Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 37 Brother-in-law's caring little padded jacket!

If it weren't for the fear of leaving a bad impression of being greedy for money in the heart of my sister-in-law, Brother Ah Zheng would definitely claim medical expenses from the fat boss.

Looking at Lin Xiaozhu's classmates, most of those who fled the scene first had only superficial injuries, and they could recover within three to five days of recuperation. Because Chen Xun took the lead in the fight, he was also the most vicious. Not only did he get the attention of the fat boss and others, but he also broke a leg. Without Brother Ah Zheng's support, it was difficult for him to even walk.

"You go to the hospital for recuperation for a few days, and then go to class after your legs feel better." Lin Xiaozhu said very generously after sending Chen Xun to the hospital. "Don't worry about recuperating, I'll cover the medical expenses."

Chen Xun didn't refuse either. After all, in his situation, he simply couldn't afford to pay the high medical expenses. First he nodded, and then looked eagerly at Xiao Zheng, who was lying on the consultation desk chatting with the nurse on duty, with a cigarette in his mouth. He said emotionally: "Brother Zheng. Can I follow you?"

"What?" Xiao Zheng turned around and asked. "You want to follow me?"

"Yeah!" Chen Xun nodded vigorously, clenching his iron fists.

The strong strength shown by Xiao Zheng made Chen Xun excited and excited. And firmly believe that Xiao Zheng must be a famous person on the road. Megatron Quartet.

Xiao Zheng gave Chen Xun a cigarette, and said with a smile, "I work as a security guard in a company with a monthly salary of 8,000. Are you sure you want to hang out with me?"

Chen Xun was slightly taken aback, and hesitated: "Brother Zheng, are you a security guard?"

The huge gap made Chen Xun unacceptable. In his heart, even if Xiao Zheng is not a super boss, he must at least have a decent background. However, he never expected that Xiao Zheng was just an ordinary security guard. The monthly salary is only 8,000...

"Otherwise?" Xiao Zheng said seriously. "Could it be that you think I'm the big brother on the road?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Chen Xun's eyes, and he entered the hospital with the support of a nurse sister. Lin Xiaozhu, who was standing aside, sighed softly, and said, "Chen Xun has always wanted to make a name for himself on the road, thinking that you are a big brother on the road with a good status, ah, can't you lie to him?"

"What age is this, and you still want to be on the road?" Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette, with contempt on his face.

Lin Xiaozhu was not convinced, and said plausibly: "What year? Even if a hundred years later, there will still be a lot of people messing around on the road. If you don't talk about it, it means that Master Zhu Zhao is a super master who kills both black and white. Dude, there are countless disciples, and a casual sneeze can scare the courage of many people. Besides, Ye Shiguan. Although he is a round younger than Zhao Siye, his influence in Mingzhu has been faintly threatened after his ten-year debut. When it comes to Master Zhao, he is the leader of the younger generation."

When mentioning these famous people on the road, Lin Xiaozhu blurted out as if he knew them all by heart. It can be seen that like Chen Xun, she has longed for the so-called Jianghu for a long time and is a devout die-hard fan.

When Xiaozheng was telling Lin Xiaozhu about Ye Shiguan's glorious deeds, a complicated expression flashed across his face, and he said coldly, "So what? Now it's a money society, even if you are a gangster, who would still be loyal to you? So what about big brother? Once disaster strikes, you just wait to be blamed and go to jail."

Lin Xiaozhu wanted to defend himself, but Xiao Zheng waved his hands and said, "You should persuade Chen Xun to let him die as soon as possible. Study hard, get admitted to a famous university, and find a job with high salary and good environment in the future." That's the right way. You're on the way? Sooner or later, the corpses will be laid on the streets, and there won't even be a body collector. How miserable is it?"

Lin Xiaozhu said angrily: "It's fine if you're timid, why should Chen Xun listen to you?"

Xiao Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and walked out of the hospital carelessly: "I'll just express my feelings and express my personal opinions, whether you like it or not."

"Hello!" Lin Xiaozhu trotted and followed,

Tilting his head to look at his facial features, which are still sharp and angular, but Xiao Zheng, who is far from the handsome boy with fresh meat, muttered. "I see that you move neatly, and you don't even blink when you stab someone in the eye. You have so much insight into being on the road, and you used to be a person on the road, right?"

"Nonsense. I have been a three-good student since I was a child, and I have been softened by awards. If it weren't for God's teasing and unfair fate, I would be a barrister and a well-known doctor now." Xiao Zheng said eloquently. "How can I get mixed up with you stupid students who are not doing their jobs?"

"Hmph! Since you are so capable, why do you eat my sister's soft rice?" Lin Xiaozhu said viciously. "You know that being with my sister can save you thirty years of struggle, right?"

Xiao Zheng's complexion changed drastically, and he said angrily, "Nonsense! You can ask your sister to see if it's me who is eating soft food, or is she crying and shouting backside?"

"Upside down?" Lin Xiaozhu said incredulously. "You said, my sister betrayed you?"

"Exactly." Xiao Zheng said seriously. "Otherwise, do you think I would give up the entire forest for a thousand-year-old iron tree? Do I look like such a stupid human being?"

Lin Xiaozhu smiled strangely, and said crisply: "I don't even know whether my sister likes men or women, do you think I will believe your one-sided words?"

"If you don't believe me, go back and ask your sister." Xiao Zheng didn't bother to explain to Lin Xiaozhu, he walked away and stopped the car by the side of the road. But the heart is extremely unlucky.

I went out to negotiate with this little girl in the middle of the night, and for no reason lost a bank card with hundreds of dollars in deposits. Including the taxi fare, Ah Zheng brother lost nearly 500 yuan in one night. It can be said that the year is unfavorable and bad luck is at the head.

But thanks to Lin Xiaozhu's rough personality, he longs for an unruly life with a sword in his hands. Otherwise, with what Xiao Zheng did tonight, if she didn't scare her half to death, she would also have a strong rejection of the dangerous Xiao Zheng. If Lin Huayin finds out about it again, Brother Azheng might show up on the streets again and sleep in the open.

On the way home, Xiao Zheng repeatedly emphasized that this matter is known to everyone, and no third person, including Lin Huayin, should know about it. Lin Xiaozhu nodded happily, and said awkwardly, "I was afraid that you would tell my sister."

Therefore, the brother-in-law and sister-in-law had a secret to guard together on the first day they met. The relationship also suddenly became much closer. Lin Xiaozhu said more generously that when the living expenses come down next month, he will first lend Brother Ah Zheng Wanbaqian to solve his living problems.

"It is said that my sister-in-law is my brother-in-law's caring little padded jacket. The ancients did not deceive me." Xiao Zheng was deeply moved.

"It's said that my brother-in-law is my sister-in-law's half-father. Well, although it's biased, if you get into trouble at school in the future, at least you can move him out to stop the disaster, and you don't need to look at my sister's face. Ten thousand yuan is worth it."

The two have their own ghosts, and they fight each other. Little did they know that between the two of them, there was Lin Huayin, who was very perceptive. Wouldn't it be extremely sad to deceive this iceberg strong woman, Xin'ao's big boss?

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