Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 246 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here!

Tang Ming, who was full of doubts, picked up the note and saw that there were four contacts listed densely on it. Pure handwriting. And the identity position is marked after the name.

One is the implementation of Yanjing Branch. One is the chief financial officer of Yanjing Branch. One is a sales executive. Another is the Minister of Human Resources. It can be said that these four people hold a meeting behind closed doors to determine the main strategic direction and execution strength of various businesses. It can be described as the core power figure of the branch. Knowing this group of people, can Tang Ming walk sideways in the branch? Prosperity?

What made Tang Ming curious was that he didn't know any of these four people, and none of them were even transferred from the headquarters. Tang Ming heard from his aunt that the candidate for the head of the sales department was definitely not the guy Xiao Zheng wrote about.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Tang Ming raised the note, wondering. "These people are the people in charge of the Yanjing branch?"

Xiao Zheng smiled slightly, and said straightforwardly: "Work hard. They have the advantages you need. When the branch establishes a firm foothold and the headquarters moves to the north, you will be the hero of Xin'ao. Don't talk about your uncle at that time, it will be you Grandpa and grandma, I dare not underestimate you."

Tang Ming nodded his head heavily and vowed, "I won't let them look down upon me."

Xiao Zheng smiled gratifiedly, and said, "Go home and pack your luggage. It's time to fly to Yanjing at noon."

"En." Tang Ming nodded. Just about to get up and leave, Xiao Zheng said casually. "Brother Xiaoming, I remember you still owe me a thousand yuan. Can you pay me back before going to Yanjing?" Guiqiu Baiduhei*yan*ge


Tang Ming ran away, like a rabbit.

"Stinky boy!" Xiao Zheng scolded with a smile, a look of blessings of success flashing across his face.

Alone in the conference room, he smoked two cigarettes and drank a full stomach of tea. Xiao Zheng was addicted to being a leader, so he slowly got up, ready to go to the catering department for a cup of morning tea and a sandwich to relieve the hunger caused by the high-pressure meeting .

ding ding.

Before going out, Xiao Zheng's cell phone buzzed in his pocket.

Turning to the phone, it turned out to be Shen Manjun who hadn't contacted for a long time. After hesitating, Xiao Zheng finally connected the phone.

Because of ignorance, Xiao Zheng always kept a distance from Shen Manjun. And from Xiao Zheng's point of view, Shen Manjun is not too obvious, but he has to guard against the suspicion of being biased.

What are you pulling?

Ye Shiguan and Zhao Siye are destined to have a fierce battle,

And Shen Manjun appeared suspiciously. It has to make people suspect that its intentions are not pure. So Xiao Zheng kept a distance from him all the time, and didn't want to get involved in this fight that had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Zheng, who answered the phone, wanted to answer a few words, but declined all of Shen Manjun's invitations on the grounds that he was busy with work. But as soon as he answered the phone, Shen Manjun's tired and weak voice pierced Xiao Zheng's heart softly and sharply like an embroidery needle. It made his heart twitch suddenly.

"What's the matter with you?" Xiao Zheng frowned slightly and asked out of polite concern. "I got sick?"

"No." Shen Manjun's haggard and powerless voice came from the phone, which was completely different from the usual charming and coquettish.

"What happened?" Xiao Zheng asked. But in my heart I muttered. What could make a woman like Shen Manjun so vulnerable? Could it be that a huge change happened to the Zhao family?

Based on Xiao Zheng's understanding of Shen Manjun, although she and Zhao Siye seem to be at odds and have many irreconcilable conflicts, in fact, the relationship between the father and daughter is very deep. This can be seen from Zhao Siye's doting on Shen Manjun.

"Something happened." Shen Manjun said weakly.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zheng asked with concern.

"My dad." Shen Manjun said listlessly.

"What happened to Fourth Master Zhao?" Xiao Zheng's heart trembled slightly.

No matter what, Fourth Master Zhao treated him very well. Whether in public or private, he hopes that this semi-retired old man can enjoy his old age in peace. Live a leisurely and comfortable old age.

"My dad was assassinated last night. After a night of rescue, he was just out of danger." Shen Manjun said exhaustedly. "I'm so tired, can you come and accompany me?"

At the end, Shen Manjun said in an almost pleading tone. It was as if a bone-shattering palm melted Xiao Zheng's heart in an instant.

"Which hospital?" Xiao Zheng asked straightforwardly.

"Home." Shen Manjun said in a low voice. "For my dad, the safest place right now is home."

"I'll be right there."

Xiao Zheng hung up the phone directly, greeted Bai Yujiao and drove to Zhao's house.

Zhao Siye was assassinated? And seriously injured?

But up to now, Xiao Zheng has not heard the slightest rumor. This can only prove that the Zhao family has put a lot of effort into keeping it secret. He didn't dare to spread the news that the old man was seriously injured. Once it spreads, what will happen to the world of Pearl Land? Who will be the biggest suspect? How could those godsons of the Zhao family who were ready to move did nothing?

Obviously, this time the assassination was aimed at Mr. Zhao. And apart from Ye Shiguan, the formidable enemy, who is the biggest suspect, who else is suspected?

Chen Chong was the first to bear the brunt, becoming the biggest suspect besides Ye Shiguan.

Fourth Master Zhao kicked him out, so how could Chen Chong, who was originally the most powerful in the Zhao family, give up and swallow his anger?

So he is also an important suspect behind the scenes.

And except for the above two?

It's not that Li Mubai didn't have the motivation to make a plan.

Now, Chen Chong has been expelled. Zhao Qingyun doesn't care about world affairs, and lives a comfortable life like a paradise with the semi-retired Zhao Laosi. How could Li Mubai, who is the only one in power, wait patiently for Zhao Laosi to retire and take over?

What's more, although the Zhao family only has him as a godson with real power. But there is another Shen Manjun who doesn't care about Jianghu affairs, but is Zhao Siye's own daughter. Who can guarantee that Fourth Master Zhao will not pave the way for Shen Manjun, drive Chen Chong away one day in the future, and remove all obstacles to Shen Manjun's ascension?

No matter how you look at it, Chen Chong has the motive to be a ruthless killer. And can get the maximum benefit in the shortest time.

After simple filtering, Xiao Zheng came up with three suspects. It can be said that there are tigers around outside and wolves watching inside. How could Shen Manjun not be physically and mentally exhausted at this moment, unable to support him?

He drove to the gate of Zhao's house, and before he stopped, several dignified youths in suits rushed over and stopped Xiao Zheng's BMW.

"Who?" A stern young man scolded in a deep voice. His eyes were full of hostility. Visibly nervous and overreacting.

Xiao Zheng parked the car, opened the car door and got out, calling himself "Xiao Zheng."

The stern young man's face softened a little, he nodded first, then stretched out his hand sideways and said, "Mr. Xiao, please, Missy has been waiting for a long time."

Led by a security guard, Xiao Zheng walked quickly towards the main building. Different from the last time, this time the Zhao family was filled with a strong murderous atmosphere. The dull atmosphere is extremely depressing. Every man and woman who passed by was in a hurry without looking sideways.

Xiao Zheng walked through the hall and came to the door of the room designated by the security guard. Just as he was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, the solid wooden door snapped open, and a beautiful but rather thin body fell into Xiao Zheng's arms, and he said in a trembling voice, "You're finally here..."

Xiao Zheng did not refuse Shen Manjun's desperate request, raised his hand and patted her on the back, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

~~ Ask for flowers!

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