Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 46 Uncle, is it convenient?

"Brother-in-law, I love you to death!"

On the way back to Jiupan Mountain Pass, Lin Xiaozhu excitedly grabbed Xiao Zheng's arm and shook it, his pretty face flushed.

She never expected that Xiao Zheng's racing skills could reach such a terrifying level. What's more, when Xiao Zheng was racing with a calm face, he seemed to be a different person. Becoming calm and incomprehensible. Even that frivolous and exaggerated look has become profound and charming.

Lin Xiaozhu is so satisfied with such a brother-in-law! I was also pleased with Lin Huayin's vision.


I have always been worried about finding a cute pretty girl, but I didn’t expect that she is quite good at choosing men.

"I can even imagine that woman's frustrated expression!" Lin Xiaozhu said with a smile on his face and his whole body feeling comfortable. "It's so cool!"

Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "I read it and ran away. Now I can go to school with peace of mind, right?"

"Brother-in-law, can I treat you to lunch?" Lin Xiaozhu suggested as he wanted to stay with this defiant brother-in-law for a while longer. "Do you like hot pot or Sichuan food?"

"I want to go back to Xinao to eat." Xiao Zheng said with a straight face. "Xiao Zhu, although you and I are very attached to each other, as a brother-in-law, I must remind you that you are a senior in high school and will take the college entrance examination soon. You should focus on your studies and not always think about having fun. That will not only make your sister angry, but also I won’t be happy either.”

Lin Xiaozhu flattened his mouth and said dejectedly: "Okay, after we receive the bonus, we will go back to school."

"Yeah." Xiao Zheng speeded down the mountain and went straight to the podium.

A bonus of half a million yuan is a huge amount of wealth for today's Xiao Zheng to get rid of poverty and reach the pinnacle of life. After getting on the podium, he ignored Shen Manjun's eyes that looked like he was about to kill someone. After enjoying the cheers and thunderous applause, he put his check in his pocket and walked off the podium refreshed.

"I never thought your skills would be so good." Shen Manjun walked up. Attracted the attention of most of the opposite sex.

Wearing a red dress, long wavy hair, and a charming face like a vixen. A hot body that makes blood flow. Even the height, after wearing high heels, is not any shorter than that of a man.

Such a woman is destined to be the center of attention no matter where she appears at any time.

Xiao Zheng's face was filled with the joy of victory and the arrogance of suddenly becoming a rich man, and he said arrogantly: "There are many things you can't think of."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the Class A champion wearing a baseball cap who was following Shen Manjun suddenly changed, as if he was going to stand up and teach Xiao Zheng a lesson.

In the eyes of others, this racing champion wearing a baseball cap is a steady and low-key driver. But for Xiao Zheng's words, he had to stand up and vent his anger for Shen Manjun. It is not difficult to imagine that Shen Manjun's status is quite impressive.

Of course, Shen Manjun would not allow the young man to do anything. She slightly stretched out her slender bare hands and said with a charming smile: "My name is Shen Manjun, what's yours?"

Faced with Xiao Zheng's rather hostile words, the woman not only did not get angry, but took the initiative to show her kindness and gave her name. While Xiao Zheng was greatly surprised, he was also full of confusion about the origin of this woman.

But—Shen Manjun?

Xiao Zheng was a little familiar with this name. After a few seconds of recollection, he quickly connected this name with Lin Huayin.

Do you want me to invite Lin Huayin and Shen Manjun to come down and chat with you?

These were the security guard's mocking words to Xiao Zheng, which also showed that Lin Huayin and Shen Manjun were women of the same level. Lin Huayin is the big boss of Xinao, but what about Shen Manjun in front of him?

Shen Manjun stretched out her bare hand and waited for a few seconds.

But he found that Xiao Zheng showed no sign of raising his hand. He couldn't help but narrowed his beautiful peach eyes and smiled seductively: "Little handsome boy, do you know that when a woman takes the initiative to shake hands with you, even if you hate this woman, You should respond politely. Besides, I don’t think you have any reason to hate me.”

Xiao Zheng indeed has no reason to hate Shen Manjun. On the contrary, Shen Manjun had enough reason to hate Xiao Zheng after losing the game.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now." Xiao Zheng said casually, raised his hand and shook hands with Shen Manjun politely. "My name is Xiao Zheng."

