Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 42 Old friend!

"It's so shameless!" Lin Xiaozhu scolded with barking teeth and claws. "How could Bentley bump into someone? It's obviously a better car than others, but it's still playing tricks. Even if you take the first place, it's not honorable!"

Xiao Zheng said with a smile: "Even in an international race, collisions in emergency situations are allowed. Let alone illegal racing? As long as you can win, you can do whatever it takes."

Lin Xiaozhu snorted, his face full of unhappiness. One is that it is not worth it for the owner of the BMW, and the other is that the girl in red's clever calculations made her face irrelevant.

Xiao Zheng didn't have such a strong sense of victory as her, but he still praised the Bentley owner's skills. However, it was the BMW M3 that attracted Xiao Zheng's attention the most. Of course, he didn't lose because of the BMW owner, but because the owner's driving skills were very similar to a person he once knew. An old friend who is known as the God of Nine Pan Mountain Cars.

But Xiao Zheng quickly shook his head, dispelling his unrealistic thought. The BMW owner's technology is really good, if it is not for the performance limitation of the car itself, and the silver Bentley has modified the nitrogen acceleration system, and forced the start to smash the BMW at the last corner. The winner of this duo is still unknown. Strictly speaking, the skills of the two are evenly matched.

But even so, the technology of the BMW owner is still far from that of Xiao Zheng's old friend. The corner handling is too rough and not coherent enough. Based on this alone, the BMW owner's technology can only be regarded as first-class, not top-notch. You can make a name for yourself in underground racing. But compared with professional drivers, there is still a certain lack of technology.

At the end of each round of competition, the organizer will distribute bonuses on the spot and hold a small and short celebration. In order to mobilize the emotions and fighting spirit of the participants. At the end of the race, the defeated cars drove back to Jiupan Pass like lost dogs. Only the silver Bentley is like the return of the king, enjoying the cheers and screams of the people.

The owner of the silver Bentley is a young man about 30 years old, wearing casual sportswear and a peaked cap, with a faint smile on his thin and fair face. As if this thrilling competition did not bring him too much stimulation, he walked to the podium calmly.

People gathered around the podium and gave warm cheers to the Group A champion.

"Hmph. Despicable villain!" Lin Xiaozhu squinted at the high-spirited Bentley owner on the podium, his face full of displeasure.

Of course, apart from her displeasure because the Bentley owner won, the organizers also had the same emotion, if not worse.

Because the behind-the-scenes boss not only lost the 200,000 bonus, but also crashed a BMW M3 worth more than one million. And the culprit of all this is the driver who drives the M3. A young man whose legs and feet seem to be inconvenient.


The owner of the BMW M3 who ran a beautiful flick in Nine Links is a young man with hidden leg and foot problems. It does not affect walking, but in the process of walking, it is obviously a little unnatural.

As a loser, especially a loser who is close to victory, the young man does not get any attention, let alone praise for his defeat. Losing is losing, and in this contest where the winner is king, the loser has no right to escape.

When he returned to the scene in a badly damaged BMW M3, the festivities were in full swing. The young man in wrinkled jeans didn't even take a second look at the celebration, and walked silently to the makeshift backstage. His brows and eyes were deeply locked, wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

With his head buried deep, he walked up and down, without making eye contact with anyone, until he came backstage.

"Brother Dong. I'm sorry." The young man looked at Brother Dong with an ugly expression on his face.


As soon as he finished speaking, Kong Wu's powerful brother Dong suddenly kicked the young man's chest.

The young man ate the kick abruptly, his thin body couldn't help but staggered back.

"Excuse me?" Brother Dong said angrily. "Do you know how much money you have cost us by saying sorry?"


Another whip kick hit the young man's side, almost knocking him down.

The young man who had been hit twice turned pale, covered his painful waist with his hands, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect his car to be equipped with a nitrogen system."

"Didn't expect that!?" Brother Dong said angrily. "What the hell are you eating? Aren't you the god of Jiupanshan? If you add a nitrogen system, you can't run? What's the use of me keeping you?"

The young man lowered his head silently without making a sound.

"Fuck you!" Brother Dong was very angry, his face was piled up, and he said ferociously. "If Boss Ye hadn't asked me to reward you with a meal, I would have kicked you fucking lame long ago! Do you really think I'm still the God of the Jiupan Mountain Rider back then? Fuck you, go take a piss and take a photo Mirror, look at your virtues! It’s useless if you don’t die!”

Due to the heavy loss, Dong Ge spread all his grievances on the young man who lost to the silver Bentley. On the other hand, this young man with bad legs did not resist from the beginning to the end, but just endured all the humiliation silently. A pair of eyes are flat and without any expression.

Xiao Zheng could see everything that happened in the background, including the young man's inconvenient right leg. His eyes also changed from calm at first to cold.

The chilly breath quickly startled Lin Xiaozhu who was standing aside. Can't help but ask: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Xiao Zheng snuffed out the cigarette he forgot to smoke between his fingers, and said to Lin Xiaozhu. "You stay in the car, I'm going to meet a friend."

After finishing speaking, he pushed open the car door and walked to the backstage.

Lin Xiaozhu had already noticed Xiao Zheng's strangeness, how could he be alone, and followed him very loyally.

Brother Dong was tired from beating and scolding. Glaring at the young man angrily, he growled and said, "What are you doing standing around like a fool? Why don't you transfer to number two? If you lose in the next round, I will destroy you!"

"Who are you going to abolish?"

Xiao fronted and broke into the open backstage expressionlessly, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face.

"What's none of your business?" Brother Dong frowned, not sure if Xiao was a contestant or a nosy person. "This is the backstage, you shouldn't be here!"

"I'm here to meet a friend." Xiao Zheng glanced at Brother Dong coldly.

"What friend are you seeing?" Brother Dong said impatiently.

"A friend you shouldn't hit." Xiao Zheng said in a cold voice.

"Are you friends with this cripple?" Brother Dong asked with narrowed eyes.

"Correct one of your mistakes. He is not a lame man. His name is Li Feng. He is my good friend." After Xiao Zheng finished speaking, everyone walked towards Brother Dong in full view, and made a move in front of his four or five younger brothers.


Xiao Zheng kicked Brother Dong violently on his knee, causing him to fall to his knees. The viciousness of the shot is jaw-dropping. Even Lin Xiaozhu, who was standing behind him, covered his mouth, at a loss.

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