed up his thick glasses and said with a smile: "Look at you? You can pull it down. Just put it down." You are such a coward, what blind woman would look at you?"

"This is what I want to give you too!" The young man with sinister eyebrows sneered and mocked. "Look at your bad behavior. You have a face of overindulgence, and you haven't washed your hair for several days. Looking at your suit, your top almost covers your knees. Take it off quickly! I'm so embarrassed for you. !”

"Stop arguing!" The strong man standing behind the two people with a nearly two-meter-high iron tower was annoyed. He twisted one person with one hand and lifted them up lightly, frowning and saying.

"Big gun! Let me go quickly! Do you believe that with just one phone call, Brother Monkey, you can number dozens of brothers and kill you?" The wretched monkey, who was barely 1.75 meters tall, struggled hard, but was hung motionless in the air. How embarrassing.

Ju Pao said dullly: "I'm a little worried that I won't be able to beat the number several hundred. Number ten? Monkey, it's the first day you met me?"

Monkey's expression fell, and he curled his lips and said: "Isn't it so powerful? If you dare, challenge Sister Tina."

Phew—a certain female passenger passing by couldn’t help but laugh, covering her mouth. His eyes kept glancing at the funny monkey.

"What are you looking at?" The monkey became angry and glared at the other party fiercely.

"What are you looking at?" Not to be outdone, the female passenger blurted out with a Northeastern accent and glared at the monkey.

When Monkey heard that he was from the same hometown, he immediately restrained himself a lot. The kicking legs did not stop, trying to break free from the giant hand of the giant cannon.

"Stop struggling." Four Eyes, who was also lifted up in the air, but with his arms folded across his chest, said without changing his expression. "Even if you break your legs, you won't be able to escape from the cannon. It's really embarrassing."

"elder brother!"

The cannon, which stood out from the crowd and had a hard and cold face, suddenly threw the two of them out. The mountain-like body moved forward quickly and rushed towards the smiling Xiao Zheng like it covered the sky and the sun.


Ju Pao hugged Xiao Zheng, who was half a head shorter than him, and said excitedly: "Brother, I miss you so much!"

"Let go." Xiao Zheng looked around and found many women looking at him with teasing eyes. His pride was frustrated and he said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Ju Pao slightly opened his arms and asked curiously. "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"This is a public place, so be subtle." Xiao Zheng's expression changed slightly. He glanced sideways at Monkey Four, who walked over with bared teeth and grinned, and said coldly: "There are quarrels in public. How do I usually teach you?"

Siyan and Monkey immediately became honest and said awkwardly: "Brother, we were wrong."

Xiao Zheng frowned and said pretentiously: "I'll take care of you when I get back!" After saying that, he strode towards the door, but out of the corner of his eye he kept admiring the admiring looks of several women towards him.

The taste of pretending to be better is so sweet.

After getting in the car, Xiao Zheng, who was alone, immediately showed his true colors, mingled with the three of them, and teased the giant cannon: "Old Pao, I haven't seen you for half a year, and you seem to have grown taller again. I really suspect that you have gigantism."

The shortest monkey immediately made another attack: "No doubt, according to my recent investigations, the giant cannon's hands and feet are obviously not as flexible as before. Even if he does not suffer from gigantism, he is probably suffering from a serious calcium deficiency."

"As a Northeasterner, I'm really ashamed of your height." Xiao Zheng opened a pack of cigarettes, lit one by himself, and then handed the cigarettes to the three of them.

"Holy shit!" The monkey immediately explained loudly as if his tail had been stepped on. "Not all of us in the Northeast are 1.8 meters tall. Although my height is not outstanding, it is definitely above the average height! There is no doubt about this!"

"If people from the Northeast are as skinny as you, I really wonder what you rely on to be so good outside." Four Eyes, who is 1.8 meters tall and weighs 140, pushed up his glasses and rolled up his sleeves that were obviously too long. Exposing his relatively strong arms, he sighed.

"Grandson! There is a chariot in a duel! Don't talk to me!" said the monkey angrily.

Four Eyes sneered: "I am a gentle man. I wear mental work clothes. Who is interested in a duel with you?"

"Don't say a few words." Xiao Zheng started the BMW and said slowly. "When I see your sister-in-law later, keep your mouth clean. I don't want to be looked down upon by her."

"Meet my sister-in-law!?" Monkey's eyes immediately lit up and he said excitedly. "Is sister-in-law beautiful? Does she have a hot figure?"

Four Eyes mocked, "Why, I'm so beautiful and hot that I can deserve you?" After a pause, Four Eyes provoked discord. "Brother, the monkey has become more and more unrestrained recently. I suggest you give him a slap in the face."

"There will be a chance." Xiao Zheng took a puff of cigarette and turned the car onto the main road. But instead of going straight to Lin's house, he went to a large shopping mall.

After all, he is his brother, so he can't just come to the door empty-handed, right? Ju Pao doesn't understand Chinese etiquette very well, but Monkey and Four Eyes understand it. Jihouhou dragged the giant gun truck that was a full head shorter. Strolling around the mall in a hurry.

"Spend less money." Xiao Zhengpi, who was following the three people, said with a smile.

The three of them felt numb and immediately took out all their credit cards and decided to buy a heavy meeting gift.

After buying the gifts, Xiao Zheng took the three of them to Lin's house. Before entering the house, he kept telling the three of them not to say anything they shouldn't say in front of Lin Huayin.

The three Ju Pao people are not stupid either. They know that Lin Huayin is an ordinary company boss and they will not say anything too bloody and explicit. Of course, I don’t dare.

As soon as they entered the room, Ju Pao and the other three saw Lin Huayin laying out the dishes in the restaurant.

At this moment, Lin Huayin was wearing casual home clothes, but her black hair had obviously been carefully modified. On her snow-white neck was a birthday gift given to her by Xiao Zheng, a broken diamond necklace. As soon as he saw Monkey and the others, Lin Huayin put down the preparations in his hands, smoothed the black hair on his forehead, smiled at the three of them and said, "Welcome."

"Hello, sister-in-law!" The three of them bowed at ninety degrees and said in unison. "Thank you for your hard work, sister-in-law!"

Lin Huayin was shocked by this huge formation. Then he saw Xiao Zheng smiling again and knew that he was the one who ordered it. He couldn't help but smile and said: "You're welcome. You guys take a rest for a while, I'll be ready soon."

"Sister-in-law, this is my gift to you. Please don't dislike it!" Monkey was the first to step forward to give the gift, making a good first impression.

"Sister-in-law, this is mine!" The otaku glanced around and then followed suit.

Ju Pao also sent the third gift and said with a smile: "I hope my sister-in-law will accept it."

Lin Huayin received three gifts in succession, and when he saw that they were expensive gifts, he couldn't help but glare at Xiao Zheng, who was inflated with vanity, and called everyone to sit down. Then she was busy, pouring tea and washing fruits, acting like a virtuous little lady, which left a good first impression on Monkey and others.

"Brother, sister-in-law is really the best." Monkey clucked his tongue in surprise. "The face, figure, temperament, and demeanor are all perfect."

Si Yan, who has always had different opinions from Monkey, also nodded heavily: "Xiao Ma calls himself a love prodigal, and he can have girlfriends from all nationalities. But my sister-in-law can kill all his girlfriends in one instant."

After a brief summary, Ju Pao said dullly: "Better than Sister Tina."

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant. The four-eyed monkey's body immediately became tense, and he swallowed hard. Looking at each other.

"Brother Pao is mighty!"

After a moment of silence, Four Eyes and Monkey gave a thumbs up and expressed sincere admiration.

Please give me flowers for the big chapter!

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