The whole handshake process was done briefly, with no intention of taking advantage. But even with such a brief contact, Xiao Zheng still felt Shen Manjun's palm as smooth as milk. Warm and soft.

"Distracted?" Shen Manjun laughed.

Facing a woman like her, how could she still be distracted?

Shen Manjun became more and more curious about this man who suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Mr. Xiao, we will meet again." Shen Manjun smiled intriguingly, turned and left.


As soon as Shen Manjun left, Lin Xiaozhu wrinkled his nose slightly and stared at the woman's alluring back: "You are a flirtatious woman!"

"Let's go. I'll take you back to school." Xiao Zheng didn't take this matter to heart and pulled Lin Xiaozhu into the BMW.

On the way, Lin Xiaozhu chirped like a little bird, constantly harassing Xiao Zheng. The latter responded with a smile, but his heart was full of nostalgia for the Mingzhu No. 1 Middle School that was about to arrive.

Every adult who enters society will have complex feelings about the alma mater he once attended. It doesn't matter whether he is a good student or a bad student, or whether he succeeds or fails in society. This emotion is the same as the fallen leaves returning to their roots by different routes.

"I remember there was a row of small restaurants opposite the school, selling breakfast in the morning and meals at noon and evening." Xiao Zheng glanced at the large supermarket located opposite the school and frowned. "Why is there no more?"

"You're an old man." Lin Xiaozhu chewed gum and said casually. "Pearl No. 1 Middle School is a key city, so the appearance around the school is also very important. At least it can't make parents feel sleazy, right? Although those small restaurants are economical and convenient, they are full of smoke and smoke all day long, which greatly affects the image of No. 1 Middle School."

"I don't know." Xiao Zheng puffed out a puff of smoke and said calmly. "I remember when I first entered high school, the happiest time was eating a bowl of rice bowl in a small restaurant every evening and watching a new movie or TV series. For five yuan a meal, you could watch a movie in a restaurant movie.”

"The ventilation of the small restaurant is not good, and the smell of cooking fumes is strong. Can't you get choked up while watching a movie in it?" Lin Xiaozhu couldn't understand Xiao Zheng's insignificant nostalgia. Confused.

"Of course you can't accept it." Xiao Zheng said with a smile. "But to me, that's the best memory."

Society changes too fast. Not only has the entire city become unfamiliar, but even the most memorable Pearl No. 1 Middle School has also undergone earth-shaking changes. To be remembered.

"We're here." Xiao Zheng parked the car at the school gate and said. "Come in quickly. If you want to go to your sister's house on the weekend, call me and I'll pick you up after work."

Lin Xiaozhu said reluctantly: "It's lunch time. Why don't I invite you to the school cafeteria for a meal?"

"No need." Xiao Zheng smiled. "You don't want me to get scolded by your sister when I return to the company late, right?"

"Okay then -" Lin Xiaozhu said with a frown. "Pick me up after work. I'll live with you every weekend from now on."

"Welcome at any time." Xiao Zheng smiled and urged. "Hurry in. It's time for me to go back to the company."

"I know." Lin Xiaozhu jumped out of the BMW and waved to Xiao Zheng. "Brother-in-law, remember to come early tonight. I will be angry if you are late."

"No problem." Xiao Zheng smiled and nodded.

Watching Lin Xiaozhu enter the school gate, Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette quite melancholy.

He actually wanted to visit Mingzhu No. 1 Middle School and see the classrooms where he studied, the playground where he played football, and even the noisy boys' dormitory. But he didn't have the courage.

Although he was rebellious and bad back then, most of his teachers still had great hopes for him. I believe he can be admitted to a prestigious university and become a useful talent to society. But now it seems - the teachers' hopes have been dashed. It failed as early as my senior year of high school.

He failed to enter a prestigious school as he wished, nor did he become a useful talent to society. To a certain extent, he even became a murderous mercenary. A devil with blood on his hands and a soul cast into hell.

He did not dare to enter the sacred campus of teaching and educating people, for fear that his dirty self would stain the purity of the campus.


Someone knocked on the car window, and Xiao Zheng, who was deep in thought, gradually came back to his senses, rolled up the car window and looked at the girl standing at the window. She was young, and although she was dressed in fancy clothes, she could not hide her youthful face.

"Uncle, is it convenient?" The girl bent down and tried her best to squeeze out of the deep groove that the man longed for.

Please give me flowers!

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